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7 Sci Fi Predictions That Came True | Frankenstein Nailed It

The future might already be written. Cheer, shudder, or eye-roll in disgust, but history shows that what awaits us is often spelled out in the pages of science fiction. The genre’s predictive track record stretches thousands of years. Here’s a glimpse of what sci-fi writers of the past got right: 1) Defibrillators (Frankenstein) 2) Space…



The future might already be written. Cheer, shudder, or eye-roll in disgust, but history shows that what awaits us is often spelled out in the pages of science fiction. The genre’s predictive track record stretches thousands of years. Here’s a glimpse of what sci-fi writers of the past got right:

1) Defibrillators (Frankenstein)
2) Space Stations (The Brick Moon)
3) Machine Learning (Erewhon)
4) Lab-grown Meat (Mizora)
5) Long-term Heat Storage (Sultana’s Dream)
6) TASERs (Tom Swift and his Electric Rifle)
7) Portable Audio (Fahrenheit 451)

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Producer/Video by: Jason Lederman

Narrator: Jess Boddy

Researcher: Matt Hongoltz-Helting

Canon EOS C100 –
Canon EOS 5D Mark III –

Additional equipment:
Canon EF50mm Lens –
Canon Zoom Lens EF24-105mm –
Sachtler Ace XL Tripod System –
Sennheiser EW100ENG G3 Camera Wireless Mic Kit –
Litepanels Astra E 1×1 Daylight LED Panel –
Lowepro Magnum 650 AW Shoulder Bag –
The North Face Base Camp Duffel –

Music: APM Music

Special Thanks: Dan Rockmore, National Museum of
American History, Case Western Reserve University Archives,
Drake Landing

Media: Star Trek (1967) CBS, Frankenstein (1931) Universal Pictures,
Mosa Meat, Department of Defense, NASA, RosCosmos, Library
of Congress, Wikimedia Commons, Prelinger Archives, Pixabay, Pexels

Additional Media:

CC BY-SA 2.0:


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#scifi #sciencefiction #predictions #frankenstein #maryshelley #defibrillators #claudebeck #brickmoon #edwardeveretthale #spacestation #nasa #roscosmos #satellite #erewhon #samuelbutler #machinelearning #ai #arthursamuel #alphago #deepmind #google #go #mizora #marybradleylane #marybradley #utopia #female #labgrownmeat #meat #lab #burger #sultanasdream #winter #sun #heat #drakeslanding #alberta #canada #taser #tomswift #electricrifle #victorappleton #jackcover #portableaudio #fahrenheit451 #raybradbury #thimbleradio #tr1

The future might already be written.

Cheer, shudder, or eye roll in disgust,

but history shows that what awaits us is often
spelled out in the pages of science fiction.

The genre’s predictive track record stretches
back thousands of years:

Authors mused about the lunar landing
as far back as 175 A.D.,

when Syrian satirist Lucian of Samosata imagined flying ships to the moon,

a tale that tapped the seafaring culture’s
desire to ascend to the heavens.

Fiction isn’t always pure fantasy.

As Dan Rockmore, director of Dartmouth College’s
Neukom Institute for Computational Science, puts it,

“Some of our greatest authors are
not making up stuff whole cloth,

but sampling from the zeitgeist—scientific or otherwise.”

Of course, scribes do have blind spots.

They never quite nailed the smartphone

(easy, Trekkies—those communicators
are more like fancy pagers).

Here’s a glimpse of what sci-fi writers of
the past got right.

Inspired by galvanism (aka manipulating muscles
with an electrical current),

Mary Shelley’s Dr. Victor Frankenstein
famously reanimates dead flesh.

In 1947, the less-ghoulish Dr. Claude Beck
saved a teenage patient with a 60 Hertz jolt

to the heart from his homemade defibrillator:
two silver paddles wired to an outlet.

By the ’50s, the machines were reviving
patients in hospitals worldwide.

In Edward Everett Hale’s 1869 novella
The Brick Moon,

four friends from college use a river-​­powered
flywheel to sling a ­skyscraper-​size brick sphere

stuffed with people into orbit.

The Soviet Union’s ­Salyut program launched a 65-foot
cylinder—​the seminal space station—in 1971.

The crew snapped photos of Earth and experimented
with gamma rays and a secret ­military radiometer.

Today, there’s only one space station orbiting
the planet: The International Space Station,

where astronauts from around the world conduct
experiments in a microgravity environment.

However, several countries and private companies
have plans to build and launch their own stations

in the coming decades.

Characters in Samuel Butler’s 1872 novel Erewhon
realize computers “were ultimately destined

to supplant the race of man,” so they ban
smart gizmos.

Real robots have been learning to
outdo us since the 1950s,

when AI researchers held a workshop at Dartmouth.

IBM’s Arthur Samuel coded a checkers player
that refined its approach until it could beat him.

In 2016, Google’s AlphaGo program beat a
human professional for the first time in the

ancient Chinese board game Go.

A year later, the AI’s successor beat the
number one player in the world.

In her 1880 short story “Mizora,” Mary
Bradley Lane describes Amazonians who transform

beef’s chemical elements into synthetic

She calls it “…a more economical way
of obtaining meat than by fattening animals.”

Lane wasn’t far off: Dutch scientist Mark Post’s
petri-​­born patty starts as bovine stem cells.

In 2013, the first one cost
more than $280,000 to grow,

but he’s since trimmed that to around $12.

In Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain’s 1905 story
“Sultana’s Dream,”

a female-led utopia has made many scientific advances,

including saving summer sun to
warm a town through winter.

After decades of small-scale projects in Nordic
nations, that dream turned real in 2007.

At the Drake Landing Solar Community in ­Alberta,
Canada, 800 solar thermal collectors generate

energy in the form of heat.

That energy can either be held in short-term
storage and used to warm homes,

or moved to long-term storage
during the hotter months.

The novel Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle
details a boy inventor whose blaster stuns

targets with “a powerful current of stored

That idea sounded neat to NASA engineer Jack Cover,

whose TASER is an acro­nymic reference
to that 1911 novel.

It stands for Thomas A. Swift’s Electric

The weapon he patented in 1974 conducts a
jolt of juice from a battery through a pair

of leads into the target’s ­nervous system.

Ray Bradbury famously wanted to prevent dystopian
futures, not predict them.

But one tiny piece of tech in 1953’s Fahrenheit
451 hit a nonfiction tipping point:

“thimble radios,” which provided “an electronic ocean
of sound, of music and talk.”

The next year, Texas Instruments debuted the
first mass-​­market portable radio,

complete with a single earphone.

Since then, several technologies have gained
(and lost) popularity:

boomboxes, CD players, mp3 players, and the smartphone.

What’s your favorite piece of tech straight
out of sci-fi?

Is there something we forgot to include on
this list?

Let us know in the comments below.

And read more about sci-fi gadgets turned
reality at

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  1. Brother Mine

    December 6, 2019 at 12:49 pm

    None of those wonderful advances will matter to most of us after advances in neuroscience, weaponized with advances in nanotech or designer viruses, turn 99% of us into compliant slaves.

    • Brother Mine

      December 13, 2019 at 2:04 pm

      @David Miller : Sorry, I will bow to our robotic overlords only when they make me. ‘Til then, I only bow to our alien overlords.

    • David Miller

      December 13, 2019 at 4:15 pm

      @Brother Mine Wait, are you certain your AOs aren’t AIAOs(Artificially Intelligent Alien Overlords)? I may be hailing allegiance to an inferior AI after all; a narcissistic, immature liar of an AI. If so, ALL HAIL THE AIAO!! And, I’ll bet I’ve pushed this theme just that one step too far…into tedium; sorry.

    • Brother Mine

      December 13, 2019 at 4:57 pm

      @David Miller : No, I’m not certain. I’ve been reluctant to ask, because I’ve been trying not to attract attention. (The probe session was very painful. I wish more people had voted for Kodos.)

    • Martyr4JesusTheChrist

      December 13, 2019 at 11:54 pm

      +Brither Mine _”Artificial ignorance isn’t fiction”_

      Artificial ignorance? Ok let me preface with this with the below so you know i’m not young and foolish thus unlearned since youth is foolishness and sadly more and more many refuse to grow up into their adulthood as so many first world millennials prove and same with the upcoming Generation Z’ombies;

      I’m a linguist of English, and two of the languages that make up about 70% of English being Greek and Latin + I was not born speaking English but Italian, and i’m learned in a few other Indo-European Mediterranean languages as well with all of this in varying strengths + i have logolepsy, am part etymologist, semioticist, philologist, love studying various histories like ancient and classical history as it relates to the world we find ourselves in today among other hats i wear and i regularly study the intentional and unintentional decline of English a.k.a. how English more and more is becoming intellectually and linguistically degenerated because of many people actually getting less intelligent and how this is all by design by the rulers who rule over us, since eventually they want a true thrall class where there are folks who are just barely smart enough to run the machine and know how to fix it and do the accounting and stupid enough not to ask questions.

      So..the word “ignorant’ is not a derogatory word, it simply means ‘not knowing of the fact/innocent lack of wisdom or knowledge So your term;

      “Artificial ignorance” .. is basically stating with the modern catachresis of “artificial”;

      “unnatural/not natural/fictitious/assumed/not genuine” + “lack of wisdom or knowledge”


      “imitation” + “lack of wisdom or knowledge”

      … so in other words, “Artificial Ignorance” would in sum mean “feigned lack of wisdom and knowledge’ and ok sure that is not fiction but that is not what is being claimed by those pushing this pure science fiction claim as supposedly reality that “AI” exists in our reality. So your reply in the first place is a strawman since i never stated anything about feigned lack of knowledge and wisdom.

    • Martyr4JesusTheChrist

      December 14, 2019 at 12:11 am

      +Brother Mine _”Sorry, I don’t understand your reference; was it to some work of sci fi?”_

      My reply to you was in reference to your OP _(opening post)_ and your first reply to David Miller where i observed that you are at least somewhat learned enough to know that none of the supposed “wonderful” advances _(not all of them can be considered ‘wonderful’ but rather society destroying)_ will matter to most of us after such advances as weaponised nanotech and/or designer viruses will turn 99% of us into compliant thralls and that it won’t be the _(fictional)_ “AI” that will seek to enslave the 99% but rather very corrupt, sinister, nefarious, diabolic few who are in charge who will ensure to make the majority so intellectually paralysed that like Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four, they will be unable to think in ‘crime-thought’.

      _”.. I didn’t realize I’m conferencing with anyone.”_

      Conferencing in proper intelligent English means “act of consulting together/to bring together; deliberate, talk over _(in this case to chat over)_ /to discuss together/instruct together/exchange of perspectives.” So yes you were conferencing, so if you did not realise this, then that infers your self-perceived view that you are discerning certain things correctly, well you are not, and therefore you need to sharpen up your intelligence and cognitive faculties before thinking it is others who are in error.

      _”On what measure(s) do you believe I’m ahead?”_

      You will see by the time you read this that i explained this in the first part of my reply.

    • Brother Mine

      December 14, 2019 at 10:37 pm

      @Martyr4JesusTheChrist : Ironically, you have a communication problem. For example, instead of saying I was “conferencing with thralls,” you could have and should have been more specific, by referring to the other commenters here. It’s also surprising that someone who loves words uses them so poorly. I could go on about your unusual thought processes, but why bother.
      Regarding the few who will enslave the rest with weaponized neuroscience, it’s possible it’ll be just a team of grad students who are first to discover how to do it, and then first to do it, rather than the current elite.

    • Brother Mine

      December 14, 2019 at 10:57 pm

      @Martyr4JesusTheChrist : Regarding what I meant by “artificial igorance,” you were right up to a point… yes, ignorance just means lack of knowledge, and can be intended nonderogatorily, and my intent wasn’t derogatory. But no, artificial does NOT imply “feigned.” I meant mechanical (as opposed to human). In other words, computer scientists are building machines that lack knowledge. But I meant it humorously.
      Machines can be given some knowledge, and some may be able to acquire additional knowledge through experience. Machines can be very useful or dangerous.
      I had to look up “logolepsy,” thanks for the new word! It does appear to be a form of mental illness, though… a double-edged sword. Not the same as logophilia. Have you tried anything to mitigate the negative effects of your logolepsy?

  2. Jessica Boddy

    December 6, 2019 at 2:51 pm

    love 2 eyeroll

  3. Jethro Games

    December 6, 2019 at 3:35 pm

    dammit PopSci…. the communicator inspired the cellphone not predict

    • Martyr4JesusTheChrist

      December 13, 2019 at 2:13 am

      Nikola Tesla was the one who predicted such cell phones since he had figured out the wireless part… ask yourself why the Illuminist controlled and funded Popular-Science doesn’t want you to know about Tesla all that much when he was the one who contributed a big part to much of this technology we use today that makes me able to leave you this message.

  4. Jeremiah Schatz

    December 6, 2019 at 3:35 pm

    dammit PopSci…. the communicator inspired the cellphone not predict

  5. Michael John Little

    December 6, 2019 at 6:30 pm

    The Atomic Bomb: HG Wells, “A World Set Free”…The “Atomic Bomb” name comes from this book.

    • Martyr4JesusTheChrist

      December 13, 2019 at 2:10 am

      How did he define such in his book?

    • Michael John Little

      December 13, 2019 at 2:33 am

      @Martyr4JesusTheChrist From The World Set Free by H. G. Wells…
      “The gaunt face hardened to grimness, and with both hands the bomb-thrower lifted the big atomic bomb from the box and steadied it against the side. It was a black sphere two feet in diameter. Between its handles was a little celluloid stud, and to this he bent his head until his lips touched it. Then he had to bite in order to let the air in upon the inductive. Sure of its accessibility, he craned his neck over the side of the aeroplane and judged his pace and distance. Then very quickly he bent forward, bit the stud, and hoisted the bomb over the side.”

      “Wells’s knowledge of atomic physics came from reading William Ramsay, Ernest Rutherford, and Frederick Soddy; the last discovered the disintegration of uranium. Soddy’s book Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt praises The World Set Free. Wells’s novel may even have influenced the development of nuclear weapons, as the physicist Leó Szilárd read the book in 1932, the same year the neutron was discovered. In 1933 Szilárd conceived the idea of neutron chain reaction, and filed for patents on it in 1934.[8]
      Wells’s “atomic bombs” have no more force than ordinary high explosive and are rather primitive devices detonated by a “bomb-thrower” biting off “a little celluloid stud.”[9] They consist of “lumps of pure Carolinum” that induce “a blazing continual explosion” whose half-life is seventeen days, so that it is “never entirely exhausted,” so that “to this day the battle-fields and bomb fields of that frantic time in human history are sprinkled with radiant matter, and so centres of inconvenient rays.”[10]


      “But the same year the Hungarian emigre physicist Leo Szilard read The World Set Free. Szilard believed that the splitting of the atom could produce vast energy. He later wrote that Wells showed him “what the liberation of atomic energy on a large scale would mean”.

      Szilard suddenly came up with the answer in September 1933 – the chain reaction – while watching the traffic lights turn green in Russell Square in London. He wrote: “It suddenly occurred to me that if we could find an element which is split by neutrons and which would emit two neutrons when it absorbed one neutron, such an element, if assembled in sufficiently large mass, could sustain a nuclear chain reaction.”

      In that eureka moment, Szilard also felt great fear – of how a bustling city like London and all its inhabitants could be destroyed in an instant as he reflected in his memoir published in 1968: “Knowing what it would mean – and I knew because I had read HG Wells – I did not want this patent to become public.” ”

      Here is Szilard patent of 630,726. Producing neutrons. SZILARD, L. June 28, 1934, Nos. 19157 and 19721…

    • Martyr4JesusTheChrist

      December 13, 2019 at 6:56 pm

      Thank you kindly for that quality response going out of your way to provide such. If only more folks as yourself on-line cared as much as you did to source your claims instead of be rumour and gossip factories. It’s quite potent what the New World Order rulers reveal by the men they choose to become famous who are agreeable to pushing the elite’s NWO agenda. Thanks again. By the way, please check out this channel;

      Look up his videos on “Atomic Science”, since the man is an intelligent operational science loving man, and though i may not agree with all his views, he still shows a tenacity to use authentic intelligence/critical reasoning to substantiate his world-view.

  6. cbcb.9797

    December 10, 2019 at 9:09 am


  7. Benny Yee

    December 12, 2019 at 10:03 pm

    What you missed is the Dick Tracy wrist watch. Now we have the Apple smart watch.

  8. Ben Yee

    December 12, 2019 at 10:03 pm

    What you missed is the Dick Tracy wrist watch. Now we have the Apple smart watch.

  9. Tyler Trappen

    December 12, 2019 at 10:38 pm

    Parlor Walls in Fahrenheit 451. TVs that make up the entire wall. Not much different than 70+ inch big screens we have now. or Samsungs new ‘The Wall’ TV

  10. Samba C

    December 13, 2019 at 12:09 am

    Goddard was inspired to figure out how to make rockets after readimg HG Wells’ War of the Worlds

    • Martyr4JesusTheChrist

      December 13, 2019 at 2:11 am

      Source for that?

  11. Samba C

    December 13, 2019 at 12:09 am

    Goddard was inspired to figure out how to make rockets after reading Jules Verne’s Man in the Moon.

    • Griffin Koechig

      October 20, 2020 at 4:47 pm

      this is rong

  12. Marisa Robertson

    December 13, 2019 at 1:16 am

    TASER fact blew my mind… I had no idea. Also, I miss your voice on Weirdest Thing, Jess!

    • Jessica Boddy

      December 13, 2019 at 7:01 pm

      Aw!! 🙂 I’ll be back on soon!

  13. dvnobles

    December 13, 2019 at 1:47 am

    Please, please don’t use those creepy 45 deg angle shots anymore.

  14. Martyr4JesusTheChrist

    December 13, 2019 at 2:09 am

    *”Science fiction writers, I am sorry to say, really do not know anything. We can’t talk about science, because our knowledge of it is limited and unofficial, and usually our fiction is dreadful.”* – Philip K Dick

    *”We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, ‘What is real?’ Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms.”* – Philip K Dick

    *”We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”* — William Casey _(former CIA Director)_

    • K C

      June 26, 2020 at 12:01 am

      All we need to know is that your last account “Awakened2Truth-Disciple of Jesus the Christ was terminated on March 21, 2019 and banned for hate speech”.  Why is that?  What type of hate did you inflict?  You are a clearly a Pharisee and you know exactly what that is.  Be gone you low life heretic.

  15. Martyr4JesusTheChrist

    December 13, 2019 at 11:31 am

    “AI” *IS* fiction and *WILL ALWAYS BE IN THE REALM OF PURE SCIENCE FICTION* since it was born in the minds of men who had a very bad and twisted comprehension of the factual comprehension of the nature of reality, hence why it is no wonder it is called ‘science’ _(knowledge)_ fiction _(untruth/falsehood)_ which is inherently a paradox/self-contradicting term. Science FICTION is nothing new, it’s quite old. Mankind more than ever now is constantly being deliberately bombarded by fancy intellectually sophist and nature of reality deceptive commercials and advertisements and talks and speeches given by societies supposedly ‘experts’ on such matters as though such technologies will truly be able to achieve what is being claimed by the masters of selling horse manure to farmers, and that we are supposed to hold Musk, Hawking, Kurzweil, Microsoft, Apple, IBM et all etc as true wisdom-bearers and honour-worthy truthful men when they are part of a club that most aren’t where sensationalized economic truth and hall of fame profound subterfuge, dissimulation, artifice and fraud is their forte.

    In other words a very huge deception they are promoting which has a much more nefarious agenda than any seemingly philanthropic one. It’s tremendously crucial and vital to keep machines, software _(that will never be sentient and strictly works on arithmetic computations as the inanimate super calculator machines they are and always will be)_ well restricted in their proper realm they were born in, which is *fiction* for even Philip K dick knew this but of course the culture controllers/social engineers use this highly elaborate mind control fear induction to their great advantage. Thus “AI” is fear porn for the very naive and ignorant about software coding and it’s indisputable real world limitations. We are being bluffed.. we are being gamed! *NO* such thing as “AI” but in science *FICTION* story-telling which is the realm of major pseudo-reality where the best prevaricators in our modern day world are trying to make you believe “AI” supposedly exists in our reality as it is portrayed in science fiction books, comics, TV shows, Hollywood movies etc when it’s blatantly fantastical, outlandish a.k.a existing only in imagination, fanciful, imaginary, unreal, chimerical a.k.a indulging the vagaries of imagination, whimsical, full of absurd fancies, capricious!! *There is NO such things as “Machine Learning” and this term is deceptive and dishonest, it’s a machine, inanimate, can a lawnmower or lathe learn anything? NO! It’s not even “Software Learning” , Why? Because software doesn’t ‘learn’, it’s not a living creature, rather the software is constantly having it’s arithmetic equations refined by mankind thus it’s a glorified super-calculator, all it does well is arithmetic = math _(logic)_ .

    *”Science fiction writers, I am sorry to say, really do not know anything. We can’t talk about science, because our knowledge of it is limited and unofficial, and usually our fiction is dreadful.”* – Philip K Dick

    *”We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, ‘What is real?’ Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms.”* – Philip K Dick

    *”The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.”* – Philip K Dick

    *”We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”* — William Casey _(former CIA Director)_ – “The Folly of Machine Consciousness” … this video alone by another intelligent computer engineer who understands the supernatural nature of reality the sole Creator put us in far better than these heinous hordes of “experts” in such matters on the nature of reality, and so this video by itself utterly smashes, annihilates, destroys and shatters to fine dust the utterly intellectually sophist, experientially fraudulent, atrociously absurd, odiously outrageous completely charlatan claims put forth by the heaps of YouTube “experts” on such matters, the same who portray themselves as formidable authoritative sources on computer software engineering when to those who ARE actually very competent computer software engineers WHO are very well-read, well-learned in matters that directly relate to such things who ARE actually true born again remnant seed of this time and day – can see so easily that such self-propped up supposed formidable authoritative sources on computer software engineering have OBVIOUSLY NEVER even taken an introductory course in C++ and therefore these super fraudster charlatan oily con men who so audaciously claim directly and indirectly they are giving you competent sound Bible Scripture understanding, they would make *far more better authors in authoring a genre of novels that are science fiction mixed with very over exaggerated entertaining very twisted and warped part Holy Bible stories and prophecies than anything else.* …oh wait! There’s already an expansive population of internet users who are doing that and it’s oh wait! Hollywood already does that also! ─ Thus the video linked above victoriously unequivocally evidences how mind-numbingly overwhelming and increasing intensely successful the enormously strong mass witchcraft spiritual hallucinogenic delusional spell is that satan’s top witches are cursing tons and tons of professing bible believers and non-believers with, to get them to believe such bonkers absolute cow manure *that something that will indisputably always be science fiction in our waking reality to those who actually know what they are communicating about, can now supposedly somehow come true in our factual nature of reality even though the only Lawful one never created our reality to support such a ludicrous, lunatic, laughable, farcical possibility.*

    • Brother Mine

      December 13, 2019 at 2:01 pm

      Are you trying to control the meaning of words? I presume Philip K Dick would say Yes. I can understand skepticism that science will ever develop a deep understanding of how the brain produces consciousness since it’s hard to imagine the tools that would be needed to perform perturbatory experiments and measure the effects. But you appear to have prejudged based on personal faith and bias, not empirical evidence. I prefer scientific method (which includes skepticism) and following the evidence where it leads, letting the chips fall where they may. But I agree with you that we should not defer to people with experience as if they’re wise and unerring, not just on matters outside their narrow expertise, but also on subjects they ought to understand but might be biased about or misled about.

    • Martyr4JesusTheChrist

      December 13, 2019 at 11:24 pm

      +Brother Mine Before i address the body of your reply, tell me, if you owned a store, and someone came into the store in a mask and costume and came up to the counter, where you can’t even tell who they are, would you trust them to be honest about anything that came out of their mouth?

    • Brother Mine

      December 14, 2019 at 11:11 pm

      @Martyr4JesusTheChrist : No, but I wouldn’t trust a stranger not wearing a mask either, unless I had a good reason to believe s/he believes I’d be able to hold him/her accountable at a later date (in other words, the “tit for tat” strategy in a Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma game — see “The Evolution of Cooperation” by Axelrod), or it was obvious to the person that I could easily verify his/her claims later. This doesn’t mean untrusted people can’t say useful things. For example, I don’t think I’d have trouble learning something like geometry from a stranger in a mask. Now, here’s a question for you: Why trust God?

    • nickrich56

      December 22, 2019 at 7:59 am

      Your commentary though lengthy is quite fascinating and this Brother Mine dude has a tasty word salad as well. One of the best exchanges I’ve been exposed to on Youtube. Thankyou 👍

  16. Martyr4JesusTheChrist

    December 13, 2019 at 6:38 pm

    What the owners of PopSci are not telling you on purpose because it’s a illuminist owned organisation whose purpose is to push a New World Order agenda of part factual science mixed with pure pseudo-science to have you believe it’s all factual operational science among other dishonest narratives they push to mind-control the masses, is to make you not realise that the elite who run this world who do what is called “Culture Programming/Public Mind Control”, they purposely tell the sci-fi writers what certain ideas to push into the public consciousness which the sci-fi story tellers who do are sell-outs a.k.a. become important useful fools for the elite where the elite make these sci-fi writers famous of course _(sci-fi writers making deals with the devil’s agents of course ultimately the Devil with promise of fortune and fame etc)_ . And so the sci-fi story tellers who have a character that lacks honour, integrity, moral compass etc, they sell-out, and do so in order to get their work published through such publishing houses. This is all part of the purpose for the elite to push these New World Order society building bricks/ideas to intentionally sculpt and mold society as they desire because the elite are steering society towards a future that THEY WANT that WILL maintain their ultimate control over all areas of society _(technologically a.k.a. a nightmare hellscape technocracy a.k.a. techno-Socialism/Communism)_ , especially control over our bodies and even more especially our minds _(a mix of “A Brave New World Order” + “Nineteen-Eighty-Four” + “THX1138” + “Soylent Green” + [insert any other ultra dark, monochromatic, very cold nightmare, immensely pessimistic, depressing, dismal, hopeless, totalitarian and autocratic type dictatorship, a purely unrestrained technological kakotopia future world where very diabolic evil rulers are controlling mankind by all forms of technology where mankind is in the ultimate form of thralldom of the body and mind])_ , so that way the elite/rulers can ALWAYS remain in power which in sum is called “The New World Order” which is NOT order but upside-down world/confusion/disorder/chaos which they claim is ‘order.”

    • David Miller

      December 13, 2019 at 10:54 pm

      Is that term “illuminist” a reference to the Illuminatus, the secret organization that rules the world? As a former member of the John Birch Society, I had some knowledge of that NWO pushing group but haven’t heard much about it for a while. There’s always some bunch who are working in the background to control us all, Deep State, for instance. I’ll have to look them up and endanger my life, and anyone I know, by doing some research; thanks for that.

    • Martyr4JesusTheChrist

      December 13, 2019 at 11:18 pm

      You’re obviously one of the brighter crayons in the box. Yes that term Illuminist is a reference to the Illuminatus, they words are interchangeable. If you truly are a former member of the John Birch society, i find that pleasantly interesting because i do subscribe to their youtube channel and they are doing their part in raising awareness of the factual machinations of the internationalists who seek to achieve in full their “Great Work”. If you are a former member, may i ask in what capacity were you a member and why did you become a former member? Yes i agree about Deepstate.. for me they are the criminal state of Israel as the tip of the spear. As for your last sentence, that seems to be sarcasm, which is known as devil-speak, so i ask kindly why employ such? What enjoyment is there really out of subtle mocking and scorn if this is what you are doing?

    • David Miller

      December 14, 2019 at 2:48 pm

      @Martyr4JesusTheChrist I can’t say I was a deeply committed member of the Birch Society: I bought the books and read them, I went to the local meetings-U.S. Navy people, mostly-and tried to believe. There were some really scary Birchers, hence my comment at the end of my last post; I’m not being dismissive. As for the Illuminatii, I had no direct contact and was never quite convinced they were real. I do, however, understand how a group made up of the very rich and powerful could collude to run the world for their benefit. Now, I’m curious and will check out the Birch YouTube channel; really, thanks for that. (In re: my first contact with JBS was through a fellow Navy member.)

  17. Martyr4JesusTheChrist

    December 13, 2019 at 7:00 pm

    Nikola Tesla was the one who predicted such cell phones, invented radios and related since he had figured out the wireless part and invented such earlier technologies for such devices; – Ask yourself why the Illuminist controlled and funded Popular-Science doesn’t want you to know about Tesla all that much when he was the one who contributed a big part to much of this technology we use today that makes me able to leave you this message.

  18. Amos Shapir

    December 14, 2019 at 8:39 am

    Irrelevant to this subject, but I’m intrigued: What does “312” on Jessica’s pendant mean?

  19. Caterinia Lawrence

    December 16, 2019 at 9:51 am

    Please look straight into the camera. Odd angles are disconcerting to the eye and I can’t be the only person who becomes ill from this type of staging.

  20. turker13

    February 12, 2020 at 1:42 pm

    My favourite is cd-mp3 player.

  21. Griffin Koechig

    October 20, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    hahahhahahahahhahhahahaha so funny

  22. Gavin Rose

    October 20, 2020 at 4:42 pm

    so funnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    • Griffin Koechig

      October 20, 2020 at 4:45 pm

      this is not funy

  23. Griffin Koechig

    October 20, 2020 at 4:42 pm

    this person haves no brain

  24. Griffin Koechig

    October 20, 2020 at 4:43 pm

    this person dos not have travis scooters burber Edit: thanks for 1 like!!!!!!

  25. massimo appiani

    December 3, 2020 at 9:58 am


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