Miracle cures and quack medicine crashed into a new era of science during the dawn of Radionics. While history is rife with fake medicine and medical...
The secret magic of good food is that it brings people and cultures closer together. Chef Marcus Samuelsson taps into that magic at his acclaimed restaurants...
Democracy is about having choices — and authoritarianism is about not having them, says lawyer and writer Ian Bassin. Detailing the seven steps of the authoritarian...
Justin Trudeau has served as the prime minister of Canada since 2015. There’s a lot to dig into from his years in office — and from...
Social entrepreneur Paolo Gaudiano explains why many companies are taking the wrong approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives — by overly focusing on one...
We can’t get rid of anxiety and depression, so we might as well talk about it, says depression truth-teller Adam Whybrew. Sharing his own experience with...
What do sandwiches have to do with AI? Data reformist Kasia Chmielinski helps us think about artificial intelligence with a useful food metaphor — and breaks...
AI has the power to bring your favorite fictional characters to life, says technologist Kylan Gibbs. If you love watching TED Talks like this one, become...
Want to know how to get the sleep you really need! Watch an episode from TED Series: Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter :
Can conflict actually bring you and your partner closer? It depends on how you fight, say Julie and John Gottman, the world’s leading relationship scientists. They...