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How cities are detoxing transportation | Monica Araya

Take action on climate change at . People around the world are demanding clean air — and cities are starting to respond, says electrification advocate Monica Araya. She takes us on a world tour of urban areas that are working to fully electrify their transportation systems over the next decade, shifting to emission-free motorcycles, cars,…



Take action on climate change at .

People around the world are demanding clean air — and cities are starting to respond, says electrification advocate Monica Araya. She takes us on a world tour of urban areas that are working to fully electrify their transportation systems over the next decade, shifting to emission-free motorcycles, cars, buses, ferries and beyond. See what a future without the internal combustion engine could look like — and what it will take to get there.

This talk was part of the Countdown Global Launch on 10.10.2020. (Watch the full event here: .) Countdown is TED’s global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. The goal: to build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, in the race to a zero-carbon world. Get involved at

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  1. Mutant Buzzard

    October 12, 2020 at 7:34 pm

    And dispite of electric buses US has cleaner air than the chicoms, and the internal combustion engine will never be obslete

    • Oofer Doofer

      October 12, 2020 at 7:43 pm


      Russian bot

    • Mutant Buzzard

      October 12, 2020 at 11:18 pm

      @Oofer Doofer is Russian for libtard bot

  2. clanmac66

    October 12, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    Lots more nuclear power stations then!

    • Digital Wraith

      October 12, 2020 at 8:55 pm

      @Martin Svensson it is possible and planet of the humans has already been debunked. For one the movie primarily focused on tech that’s at least a decade old instead of current methods.

    • Martin Svensson

      October 12, 2020 at 9:51 pm

      @Digital Wraith Hahaha 🙂 No.. it hasnt been “debunked” lol. I can debunk any of those videos for you claiming to have “debunked” that movie. There is nothing to debunk. You cant debunk pshysics. And the obvious power structure driving this scam. Nothing has happened the last 10 years that solves the problem. It just moves it somewhere else. So it might look better at first glance. New tech always cost energy or resources somewhere in the chain.

    • Digital Wraith

      October 12, 2020 at 10:02 pm

      @Martin Svensson
      Oh really? 😑 You’ve yet to even debunk the first video I referred to you.
      But here are some more.

      Planet of the Humans: DEBUNKED | In Depth

      Everything mostly wrong with “Planet of the Humans”

      George Monbiot Debunks Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans

      Planet of the Humans : Let’s just have a think…
      Nope, debunked. 🤣😂

    • Martin Svensson

      October 13, 2020 at 12:18 am

      @Digital Wraith Nothing is debunked in any of them. The situation has not changed. Even if they might have used some old footage and other things. Its the same situation today. You are N-O-W-H-E-R-E N-E-A-R energy return on energy invested compared to oil. If you use the latest solar power instead it will be a miniscule change it the big whole. And the technology required has just moved the waste somewhere else.

    • Digital Wraith

      October 13, 2020 at 1:09 am

      @Martin Svensson I doubt you watched a single one of those videos. Every single one of them debunked that movie.

  3. HWYstar _

    October 12, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    The way the are portrying bicycle ridiing like there wont be traffic. Look at history back in the late 1800s and early 1900s when EVERYONE biked everywhere. There were tons of injuries too. Cleaner air sure but if definitely wont be safe to walk or for children

    • Oofer Doofer

      October 12, 2020 at 7:43 pm

      Most injuries were from automobiles hitting people on bikes due to a lack of road regulation during that time, places that have designated things like bike lanes to city streets see a much lower injury rate

  4. Fulcrumshift

    October 12, 2020 at 7:38 pm

    “Detoxing Transportation”? This just sounds like we’re latching onto current year buzzwords. Lately I’ve been hesitant to click on a TED talk video because of these and other agenda clickbait titles.

  5. Heavenlyminded

    October 12, 2020 at 7:43 pm

    Thus says The Lord God: I have spoken, and sent My messengers before My face. Yet this foolish people can in no wise see, nor are they able to hear. They refuse to look past My messengers; they refuse to acknowledge the Word of The Living God! Yet what is the messenger to you, O ignorant and vain peoples? Why do you consider, so carefully, seeking to find fault with those I send? Why do you concern yourselves with those I choose, and why do you judge those through whom I speak?
    And what is a prophet? Is he not a man, My servant, whom I have chosen and called? And when does My servant become a prophet, and what is the length of time he remains as such? Lo, he is only a prophet in that self-same moment in which I speak to him and cause him to hear, prophesying only as long as I cause him to speak or to write My words. I AM THE LORD.
    For there is no prophecy apart from My will, and without My voice there can be no prophesying. And without My spirit, no man may hear, nor shall he behold a vision, nor is he able to understand. Apart from The Holy One, there is no knowledge; only vanities and lies, false glory, evil divinations… Seek therefore true knowledge, and you shall also receive understanding! Get wisdom and heal these blinded eyes, unstop the deafness which plagues your ears!

    Here is wisdom: If I send a message, even two of the same, each to separate houses by way of two different messengers, then what is that to you? Indeed, what are the messengers to The Message? Am I not The Sender?
    Have I not the power to speak through whomever I choose, and send whomever I choose? Or would you have sin prevent Me?! Lo, shall I speak through donkeys instead, for they have no sin? Shall I send the birds of the air to be My messengers, for they have no sin? Shall the sins of men prevent Me in anywise?! Shall My voice be stopped by any means?!… Behold, by the mouth of Caiaphas I did speak and declare My will and the means by which you would be saved, though he had the greater sin![1] FOR I AM THE LORD; I DO NOT CHANGE! My words declare My glory, My message reveals My majesty and the power of My strength! STOP STARING AT MY MESSENGERS! Look past them and see with greater eyes!

    Therefore, O ignorant and vain peoples,
    Flee from all these arrogant pastors
    And prideful teachers, blind guides who closely
    Adhere to every form of doctrine and tradition
    Of men, while forsaking Me and My Word!…

    Escape all these chains and come out
    From among them, and seek to buy new
    Oil from those who sell the pure oil;
    They will not withhold, for I have sent them;
    They will gladly pour out…

    Yea, they have received an abundance of oil
    From the storehouses by which you may surely
    Relight your lamps, if you so choose to receive them.

    Hurry now, darkness has fallen, and soon the fullness of night will come in where no one will be able to work, save those who will be set up as beacons. These are they who shall be both seen and unseen, those who will pass through the multitudes unnoticed, yet clearly set on a hill. I tell you, no man in authority will find them, nor can any device of men track them, nor shall any do them harm. For I shall be with them and in them, and remain always their rearguard, says The Lord.
    For indeed, many will come, saying, “Let us slay them!” Yet I warn you, though many thousands were slain in times past, and a thousand more were sent, in the Day of The Lord’s Anger it shall not be so! For strong is The Lord, and in My prophets I shall surely come to dwell, even as a flame of fire! Behold, each one shall possess the power of the trumpets of Jericho, and they shall surely give a shout![2] And woe to all who come against them!

    Therefore come forth, all you wicked!
    Seek out My witnesses to do them harm,
    If you have no fear of God in your hearts!…

    Lift up your voices, all you mockers,
    Make yourselves known, all you scoffers,
    All you who remain blinded in your pride
    And deafened by your arrogance!…


    For The Lord your God has prepared a great slaughter!

  6. troy milton

    October 12, 2020 at 7:47 pm

    It costs 5 dollars to take the bus.. thr r no bike lanes.. kids r driving around in lambos off of video game stream money..

    Nothing makes any sense

  7. Joe Cool

    October 12, 2020 at 7:54 pm

    Emissions free public transportation is great but how much is this going to cost? Right now, emissions free technology isn’t NEARLY as capable or convenient as using a fossil fuel powered vehicle. Governments around the world will face significant resistance if they try to make laws that force people to use this tech that is cost prohibitive, unproven, and not as capable as fossil fuel. I know here in America, several politicians want to enact the Green New Deal. But the Green New Deal will practically kill international air travel and commercial shipping because the cost of maintaining the tech at its current level was so expensive, no one can afford it. Except governments. It also sucks because fleets of planes and cargo hauling ships would be eliminated from operations because they couldn’t meet emissions standards. But we don’t have any comparable technology replacements. No one has invented an emissions free jet engine. No one ever will. Jet engines don’t work that way. The Green New Deal would effectively put many international businesses out of action. Since countries would not trade and have severely reduced contact, xenophobia sets in and now you have countries worldwide that are fighting over resources and tech. Not good.

    Has anybody thought about the personal cost for the end user? Has anybody thought about the economic impact of mandating the use of unproven and inefficient tech? Has anybody even thought about whether we actually have enough raw and rare materials (lithium for the batteries, neodymium for magnets for these electric motors, etc.) to make this happen?

    It would be really easy to completely break governments by mandating they use emission’s free tech when it’s Impossibly to fulfill the transportation needs because of a shortage of resources and just the ineffectiveness of the product. Once again, countries end up fighting over resources.

    Nobody will switch to emissions free tech until until it’s as proven and reliable as fossil fuel. Nobody. People will not run their business at a personal loss and nobody will buy a car that will keep them broke with maintenance all the time to save the environment. Not gonna happen.

    I know what several governments want. They want their citizens to use public transportation. But I’m not riding on a smelly bus with a bunch of other smelly, especially people when I can drive. My corner store is only a ten minute walk from my house, but I drive instead of walk. It’s safer. I have the personnel protection of being in my car. I don’t want to walk anywhere unless I have to. But the person who determines where I drive and what I drive will be me and me alone.

    I’m not willing to destroy my way of life, my habits, and my ability to travel around like I want to for the sake of saving the planet. I’m not willing to be poor and inconvenienced to save the planet. We are all here for a very short amount of time and then we all eventually get old and die. I want to make my life as comfortable as possible. The problems associated with the emissions free tech would not make me comfortable or happy.

    • Major Old Lady aka, Mom

      October 12, 2020 at 9:12 pm

      Wahhh. 😥

    • Joe Cool

      October 12, 2020 at 9:52 pm

      Major Old Lady aka, Mom
      I see you trying to make fun of me for not agreeing with this BS. What you (or any of these people) cannot do is produce a workable and reasonable plan for clean emissions that doesn’t require breaking the economy of the entire world.

      If shaming language is the only thing you can use to make me change my mind, I won’t change. The only thing that will work is logic, reason, facts, and REAL RESEARCH WITH REPEATABLE RESULTS!

      And none of these people have been able to produce anything.

  8. Adarsh Namboothiri

    October 12, 2020 at 7:55 pm

    And what’s the proposed source of the hectic electricity requirement to completely or even to fullfill 1/100 th of this dream? .
    “Nuclear” TaDa😀

    • cros13

      October 12, 2020 at 10:20 pm

      It’s not as much as you think…. All road mileage for private cars in my country (Ireland) could move to electric using only 25% of current generation capacity. That’s an increase we’re already exceeding between now and 2030 with renewables (renewables already supply more than 50% of power sold here, easily in excess of 70% by 2030). Combined with the existing reduction in electricity demand in many countries due to the spread of energy efficient appliances and LED lighting, and the fact that most EV charging occurs during periods of low grid demand it would take many years of the majority of new car sales being EVs to even notice an uptick in demand. The only immediate need in most countries would be reinforcement of local low voltage grids in EV heavy areas.

  9. Honest Person

    October 12, 2020 at 7:55 pm

    “This is a gamechanger” 6:02 (shakes head from side to side). This woman does not believe in what she is saying, she is just a puppet.

  10. Szentatyaisten

    October 12, 2020 at 7:59 pm

    …air pollution hurts minorities and the poor the most…
    Okay. Sure. Why not?

    • Funk Addict

      October 12, 2020 at 9:53 pm

      Yes, because when they get sick, they have much more issues when dealing with medical bills.

  11. troy milton

    October 12, 2020 at 8:06 pm

    We should implament nucler power plants in all heavely populated areas.. then create the conditions for them to melt down..

    Human insecticite

  12. Captain Junayd Riyadh-Al-Hasnayn

    October 12, 2020 at 8:15 pm

    *India Collapsing*

    *While everyone is busy debating on*
    *CAA, NRC, NPR, etc*
    *shaheen bagh*…….
    COVID 19
    Sushant Rajput
    (Wait for an item to be added every month) …….😋

    *We miss to notice what’s happening to INDIA*

    *India – Recent data & Situation*

    *External Debt of India* *500 + Billion Dollars.*

    *Vodafone* is in loss of ₹50,000 Crore.

    *Airtel* is in loss of ₹23,000 Crore.

    *BSNL* is in loss of ₹14,000 Crore.

    *MTNL* is in loss of ₹755 Crore.

    *BPCL* is in loss of ₹750 Crore.

    *SAIL* is in loss of ₹286 Crore.

    *AIR India* is in loss of ₹4600 Crore.

    *Spice Jet* is in loss of ₹463 Crore.

    *Indigo* is in loss of ₹1062 Crore.

    *BHEL* is in loss of ₹219 Crore.

    *India Post* is in loss of ₹15,000 Crore.

    *GMR Infra* is in loss of ₹561 Crore.

    *YES Bank* is in loss of ₹600 Crore.

    *Union Bank* is in loss of ₹1190 Crore.

    *PNB Bank* is in loss of ₹4750 Crore।

    *Axis Bank* is in loss of ₹112 Crore.

    *J P Group finished*

    *Videocon bankrupt*

    *Aircel & Docomo is dead*

    *Tata Docomo perished*

    *Jet Airways closed*

    *Airports Sold*
    5 airports sold to Adani.

    *Railways are on sale*

    *Heritage Renting*
    Heritages including Red Fort

    *Nationalized Banks Merger*
    Many nationalized banks have merged, many branches have literally closed,

    *ATM Rooms*
    Huge numbers of ATM Rooms are set down,

    *All Banks*
    incurring huge losses.

    *36 largest debtors*
    missing from country.

    *Few Corporates*
    Rs 2.4 lakh crores loan waived off

    54,000 may cut more jobs.

    *Auto Industry*
    1 million to be laid off

    Largest car maker cuts production.

    *Car Inventory*
    Rs 55000 crores car inventory lying at factories, with no buyers.

    *Houses Unsold*
    12.76 lakhs houses unsold in 30 major cities.

    *Builders Suicide*
    All over stressed. Some committing suicide, no buyers. Construction Stopped due Mat cost rise (GST at 18% to 28%).

    *CCD founder*
    *V G Siddhartha committed Sucide*
    due to huge debt.

    No money to pay salary for employees.

    Most profitable company in India is now making losses.

    Under corporatization affecting over 1.5 lac employee & families.

    *Biscuits Companies*
    like Parle-G on the verge of terminating it’s employees.

    Millions unemployed due to Demonetization.

    *Highest unemployment in 45 years*

    *Domestic Stagflation*
    Highest recorded

    *Leaving India*
    Record HNI individuals leaving India.

    *May be many more…*

    *Nothing is shown in media. Media is busy debating India Vs Pakistan, and Hindu Vs Muslims who were living peacefully with tranquility till recenttly.*

    *It’s our duty to let all others know the real picture.*

  13. Martin Svensson

    October 12, 2020 at 8:18 pm

    Just going to move it somewhere else. So you can pretend it doesnt exist and get to tax the population and limit their resources.

  14. David Brelin

    October 12, 2020 at 8:25 pm

    Getting clean (addiction euphemism) and sobering up from oil is no easy task. That gargantuan chore is compound by the pervasiveness of the myth of the rugged individual. Henry Ford didn’t invent the automobile. Nor was what he invented mass production. What he invented was democratized personal mobility.

    Democracies don’t just vote with ballots on constitutionally prescribed dates. They vote every single minute of every single day with their lifestyles and the wallets that support them. So then the elephant in the room becomes not the smog everyone is breathing, but the enormous income and wealth inequality that has perennially been encouraged to fester!

  15. Mr Paul

    October 12, 2020 at 8:35 pm

    Bravo – We can do this.

  16. Jöhann Aleksei

    October 12, 2020 at 8:42 pm

    China: more than 420,000 electric buses
    US: around 600

  17. Karol

    October 12, 2020 at 9:01 pm

    Very good! I signed up to the cause, but what exactly Do I have to do ?

  18. Joaquin Ortega

    October 12, 2020 at 9:14 pm

    These people obviously don’t know how most of the electricity is produced

    • Funk Addict

      October 12, 2020 at 9:48 pm

      You really think that this person doesn’t know how electricity is produced? Electricity produced by even the worst methods, such as coal, is much more efficient than having millions of vehicles with their own power plant. Think of the process to extract the oil, then refine it, transport it to each gas station and then burn it in the engine. Electricity only needs to be produced at origin and is transported instantly by cables to your charging station or home. Also, ICE are much less efficient than electric motors, because they produce immense amounts of residual heat which needs to be removed from the engine in order to keep it working. They are also much more complicated and expensive to build and maintain. Now imagine if your electricity mostly comes from solar, wind, wave power, or even nuclear.

    • Funk Addict

      October 12, 2020 at 10:01 pm

      Conventional gasoline vehicles only convert about 17%-21% of the energy stored in gasoline to power at the wheels. An electric motor typically is between 85% and 90% efficient.

  19. D H

    October 12, 2020 at 9:54 pm

    The sun and volcanoes drive easily over %95 of the planet’s climate, just not here but in the entire solar system. Sure blame man and point out that only minorities are effected.

  20. Dr. M. Hfuhruhurr

    October 12, 2020 at 10:20 pm

    Electric light rail, electric cars & buses, renewable resources, Nebraska’s been running municipal power successfully for decades, Reagan took solar panels off 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue(~no idea why, did his televangelisic contributors find them too highly offensive or something?).
    The Wright brothers were bicycle mechanics for the love of pete I wonder what they’d think about now🤔

  21. thepeff

    October 12, 2020 at 10:32 pm

    If you already agree that pollution is bad you can skip the first two min

  22. CarlitoPower

    October 12, 2020 at 10:33 pm

    and all that electricity needs to come from renewable and good sources.

  23. Joe Mullings

    October 12, 2020 at 10:52 pm


  24. 123IGRACH

    October 12, 2020 at 11:31 pm

    What will happened when we run out of Lithium?

  25. M. hamada

    October 13, 2020 at 12:22 am

    it’s a good idea ❤️✌️

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