How can you find strength during life’s most difficult moments? Author Suleika Jaouad’s experience detailed in the documentary “American Symphony,” an intimate portrait of her life...
Stop that microwave! Trader Joe’s announced the recall of 61,000 pounds of its popular chicken soup dumplings amid reports that pieces of plastic originating from a...
Are babies oblivious to danger? It’s not that simple, says cognitive scientist Shari Liu. Sharing surprising insights (and plenty of baby videos) from studies of early...
Catching cancer at its earliest stages saves lives. But in a body made up of trillions of cells, how do you spot a small group of...
Biologist Kathleen McAuliffe dives into new research that suggests certain bacteria in your gut can influence major parts of who you are, from your personality to...
How does getting an abortion — or not — influence a woman’s life? Demographer Diana Greene Foster puts forward the results of The Turnaway Study, her...
“Everybody pees and poops — and we know that urine and stool contain a rich source of information on our health,” says data detective Newsha Ghaeli....
Have we lost the practical wisdom of what happens as people die? With lessons from a career witnessing thousands of people’s final breaths, palliative care expert...
AI could propel the biggest transformation in the history of medicine, says physician-scientist Eric Topol. He explains how sophisticated AI models can interpret medical images as...
Clearing tropical forests isn’t just dangerous to the natural world — it’s also a threat to human health and wellbeing, says physician Neil Vora. Tracing how...