Where did all the lumps and bumps on buildings go? When did city architecture become so … dull? Here to talk about why cities need inspiring...
This woman uses tiny brushes to create ultra realistic portraits on acrylic nails. Her name is Vivian Xue Rahey, and she’s a nail art scientist and...
Famed for enormous black-and-white portraits that are pasted on surfaces ranging from the Louvre to the US-Mexico border wall, multimedia artist JR continues to tackle ambitious...
Life is a constant state of both joy and sorrow, dark and light, bitter and sweet. In a meditative conversation, author Susan Cain explores how being...
Tattoos can transform and empower people, with some seeking them out to reconnect with their bodies due to scarring, physical abnormalities or the aftermath of a...
In this live drawing performance and poignant autobiographical journey, author and illustrator Jarrett J. Krosoczka sketches some life-shaping moments, showing us how drawing and storytelling can...
Pop culture is changing thanks to a different kind of storytelling, says digital strategist Hyeonmi Kim. They’re called webtoons: comic-like illustrations published in short segments and...
When Lebanon was rocked by a massive explosion at the port of Beirut, filmmaker Mounia Akl came face-to-face with chaos — and the power of art...
Short-sightedness may be the greatest threat to humanity, says conceptual artist Katie Paterson, whose work engages with deep time — an idea that describes the history...
Comics creator Sam Hester is part of a growing movement within health care: graphic medicine. In short, literally drawing attention to a patient’s needs and goals...