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Everyone can participate in building the metaverse | Sutu | TED

The promise of the metaverse extends far beyond digital spaces — it can transform and enrich how we experience the material world, too. From video games that bring communities together to digital art that collides with physical spaces, augmented reality designer Sutu shares some of the incredible creativity that’s sparked by AR metaverse technology and…



The promise of the metaverse extends far beyond digital spaces — it can transform and enrich how we experience the material world, too. From video games that bring communities together to digital art that collides with physical spaces, augmented reality designer Sutu shares some of the incredible creativity that’s sparked by AR metaverse technology and invites us all to participate in building its future.

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#TED #TEDTalks #metaverse

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  1. harshbutt

    September 13, 2022 at 7:32 pm


  2. Steven

    September 13, 2022 at 7:36 pm

    I love the metaverse idea. I really do. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a kid. Sadly, there’s too many people living their in their own alternate reality right now in the ‘real’ world. We need to clean up poverty, hunger, and post-truth misinformation first. Clean up the real, then focus on the digital.

    • Technolus

      September 13, 2022 at 9:24 pm

      Or multi-task

  3. Anime Dream Machine

    September 13, 2022 at 7:44 pm

    This sucks

  4. Vyl Bird

    September 13, 2022 at 8:21 pm

    If you just drop the NFT and blockchain part, the idea of this augmented-reality metaverse has some real appeal. The prospects are great for games. For work. For just everyday conveniences – maybe the future might even have augmented reality glasses that don’t make you look like a cut-rate borg drone. I could go for interactive signage and maps, sure. But, no… you just have to go and ruin it by dragging in the most crass form of commercialism.

    Yes, any ‘metaverse’ platform needs money. Storage and processing power are dirt cheap, but they aren’t quite free. Some concession to commercial reality must be made – be it a subscription fee, or some advertising. I’d even accept that intrusive tracking is probably going to be inevitable, because advertising agencies will face the same commercial pressures they do today. But what people really hate – as evidenced by the many negative comments here – is the prospect to building a metaverse that artificially imposes all the scarcity and constraints of the real world in order to increase opportunities to sell us stuff.

    People generally don’t give a crap about copyright – if they see a nice meme picture, they want to save-as and use it as their avatar, or forward it to all their friends. We want a metaverse where you can still do that. Not one where we are nickle-and-dimed with microtransactions for everything we do, where the snobs flaunt their wealth with exclusive designer brand-name virtual clothing. Where you try to play virtual basketball and find the hoop is a dollar-a-month subscription.

    It’s bad enough what Facebook et al have already done to the internet a lot of us grew up with. We used to be warned about the dangers of revealing any personal information – now you can’t even comment on a website without tying it to a social media account, because you can’t target adds to an anonymous pseudonym. Everything is tracked, monetised, recorded forever, and data-mined to convince us to buy more crap we don’t even really want – and then to make us see the ads, an engagement-focused algorithm feeds us all on conspiracy theories and mindless clickbait. Because the angrier the audience are, the more they keep watching.

    The internet was supposed to free mankind. Instead it turned into another corporatised wasteland. And now the metaverse is going to be more of the same.

  5. consummateVssss

    September 13, 2022 at 8:24 pm

    For those of you without the dislike button extension, this video is currently at 400 likes and 1.3k dislikes

  6. chas in lakewood

    September 13, 2022 at 8:32 pm

    This could revitalize malls.
    Imagine the visual assault as you walk through one.

  7. Retro Crypt

    September 13, 2022 at 8:57 pm

    Nobody wants or cares about the metaverse. look at the dislikes. nuff said

  8. Metacognition88

    September 13, 2022 at 9:21 pm

    I hope the metaverse comes asap. I like to dump nfts and metaverse tokens on retail noobs.

  9. Todd Levesque

    September 13, 2022 at 9:23 pm

    YouTube comments are trash. So many opinions 😂 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃 all aboard to Speculation Station!

  10. Fallout Freeman

    September 13, 2022 at 10:04 pm

    Some interesting uses for the metaverse:

    1) A doorstop
    2) A beer coaster
    3) It can hold your hair back when you get sick
    4) It’s super-absorbent. Useful for getting into those hard to reach places.
    5) Shower cap
    6) Substitute toilet paper

  11. C Hanes

    September 13, 2022 at 10:26 pm

    Crazy excited about this

  12. phillips wright

    September 13, 2022 at 10:53 pm


    • phillips wright

      September 13, 2022 at 10:54 pm

      @Diamond Ray that is totally true, but how well does a financial advisor improve your profit? What is the experience like using an advisor?.

    • Diamond Ray

      September 13, 2022 at 10:55 pm

      @phillips wright I can’t disclose too much, but yea I’ve been using a coach called Alex l Orloff and through his guidance, I’ve been able to make approx. $74,000 in dividends on a monthly basis, it is pretty straightforward, not as complicated as it used to be..

    • Sulaiman Mutiyat

      September 13, 2022 at 10:57 pm

      @Diamond Ray
      A lot has changed and that’s on everything but the truth is i don’t even care much about bullish or bearish market because Alex l orloff advisory service got me cover as I am comfortably making enough monthly

    • phillips wright

      September 13, 2022 at 10:57 pm

      @Sulaiman Mutiyat
      how can i reach him?

    • Sulaiman Mutiyat

      September 13, 2022 at 10:58 pm

      @phillips wright Look him up on the web, you can reach him through his personal site.

  13. Ruuubick

    September 13, 2022 at 10:58 pm


  14. Tipsy Robot

    September 13, 2022 at 11:32 pm

    Metaverse is corporately created garbage that only nerds will be interested in. The tell-tale sign is Zuckerbutt getting involved. Y’all have fun, I’ll stick with actual reality, such as it is.

  15. B G

    September 13, 2022 at 11:40 pm

    Build it and they will profit. Crowdsource your greed!

  16. Tom Rawlings

    September 13, 2022 at 11:48 pm

    Even with the current dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started stock and crypto investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Mrs Linda Grahams

  17. Tom Rawlings

    September 13, 2022 at 11:48 pm

    When it comes to investing, people who have a financial plan are more likely to feel prepared to meet their financial goals. Been into this experience since 2016 and now 6 years on extremely pleased with the decision I made. There’s no shortcut to getting rich, but there are smart ways to go about it

  18. Tom Rawlings

    September 13, 2022 at 11:49 pm

    🧱Despite the fluctuation in the market today, Bitcoin is a good business anyone can think of doing. It really taught a lot of people the importance of multiple stream of income during the world global pandemic lockdown.

  19. Tom Rawlings

    September 13, 2022 at 11:49 pm

    In spite of the fluctuation in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio
    Thanks 🙏so much Mrs. Linda Grahams

    • Gilbert Fletcher

      September 13, 2022 at 11:51 pm

      Very nice, I was holding before I found Linda Grahams. In my opinion she is one of the best out there.

    • Dorothy Castoreno Guerra

      September 13, 2022 at 11:52 pm

      I’m surprised that this name is being mentioned here, I stumbled upon one of her clients testimonies on CNBC news last Bitcoin recent week….

    • Eric Tackett

      September 13, 2022 at 11:53 pm

      What impresses me most about Linda Grahams is how well she explains basic concept of winning before actually letting you use her trade signals. This goes a long way to ensure winning trades.

    • pascalstreege

      September 13, 2022 at 11:54 pm

      Strategy minimizes risk and maximizes profits. Trading with her has been incredible throughout the last few months, and I would recommend her strategy to any one…

    • Ruth Philip

      September 13, 2022 at 11:55 pm

      Nice info, i appreciate your concern this will help a lot especially to the young bitcoin investors who have no or lesser knowledge on how bitcoin market works.

  20. David Boson

    September 13, 2022 at 11:55 pm

    will they be a thumb down choice in the meta verse?

  21. Ianpact

    September 14, 2022 at 12:54 am

    Another promo for Meta, huh.

  22. Bernard Martis

    September 14, 2022 at 1:23 am

    The Metaverse is going to be the undoing of FB. It’s Second Life with 3D. A reimagined WoW with a Virtual Office instead of Maps.

  23. Osama Been Lagging

    September 14, 2022 at 6:46 am

    Everyone can but nobody does, because it’s useless

  24. MrZeroin

    September 14, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Escaping reality? Nice turn, TED!

  25. Random Tube

    September 14, 2022 at 7:10 am

    We do not need the metaverse. Count me out. Stop pushing this crap.

  26. Joey Carter

    September 14, 2022 at 7:39 am

    So I’ve seen many Metaverse speakers on TED, are they selling spots on TED these days? No one cares about META and it’s awful. Might as well have a TED talk about essential oils.

  27. best : Wendytrad45 on telegram app

    September 14, 2022 at 7:47 am

    When life hits you hard go harder your success is not based on a man decision it’s based on your actions and those actions got consequences it’s either good or bad so it’s up to you thanks god I mad the right choice with right people.. I just got a new house 🏠 and brand new car from them. Thanks for the help ABOVE Username.

  28. Andrew Cripps

    September 14, 2022 at 7:57 am

    Who wants the metaverse, is Ted a sales platform for Meta? Turn off!

  29. Cuda FX

    September 14, 2022 at 8:21 am

    NFTs. of course!

  30. Chioma Ukpaka

    September 14, 2022 at 8:52 am

    I agree, the transformation of any space at all whether outer or inner spaces lies on the shoulder of everyone. We have seen certain improvement in the VR and AR world and it because a lot of people have interest in it. i guess that’s why i will always appreciate projects that take up matters around AI and metaverse or even the combo. AIwork works tirelessly to see that all areas of metaverse fits into their aim and objectives.

    • Andrew Gritters

      September 15, 2022 at 1:30 pm

      Metaverse is a waste of time and they don’t have the graphics good enough to suck people into a fake world yet. Once we have realistic graphics in the meta, you will see huge chunks of young men that start wasting ALL of their time in VR. Not a good thing

  31. BD Meta

    September 14, 2022 at 8:57 am

    The virtual world enriches our spiritual world

  32. Phat Le

    September 14, 2022 at 9:16 am

    I won’t be into metaverse, NFT or cryptocurrency for at least the next 10 years. These things consume a huge amount of energy while benefiting only a small percentage of the population. I can’t imagine scaling them to a global level for everyone to use at a reasonable cost. There are other matters that are much more pressing and worth investing in at the moment. Innovations and futuristic visions are nice, but we should not allocate too much resource to distant goals and neglect the current crises.

    • Aditya

      September 15, 2022 at 4:57 am

      Good wait for 10 years and be a user.

  33. Chalifoux: ON TELEGRAM WENDYTRAD45

    September 14, 2022 at 9:16 am

    I truly respect this team who stay strong during hard times..Even when they have every reason to break Down.For Help me on my Bitcoin account I also appreciate your efforts so much sir. For getting.0.7BTC during the lockdown period of time.I got enough money to say indoor at this period I really appreciate you Above name wendytrad..

  34. Marilyn Monroe

    September 14, 2022 at 9:48 am

    Social interactions :
    1950, outside
    2022, metaverse
    Is this the right way ?

    • ACMC

      September 14, 2022 at 4:12 pm

      In 1950 women weren’t allowed to own property. Are you sure you’d like to go back?

    • Marilyn Monroe

      September 14, 2022 at 4:19 pm

      @ACMC just shut it… plz

  35. DryBoneJones

    September 14, 2022 at 10:44 am

    I think going on vacation in the headset would be neat but we honestly don’t need this. We are straying far from reality every day, how is the Metaverse going to combat that?

  36. Froilanstois.

    September 14, 2022 at 10:52 am

    Truth is everyone needs more than there salary to be financially stable. The the best thing to do with your money is to lnvest it rightly because money left for saving always end up used with no returns..

    • Bruce Wayne

      September 14, 2022 at 11:38 am


    • Kush Mag

      September 14, 2022 at 11:50 am

      @Bruce Wayne Thank you I will message him through telegram right away, I see this as opportunlty to escape my financial situation.

    • Chase

      September 14, 2022 at 11:58 am

      Same here, After watching so many YouTube tutorial videos about trading I was still making losses untill Mr Ryan started managing my investment now, I make $6,800 weekly. God bless Mr Morrison. His been a blessing to my family.

    • Matthew

      September 14, 2022 at 12:02 pm

      Wow! Nicely said indeed no doubt Mr Ryan Morrison is the best step to take following the current situation of the world economy, I have never believed in Bitcoin or crypto currency in all, but this has been a life changing encounter today!!

  37. Youtube Kullanıcısı

    September 14, 2022 at 10:54 am

    I’m sick of the word ‘metaverse’ as much as the next person, but some of the Facebook boomer-style takes here are just too cringy. No, not wanting the “metaverse” doesn’t necessarily mean we should only care about the real world or not want virtual reality to get more popularized and better. It just means we shouldn’t pay attention to the scammy side of things that is the “metaverse”, along with other gimmicky words like “Web 3.0”, “decentralized blockchain” or “NFT”.

  38. Vitaly Vox

    September 14, 2022 at 11:06 am

    Realverse still can use much of our efforts, let’s build it for the better, instead of the Metaverse

    • Dm on 👉Telegram@Official_TGG

      September 14, 2022 at 11:40 am

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    • Dm on 👉Telegram@Official_TypicalGamer

      September 14, 2022 at 11:40 am

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      September 14, 2022 at 11:40 am

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    • Dm on 👉Telegram@Official_Banden

      September 14, 2022 at 11:40 am

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  39. James Helped ME ..... Wendytrad45 ON TELEGRAM % A

    September 14, 2022 at 12:29 pm

    I cherish you forever with the way keep helping the poor people with your real legitimate working software Bitcoin generating mining software. that truly generate Bitcoin thanks for saving me from scammers and giving me the real legitimate. working software keep it up sir name above…

  40. TheKalash

    September 14, 2022 at 12:56 pm

    Everyone could also do something useful instead.

  41. Jean Pierre

    September 14, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    We cant improve our reality and yet we want to build a virtual world.Why? Whats in virtual world? Why not concentrate on the real issues ? Poverty,Racism, etc..we human have lost our ways and have no clue of our priorities. Metaverse is another way to divert the attention of the world, and to enrich those who already are..

  42. Second Life by Loff

    September 14, 2022 at 1:25 pm

    No one does their homework, you guys parachute on Youtube and think the Metaverse is something yet to come… Second Life is a fully fledged Metaverse, the only really established one, because there is nothing missing, SL is a Metaverse where all you wonder about and talk about has already happened and is fully answered, since 2003, it just doesn’t use the silly VR goggles… SL is indeed the only mature and organically developed Metaverse, with a complex thriving economy and all sorts of activities, from entertainment to science, education and arts, even real jobs, therefore being the only available long run “proof of concept” for how everything works on a present and future VR Metaverse – what people want and don’t want, what they create and sell and buy, how they socialize, roleplay, work, have families and live, etc… But beaware, Blockchain and Crypto have nothing to do with the Metaverse, absolutely nothing… Saying the Metaverse needs crypto is like saying the Internet of today can’t survive without Hotmail, contrary to what all Youtube Ponzy Crypto scamners want you to think, by sticking together the trendy words Blockchain and Metaverse… The Metaverse can’t develop properly with Crypto and NFTs, it needs a very stable value coin, like SL has (Lindens), a coin that works like a FIAT… No one will rent a house, create products, pay and sell for services and buy stuff (like it happens on SL) when things have speculative weekly fluctuating values and the dress you sell gives you 50$ income on Monday and only 0,1$ on Sunday, or the land you rented to run your home or venue costs 20$ on January than 200$ on April… A Metaverse economy must be based in utility of goods and services, not speculation of goods and service, the real developers of a Metaverse buy things to USE them (for fun or slow business investment), not to fast SELL/FLIP them… Crypto Metaverse is just – NOT GONA HAPPEN… Only speculators, AND NOT real creators and consumers, want to engage on a Crypto Metaverse, just dreaming with fliping revenues… And those are not the population that develop and grow a real Metaverse, is a ponzy scam hive, pure and simple… Wakeup People…


    September 14, 2022 at 2:28 pm

    Metaverse will make people more lonely

  44. Free Bitcoin Times

    September 14, 2022 at 3:53 pm


  45. procrasti86

    September 14, 2022 at 11:21 pm

    the dude came to ted to sell his nft with a gimmick
    his ideas are very unnappealing.
    I used to be eager to see what augmented reality could bring us. extra information displayed next to what you’re looking at, apps boosting productivity, hands-free operation… You know, function over form, usefull stuff…
    nowhere in this presentation do I see anything usefull. no watch, no calculator, no weather information, no news feed…
    When I look at what sutu brought, I’m thinking pop up ads, scam, epilepsy inducing neon blinking ugly pointless doodles
    It’s like myspace pages all over again
    this idea is not worth spreading

  46. Preyan Mehta

    September 15, 2022 at 10:44 am

    I read the comments before watching the video. And was sceptical to watch it. Also saw likes to dislike ratio. I don’t understand the hate spreading around for this particular video. Sutu specifically talks about anti-Meta Metaverse. Talks about moving OUT rather than stick to screens. Why is this topic so edgy for so many people and why take that hate out on TED as a platform or the Speaker/Artist?

    Sometimes we as a specie surprise ourselves as to how we behave as a group and how it impacts on the behaviour of the majority of the people here. I bet, most of the people who commented on the video, either don’t understand Metaverse yet, nor understands majority of the technology which goes behind it and how it can HELP solve the issues we are facing, such as racism, equality, identities, decentralisation of power and money by providing a way of using an individual’s self expression to earn etc. Just see how much individuals and as a society has benefitted from platform like Youtube?

    Keep the Open Sourced nature of TED as a platform alive and keep the good work coming.

    • WhatsApp ①②①⑧⑨⑨⑥⑤⑥⑧⑦

      September 15, 2022 at 4:44 pm

      Feedback appreciated
      Wanting more insights?
      Endeavor to reach out! 📊”

  47. MotorGoblin

    September 15, 2022 at 5:15 pm

    Facebook really did the metaverse a disservice by letting people think it’s a Facebook product. Just look at this comment section.

  48. Dupe

    September 16, 2022 at 4:13 am

    I’m on board with some San Junipero type ish at the end of my life, permanently uploaded into some LA type city, but if I’m trying to escape reality at present day, this ain’t it.

  49. Lines and lines!

    September 16, 2022 at 9:02 am

    Seems to me the last two years was orchestrated to bring forth this digital dystopia. Go listen to those singularity pushers, imagine, imagination and on and on it goes. I certainly want no part of this Lucifarian nightmare.

  50. Deepa Verma

    September 17, 2022 at 8:45 am

    I recently sat down with one of my favorite techies, Kristi Woolsey, an associate director at BCG Platinion, to find out more.

  51. P M

    September 17, 2022 at 9:31 am

    Everyone can participate in building the metaverse | Sutu | TED
    Why do they keep telling us we want a reality that’s either augmented or virtual? A reality where we exist as colourful superhero avatars? A reality that has no base in reality. The so called metaverse in which we’re all going to live in the future isn’t a digital utopia, it’s a file on a server that collects our data. It’s nothing more than a shopping mall where every store will know your name, age, financial status, sexual preference, political view, religious belief and musical taste to name just a few, even before you step over their virtual threshold.
    Of course, those who promote this future are heavily invested technocrat businessmen. The ultimate objective in capitalism is to minimise production costs and maximise profits. If the goods aren’t physically real but only exist in the metaverse, then there are zero production costs, resulting in maximum unlimited profits.

    This metaverse may be virtual but the financial structure supporting it is firmly based in the real world. Money is Debt whether real or virtual. Its far easier to allow or deny credit if all transactions are virtual and controlled by a global central non-governmental bank.

    Although in the short term, an elite few may make huge profits, it will ultimately fail. To achieve maximum profits and total success all humankind would need to be permanently connected to the metaverse. Eventually the wealth and power of the elites outside of the metaverse would have no value and they themselves would need to become part of the metaverse.

    With all of mankind connected to the virtual metaverse, our physical bodies would need nourishment to survive. Robots could be programmed to manufacture artificial proteins, nutrients, vitamins and fibres necessary to maintain human life and feed them intravenously to the population. But such a sedentary immobile existence would rapidly lead to muscle and bone degradation resulting in death. With no physical contact between individuals, sexual intercourse wouldn’t happen. No procreation, no new offspring and no continuance of the species.

    Again, robots could be programmed to harvest sperm and eggs and breed new humans. But this new species of artificial human would require constant feeding and attention. They’d be a drain on resources and be a less cost-effective solution.

    If the robots main programming was to maximise profits by minimising production costs in perpetuity, then producing useless physical bodies would be an unnecessary production cost. Profits could be maximised simply by creating digital humans to live in the digital metaverse.

    There would be no messy biological stuff, the digital humans would live out their digital lives in a digital metaverse totally oblivious of any “real” universe.

    The physical universe with human beings connected to the digital metaverse require huge amounts of energy and resources to maintain.

    Digital humans in a digital metaverse require no such amounts of energy. The metaverse could be easily compressed into a single file and stored on a simple computer, with little power.

    Minimum costs, Maximum Profit!

    Paul McGuinness 17th September 2022

  52. KA_KA

    September 17, 2022 at 4:57 pm

    Not impressed

  53. Shubh Mittal

    September 18, 2022 at 2:51 pm

    Why to have metaverse when you have real beautiful Earth

  54. Jedistache

    September 18, 2022 at 6:12 pm

    No one cares

  55. R.Strong & T.Ries.

    September 19, 2022 at 3:47 am


  56. Nats Chil

    September 19, 2022 at 4:38 pm

    When I see “Metaverse” in the topic of a talk I understand that this video is paid by Meta. If it wasn’t paid why would a person call it “Metaverse” instead of “virtual universe” or whatever.
    Why does TED promote this company? I haven’t seen commercials of other big companies here..

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A new way to find and monetize memes | TechCrunch Minute

Meme Depot founder Alex Taub is trying to make meme tech a thing. Meme Depot is different from Cheezburger and Know Your Meme, which he describes as media companies. Meme Depot is more about organizing and discovering memes — for example, going to a page where you can see every Kim Kardashian meme. The company…



Meme Depot founder Alex Taub is trying to make meme tech a thing. Meme Depot is different from Cheezburger and Know Your Meme, which he describes as media companies. Meme Depot is more about organizing and discovering memes — for example, going to a page where you can see every Kim Kardashian meme. The company also allows their users to monetize their meme communities through a crypto layer.

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