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What to Expect From Apple in 2021

Feb.17 — Between AR/VR headsets, new macs, and an automobile, Apple Inc. is set to surprise this year with the debut of new products across the board. Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman covers the latest tech expected from Apple in this week’s episode of “Power Up.”



Feb.17 — Between AR/VR headsets, new macs, and an automobile, Apple Inc. is set to surprise this year with the debut of new products across the board. Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman covers the latest tech expected from Apple in this week’s episode of “Power Up.”

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  1. Charles Brightman

    February 17, 2021 at 1:28 pm

    Potential endless energy source basically anywhere in this universe:

    a. Small aluminum cones with an electrical wire running through the center of the cones, cones spaced apart (not touching I’m thinking) but end to end.
    b. Electromagnetic radiation energy in the atmosphere interacts with the aluminum cones.
    c. Jostled atoms and molecules in the cone eventually have some electrons try to get away from other electrons of which those electrons gather at the larger end of the cone, of which also creates an area of positive charge at the smaller end of the cone.
    d. The electron’s in the wire are attracted to the positive end of the cone and the positive ‘end’ in the wire are attracted to the negatively charged end of the cone.
    e. Basically a ‘battery’ has been created inside the electrical wire itself, different areas of electrical potential. Basically a ‘wire battery’ or a ‘batteryless battery’, however one wanted to call it.
    f. Numerous cones placed end to end increases the number of ‘batteries’ in the wire.

    Then of course, one could take that generated dc electricity to split H2O into H2 and O2 of which could be burned or utilized in a hydrogen fuel cell to get the electricity back with a byproduct of basically pure water. Species need pure water too.

    With the increased cosmic radiation that is going to be impacting this Earth this century as well as possibly a mini-ice age, might as well put that cosmic radiation to work for us.

    • Charles Brightman

      February 17, 2021 at 5:24 pm

      @Sir Derty ‘IF’ my latest TOE idea is really true, (and I fully acknowledge the ‘if’ at this time), that the pulsating, swirling ‘gem’ photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in existence in this universe, and what is called ‘gravity’ is a part of what is currently recognized as the ’em’ photon, then the oscillation of these 3 interacting modalities of the energy unit would be as follows:

      Gravity: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction;
      Electrical: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction;
      Magnetic: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction.

      1 singular energy unit, with 3 different modalities, with 6 maximum most reactive positions, with 9 total basic reactive positions (neutrals included). Hence 1, 3, 6, 9 being very prominent numbers in this universe and why mathematics even works in this universe.
      (And possibly ‘0’, zero, as possibly neutrals are against other neutrals, even if only briefly, for no flow of energy, hence the number system that we currently have).

      And also how possibly mathematical constants exist in this universe as well.

    • Charles Brightman

      February 17, 2021 at 5:25 pm

      @Sir Derty The mathematics for the TOE doesn’t even exist yet as far as I am currently aware. It goes beyond any quantum field theory formulas that I am currently aware of. The outline though is basically as follows:

      The formula has at least 3 levels to it:
      1. The Internal Photon Level: The 3 interacting forces, (which might even be just a singular force with 3 different modalities), all interacting at basically 90 degrees to each other and all simultaneously pulsating and swirling. A complex part of the formula but I believe to be totally doable.

      2. The External Photon Level: For each pulsating, swirling photon, all the pulsating, swirling photons interacting with it. An exponential part of the formula that I am not even sure modern day super computers could adequately handle.

      3. The Inter-dimensional Photon Level: For each modality within each photon would have an energy frequency associated with it. The energy frequencies could be seen as being in their own space time dimension. (For me, ‘space’ is energy itself of which is the ‘gem’ photon and ‘time’ is the flow of energy; ‘temperature’ is the interaction of energy), so one would be dealing with way more than just 3 spatial dimensions and way more than just 1 time dimension (as there would many different energy frequencies with many different flows of energy). Whenever like resonate energy frequencies resonated with each other, they would affect each other, kind of like ‘spooky action at a distance’. Anytime energy frequencies overlapped, there would be a temporary spike of some sort in each space time dimension. In addition, if in reality the ‘gem’ photon is just a singular force with 3 different modalities, it’s possible that energy could ‘slip’ between modalities which would also affect the results. A very complex part of the formula on top of all the complexity that came before it.

      4. Any time any energy moved in the system, the entire formula would have to be recalculated due to potential ripple effects.

      5. In addition, I am operating in a realm where one plus one does not always equal two, and often does not.

      Like I said above, I don’t even believe the mathematics exists yet for what I am trying to do, but at a minimum, the formula would contain the above levels the way I currently see it to be. And I never said it would be easy.

    • Charles Brightman

      February 17, 2021 at 5:25 pm

      @Sir Derty FOR ME:
      ‘Space’ is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. And for me, the ‘gem’ photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in existence in this universe.

      ‘Time’ is the flow of energy.

      ‘Time’ (flow of energy) cannot exist unless ‘space’ (energy itself) exists. And ‘space’ (energy itself) that does not flow (no flow of time / energy) is basically useless. An entity cannot even think a thought without a flow of energy. If all the energy in the universe stopped flowing, wouldn’t we say that ‘time stood still’? Time itself would still exist, it would just not be flowing, (basically ‘time’ stopped).

      But then also, how space and time are linked in what is called ‘space time’, (energy and it’s flow).

      * And everything in existence currently appears to be eternally existent energy interacting with itself.

    • Charles Brightman

      February 17, 2021 at 5:26 pm

      @Sir Derty Thought about space time:
      Consider the following:
      a. Wavelength equals speed of light divided by frequency.
      b. Wavelength is how far a single ’em’ photon goes in space, or possibly is the size of space itself. (Especially since ‘space’ itself has not been defined yet). Possibly different sizes of space for different ’em’ frequencies.
      c. Speed of light: ‘light’ being ’em’ photons, ‘speed’ being distance divided by time, distance being two points in space with space between those two points.
      d. Frequency being ‘hertz’, ‘hertz being cycles per second, or how far an ’em’ photon goes at a specific size during one second.
      e. “IF” wavelength changes (the frequency changes) then the distance a single ’em’ photon goes would change and/or the size of space itself would change (assuming that an ’em’ photon makes up ‘space’ itself).
      f. Possibly ‘space’ varies due to ‘space’ being made up of ’em’ itself and as ’em’ frequencies change, ‘space’ changes.
      g. Another possibility would be that as the wavelength changes (frequency changes) then as the distance a single ’em’ photon goes would also change in it’s time of existence, ‘time’ would change for any given ’em’ photon length. The effect of that single ’em’ photon makes in it’s given time of existence.
      h. Possibly ‘time’ varies due to the wavelength of the ’em’ photon.
      i. So, possibly ‘space’ varies due to energy frequencies changing and ‘time’ varies due to the wavelength of energy changing, the ’em’ photon being energy itself. And if as I currently believe that what is called ‘gravity’ is actually a part of the ’em’ photon, then the ‘gem’ photon makes up the energy unit that possibly makes up everything in existence in this entire universe including the universe itself, including ‘space’ and ‘time’ or ‘space time’ itself. It is also how space and time can warp, bend and vary.

    • Charles Brightman

      February 17, 2021 at 5:26 pm

      @Sir Derty Potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements:

      I currently believe that there are 120 chemical elements in this universe. If a person were to look at how electrons fill up the shells in atoms: 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8 (seven shells), and realizing that energy could freely flow in this universe if nothing stopped it from doing so, then a natural bell shaped curve might occur. An eighth energy shell might exist with a maximum of two elements in it, chemical element #119 (8s1) and chemical element #120 (8s2).

      Chemical Element #119 (8s1):
      #119 I put at the bottom of the Hydrogen group on the Periodic Table of the Elements. It only has one electron in it’s outer shell with room for only one more electron. Energy might even enter the atom through the missing electron spot and then at least some of the energy might get trapped inside of the atom under the atom’s outer shell.

      Chemical Element #120 (8s2):
      #120 I put at the bottom of the Helium group since it’s outer shell is full of electrons. It might have some of the properties of group two, Beryllium group (Alkali Earth Metals group) since it has two electrons in it’s outer shell; as well as some of the properties of the Helium group (Noble Gases group) since it’s outer shell is full of electrons; and if you look at the step down deflection of the semi-metals and where #120 would be located on the chart, it’s possible #120 might even have some semi-metal characteristics. #120 would be the heaviest element in this universe. I believe chemical element #120 could possibly be found inside the center of stars.

      When a neutron split inside of this atom, it would give off one proton, one electron, neutrinos and energy. The proton and electron would be ejected outside of the atom since all their respective areas are full. One proton and one electron are basic hydrogen, of which the Sun is primarily made up of, and the Sun certainly gives off neutrinos and energy. And note, it’s the neutron that split, not a proton. So even after the split, there are still 120 protons inside of the atom and the atom still exists as element #120. The star would last longer that way.

      In addition, if the neutron that split triggered a chain reaction inside of the star, this could possibly be how stars nova, (even if only periodically).

      If stars were looked at as if this theoretical idea were true, and found to even be somewhat true, then we might just have a better model of the universe to work with, even if it’s not totally 100% true. And if it’s all 100% true, then all the better.

  2. Сергей Соловьев

    February 17, 2021 at 1:49 pm


  3. Cameron Machado

    February 17, 2021 at 1:54 pm

    Apple’s M1 chip looks a much better idea than it already was with the shortage in semiconductors.

    • Joseph Huang

      February 17, 2021 at 3:21 pm

      Not really, they were using intel before who have their own fabs and don’t really have a shortage.

    • Sir Derty

      February 17, 2021 at 4:59 pm

      Its not that great
      And Apple is anti-right to repair now, so its not good for consumers
      Also m1 is slower than Intel by far, dont believe the false hype from apple shills

    • Sir Derty

      February 17, 2021 at 5:00 pm

      @Joseph Huang Well said. Intel is lightyears ahead and still at the top for power user benchmarks. m1 is only good for saving battery on thin weak laptops for rich folks who want thin laptops with subpar power needs.

  4. Иван Нестеренко

    February 17, 2021 at 1:56 pm


  5. Андрей Морозов

    February 17, 2021 at 2:11 pm


  6. Alex Somov

    February 17, 2021 at 2:13 pm


  7. Тоня Булда

    February 17, 2021 at 2:18 pm


  8. grig

    February 17, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    Are you sure they’re doing a headset before glasses?

  9. Shahar Rozenbloom

    February 17, 2021 at 3:10 pm

    Next iPadOS will have Apple Search Bsr in Main Screen in Bottom and In ARM Mac in MacBook like for Songs, Twitter with @ and Massages in Startegy in Ditch Google like Intel.

    • Sir Derty

      February 17, 2021 at 5:05 pm

      You know very little about innovative technology. Brand fashion for wannabe techies = Apple. Fact.

  10. Amur Ika

    February 17, 2021 at 3:47 pm

    No money

    • Sir Derty

      February 17, 2021 at 5:06 pm

      Yep, Apple is all hype and marketing to simpletons

  11. DAKHD

    February 17, 2021 at 4:28 pm

    there will be no sd card slot in the new MacBooks

  12. Sir Derty

    February 17, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    As usual, Bloomberg is paid to be a ”promoter” and gets kickbacks for their ”reports” (hidden advertising) for Apple.
    It is 100% obvious Mike Bloomberg has his reporters push apple stock and hype all the time, he is invested and this proves it.
    Horrible bias, just like all apple m1 ‘reviews” paid a laptop to make a fake review for more hype.
    The m1 is not faster than intel, dont believe the fake hype like this, people.. listen to real techies. none of them use apple, even Louis Rossmann the Top repairman for apple in NYC, on youtube he proves this and all Im saying as fact.

  13. Sir Derty

    February 17, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    As usual, Bloomberg is paid to be a ”promoter” and gets kickbacks for their ”reports”

    • Sir Derty

      February 17, 2021 at 5:01 pm

      and since you block comments automatically, here is my blocked comment as a reply to be seen by all (i win lol).
      As usual, Bloomberg is paid to be a ”promoter” and gets kickbacks for their ”reports” (hidden advertising) for Apple.
      It is 100% obvious Mike Bloomberg has his reporters push apple stock and hype all the time, he is invested and this proves it.
      Horrible bias, just like all apple m1 ‘reviews” paid a laptop to make a fake review for more hype.
      The m1 is not faster than intel, dont believe the fake hype like this, people.. listen to real techies. none of them use apple, even Louis Rossmann the Top repairman for apple in NYC, on youtube he proves this and all Im saying as fact.

  14. Sergio Sardo

    February 17, 2021 at 6:46 pm

    Homie looks CGI


    February 17, 2021 at 7:28 pm

    Basically thinker because they are using their own chips

  16. Jason Basi

    February 17, 2021 at 11:42 pm

    Great stuff Mr. Gurman — keep it up !

  17. sweealamak

    February 18, 2021 at 12:59 am

    Thank You for your hard work! Keep it up! 👍

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