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Vishaan Chakrabarti: A vision of sustainable housing for all of humanity | TED Countdown

By 2100, the UN estimates that the world’s population will grow to just over 11 billion people. Architect Vishaan Chakrabarti wants us to start thinking about how we’ll house all these people — and how new construction can fight climate change rather than make it worse. In this visionary talk, Chakrabarti proposes a “Goldilocks” solution…



By 2100, the UN estimates that the world’s population will grow to just over 11 billion people. Architect Vishaan Chakrabarti wants us to start thinking about how we’ll house all these people — and how new construction can fight climate change rather than make it worse. In this visionary talk, Chakrabarti proposes a “Goldilocks” solution to sustainable housing that exists in the sweet spot between single-family homes and towering skyscrapers.

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  1. Dim96

    February 21, 2022 at 2:15 am

    Racial issues can arise. Quite simply because humanity is increasingly selecting its partner (“Server, where is my order?”). It doesn’t matter how wise he is as long as he’s white. It doesn’t matter how wise he is as long as he’s black. More retarded you cannot do. Bringing people together will take 1000 years longer than building this project. (Sorry for being clairvoyant, I’m just writing what I see and hear)

    Without forgetting that we will (almost) always give interest for money. After all, if you don’t have one, you may well die. (life experience)

    Conclusion : Araucaria araucana

  2. 1Smokeaway

    February 21, 2022 at 2:44 am

    Sounds good but none of what you just stated is “affordable housing”. Building that would not make it affordable.

    • Zenn Exile

      February 21, 2022 at 3:35 am

      and it certainly wouldn’t be carbon neutral to house people in those buildings. It’s almost like this is just a corporate propaganda video… weird.

  3. Momo Iris

    February 21, 2022 at 3:13 am

    Tremendous view!! inspire me a lot!!!

  4. Melvin Fernandez

    February 21, 2022 at 3:17 am

    This seems like a very feasible and sustainable way of universal housing that could address a lot of issues. Just have to ensure that stays affordable.

    11 billion though . . . No one ever says stop having children 🤣🤣🤣. . .

    Over population is like the food waste problem. We actually have more food than we can eat. This is a (huge) logistics problem.

    Now for the children. There are already so many unfortunate foster children around the globe. Why not stop having kids and adopt before considering making another “air breather”???

    • {-_-} APEX PREDATOR 101

      February 21, 2022 at 4:42 am

      Yup. Just have less or NO kids is the EASIEST way to reduce emissions (e.g. 4 bil ppl on 🌎 in 2100). Just avoid the religious nuts who think having children is some kind of “holy requirement” haha

    • Melvin Fernandez

      February 21, 2022 at 5:54 am

      @{-_-} APEX PREDATOR 101 Agreed. Religion is a huge driver of this, but governments and big business are also at fault for pushing the agenda to maintain the next generation of working class citizens. I haven’t studied enough macroecon to see the stats on where we stand globally on this and what is or is not sustainable.

  5. Sustainability, Whaaat?!

    February 21, 2022 at 4:21 am

    Great Talk!

  6. Gaasuba Meskhenet

    February 21, 2022 at 4:45 am

    We could stop letting people hoard houses like bricks of gold

    • Lane Munsell

      February 22, 2022 at 12:20 am

      @Gaasuba Meskhenet so after I said governments should be using unoccupied or wasted public space to transform into modern and safe shelters for the homeless you still think wealthy or even financially comfortable people should have to forcibly give up money to give to the needy?

    • Gaasuba Meskhenet

      February 22, 2022 at 12:37 am

      @Lane Munsell shelters in Memphis aren’t even free. Shelters have hours of operation. Shelters are dangerous. Shelters fucking suck.
      No. More. Evictions. From. Primary. Residences.

    • Lane Munsell

      February 22, 2022 at 12:40 am

      @Gaasuba Meskhenet No. More. Free loaders. Trying. To. Transform. The. World. Into. A. Fake. Utopia. In which. Everyone. Has. The . Same. Income. Good luck 👍🏽

    • Gaasuba Meskhenet

      February 22, 2022 at 12:51 am

      @Lane Munsell evil

    • Lane Munsell

      February 22, 2022 at 12:56 am

      @Gaasuba Meskhenet baseless claim. You can’t even explain how you can logically implement what you’re talking about

  7. Abdoulaye Barry

    February 21, 2022 at 4:56 am

    I really need to travel too the USA can you please 🙏 help me to get a visa 🙏 I will finance, I just need an invitation letter 🙏

  8. Vaidya Sethuraman

    February 21, 2022 at 5:09 am

    Simplistic, let Americans start lowering their consumption – gas, meat, plastic, home energy and energy intensive life style…and be a role model for rest of the world, we will see how it goes.

  9. Shahalie Schrepfer

    February 21, 2022 at 5:42 am

    I love this.

  10. Aylbdr Madison

    February 21, 2022 at 6:08 am

    There are already way too many humans on this planet. That’s why we need to rid ourselves of the bigotry that divides and take back the wealth that has been stolen from The People and institute socialism. It’s been proven that socialism causes many people to decide for themselves to stop having so many children because they’re no longer worried about who will take care of them when they’re old, and instead often choose to take up other pursuits such as invention, quality craftsmanship, literature, and music, etc.


    February 21, 2022 at 6:32 am

    Alright, 11 billion people living in France, but what about roads, Industries, offices, movie theater, hospital, roads, railway, airport and so on. So many human things.

  12. Morgan Rusler

    February 21, 2022 at 8:00 am

    He just sort of blows past, and almost makes a joke of the fact that he has 50 first cousins. Like it’s an immutable inevitability. Large families made a lot more sense when families worked farms, life expectancy was shorter and the infant mortality rate was high.

  13. Dr Seuss

    February 21, 2022 at 8:12 am

    Need to make two pipelines down rivers, a say Atlantic ocean supply line and a waste line, everyone’s off toilet to tap and every town taps on, horizontal boring etc, and dumps back into a sealed line. River is uncontaminated and separate system full of water now for nature and irrigation, otter don’t put salt in their water, now they put it on more roads and winter travel is safer, everyone uses a stream distiller to disinfect and remove salt at the kitchen counter for a couple gallons of drinking water a day, no more drain to mouth

    Wishing you could hybrid the dna of grass and corn for a lateral corn/grass crop for indoor vertical farming for massive amounts of more cattle on earth

    The poor could eat surf and turf every meal, a kid making nothing at a fish store could make 90k in an indoor fish farm and Peele looking for jobs could be restocking ponds and lakes with healthy fish

    And don’t build on your farmland, don’t eat people

  14. Dr Seuss

    February 21, 2022 at 8:12 am

    If people could buy a liter of a peaceful opioide drink to go to sleep forever at a local health food store we wouldn’t have to still be here, and 45 percent of the world would take a drink and say thanks instead of people going a virus or vacks does it to whoever, probably the half that actually want to be here will die or get ill health. With aerosol vsrus weapon/trojan horse vacks you might not have a military in six months or two years

    Imagine a different world where everyone who didn’t want to exist didn’t have to be here. 1/3 of the world starving to death, so a grandmother with a broken back can only get food as comfort until she dies of pain, so a malnourished child will wind up with the same thing deficiency and wine up like her grandmother too. 5 prevent of the world are terminally ill, another 5 percent need bionic body parts they can’t or don’t want to get, another 5 percent need an organ replaced they can’t or don’t want to get replaced. Another 5 percent live in chronic pain. Another 5-10 percent never wanted to be born anyway. You can kill an unborn or partially delivered child but you’re sick and need help if you want to leave the planet yourself. Legalize a peaceful opioide euthanasia drink and 50-60 percent of the world will be fine through compassion, the 50-60 percent that doesn’t want to be here, not like avrus blindly killing whoever does and only taking it a 1 percent. Dumbp C0VID for agn d twenty 1, half of the world was supposed to be gone by 2030, their goal should be compassion and it will surpass all goals. You could grow food and a peaceful poppy with indoor farming for the whole world, imagine a world full of people, about half, who actually want to be here.

    We live in a world where abortion is legal but not euthnasia. You have a right to kill but not to exit life when you want, how you want. You don’t have a right to live not a right to die. No one chooses to be born, and there is no peaceful pill that puts you to sleep forever. We’re overpopulated because it is financially beneficial for someone to have a child then take half of everything, then 60 percent of a paycheck, then if the next guy doesn’t do it for then anymore they get another 20-32 percent. I knew a guy who told me “I love my daughter but she’s a professional con artist, she had kids with three guys and is making almost six figures off of coke support and took half of their assets”

    No matter what kind of life one had, in the thrall of death, and I’ve been there more than once, it doesn’t matter and you wish you never had been. The only way to go in my opinion is a peaceful opioide drink and go to sleep. Never try to go with a stimulant or pills that might just make you puke and you’ll think it was bleach in there. Death is there one thing in life that’ll get you at the end, from being born in the hunting grounds of dinosaurs and snakes or a nice mansion, if you don’t make sure it’s nice for you at the end you’ll probably wish more than anything at that moment that you had spent’t your life better making sure you did and didn’t fall yourself at the end, cruel and unthoughtful… Those who do not legislate to make it available to others will probably not have it for themselves either

    In life do one think well, die right.
    You’ll be thankful you forgot and slipped into the best sleep of your life. You could be eaten alive by a dinosaur on this planet, was a wonderful dream I had last night, felt great too, they were hatched and fell from the sky.

    Let your hard work and good luck surviving on this planet get you a peaceful rest at the end, you owe it to yourself

    Before electricity was sent through power lines it was never dumped into the ground through 8′ electrodes energizing ground water at every home and business. Storm clouds of higher charge send heat lightening and charge of higher electron charge move to clouds of lower electron charge to stabilize the electron balance in the atmosphere. We’re energizing ground water tables with positive electron charge and telling storms not to come here, and with electron to magnetic earth ground charge a low depression stir where h20 reaches ground and which replenishes water like it should rarely happens, so it just evaps off, that’s why lightening is more likely to hit the lone farm house rather than the neighborhood. With a fourth insulated conductor taking the returning current from each homes neutral bar back to the grid to power extra street lamps, etc, instead of energizing ground water tables which is a conductor, maybe we’ll get more rainfall

    It costs the same to print welfare as it does US Currency, for the cost of bringing in people from another country and giving then citizenship, when we’re already out of jobs, even with people sitting on degrees and college debt working at retail stores and looking for other jobs, with skilled trade wages maintaining what they paid before gas more than doubled and everything went up) why don’t we pay people to go to other countries and build indoor farming, from fish to every kind of crop, so everywhere is a good home with food and jobs. And with more jobs everywhere, everyone will have more for each other and dollars will go further everywhere. All the kids playing on dad’s monopoly game will have a fun life and get back to serving one another. One kid will sell ice cream cones again because the other one is hired to paint houses, so he hires someone else to work on theirs, and people can build boats and people can go on boat rides again, with more people working more people can actually get a paid vacation and start saving for retirement (I’ll take a retirement pll), but with everything shut down, it’s a game of who wants to buy it all up for paper when it floods and collapses

    Grow too much food so when the food truck is empty, it takes back the extra food with blemishes for fertilzer on indoor crops where there’s no need for pestcde as there no bugs indoors, you can grow any crop with with above or below ground (mirrored clay wall) vertical farms, magnifying glass panels at ground level, solar 24/7/365 growing seasons, indoor fresh water fish farms, indoor whaling, grow grass and put cows and chickens on it all year round (won’t even stink up a metropolitan city in a high rise) plant dirt and grass and cows where torn down factories left concrete waste slabs) in a building grass can be grown in many floor to ceiling returnable plats on a conveyer, that’s takes it up to the dairy floors for food where the cows eat it at 3′ above the floor, the floor has a squeegee system and the cows are herded from one half of the floor to the other for cleaning: an automated squeege cleans the floor and empties it into a special for drain: the cow manure goes back down in a pipe for fertilizer : ) the floor has a floor washer, like a car wash, but with clean spayed water on the floor and a squeegee system : ) So good

    Salt water can be separated with oxygen being released like a rain forest to the outside air while the electricity generated disinfects waste water as it makes energy (NASA does this to make cabin oxygen while it releases everything else to space) Everyone uses a small steam distiller to disinfect and remove salt at the sink for drinking and cooking, everyone gets soft water to their house from the ocean, (already has natural salt in it) drag pipelines to every continent, more jobs, and divert river system maybe to deserts to take sea water rise from melting ice caps and maybe restock what used to be an ocean, natural sand filter at least, just don’t put sharks in there and you can surf : )

    NASA uses electrolysis to make cabin oxygen from water and they release the hydrogen gas to outer space, you could use the h as clean energy and release the oxygen to the planet as a rain forest (the problem is carbon likes to bond to oxygen, we need more oxygen sunlight in the atmosphere busts CO2 up into noxious o1 ozone, plants with electric photosynthesis separate the carbon and release the o2 again.). drag ocean soft water to municipalities, they use a small steam distiller at the sink for drinking water, everyone’s off toilet to tap, and you use electrolysis to disinfect the waste water and make energy. You split the ocean stream for indoor fresh water and salt water fish farming. You build or convert 40 story buildings for indoor farming. Every acre under roof is an 80-120 acre farm, but instead of 12 hours of light, there’s solar glass panels and you have 24 hours of light, 12 months of growing instead of 6, so maybe an 80 acre indoors is like 320. You grow too much food so the empty good truck picks up the blemished felt and vegetables for fertilizer. You can have a cow floor, a dairy farm and a chicken floor in what was an office building. One person drives an hour with gas and clogs tollways to drive to a city where someone else has to drive an hour to his town to work. Now they both work from home, they can get paid more and write off an office in their home, empty office building can be converted to indoor farms, and the sprinkler system can be used for irrigation. You can grow every crop in the world, everywhere, indoor, with every climate and 24/7/365 agriculture, and not even smell farm animals in a building

    For what it costs to build housing here and grow food on welfare, we can pay people who want to go to another country and build indoor farms and drag ocean lines and build clean energy waste water stations. Who wants to get paid to go to south America and maybe even live there? Whether you were from there, want to get paid to go on a humanitarian effort, or maybe move there : )

    With today’s technology and the skilled people who came here to learn skills, maybe they would love to develop their home turns and make it great, with more than enough food and water and electricity for everyone, everywhere

    People work for each other for paper and out of an overflow they trade. Everywhere will be a good home for ev

  15. Downy Kitten

    February 21, 2022 at 8:44 am

    Tell Jeff Bezos he has to live in one of those and see what he says. I’ll bet it’s “no”. You’d have to make everyone do what’s best for them, so good luck with that.

  16. Cocina Responsable

    February 21, 2022 at 10:27 am

    I personally believe that we can do a lot from our kitchens💪 by simply composting and reducing the waste. Great talk !!!

  17. Vytautas

    February 21, 2022 at 12:39 pm

    I am super negative person, but this presentation was really good.

  18. Wayne

    February 21, 2022 at 1:28 pm

    Great talk, great speaker! However, townhouses come with substantial land tax and unnecessary cost for home owners, and they do not offer flexibility with regards to personalised dream house. Townhouses also have an extremely poor resale value. Appreciation is negative, as you never own a piece of land (land value appreciates). So its a financial loss for new home buyers.

    • Ryan Smith

      February 22, 2022 at 11:28 pm

      This is true for manufactured homes. Not necessarily true, at all, for townhouses. Condos do appreciate because they actually come with a share of the land, generally according to square footage

    • Ryan Smith

      February 22, 2022 at 11:28 pm

      The key distinction (which you pointed out) is whether you own a share of the land. But that is possible with this model!

  19. okram somokanta

    February 21, 2022 at 2:32 pm

    Sometimes I do feel Ted is A platform of created by certain sinister syndicate to steal information for their selfish projects

  20. J.S[기마이]Varaba

    February 21, 2022 at 4:02 pm

    영상 잘보고 갑니다 반이상은 알아들었어요 ^^

  21. m

    February 21, 2022 at 8:56 pm

    0:25 Yeah, and most of them will be from two most populace countries as they continue to invade the rest of the world **cough*Mauritius*cough** 😒 It’s YOUR fault we’ll all have to live in dystopia _Bladerunner_ and _Fifth Element_ style super-skyscrapers and eat powdered insect bars and be unemployed. Selfish breeders. 😠

  22. Hannah Mendoza

    February 22, 2022 at 12:03 am

    Thank U Pamela Kay weaver, for tips and recommendations. Started stock investment last month with $6k and I’ve grown it to $18k, goal is to double that next month. Probably 40k via affiliate links. Lol not much yet but it will be.

    • Heather Rice

      February 22, 2022 at 12:44 am

      @X. Valeria Martini She’s great and informative. Thanks you PAMELA 👍🏾👍🏾🇬🇧

    • Same M. Washington

      February 22, 2022 at 12:46 am

      I began trading with Pamela K. Weaver weeks ago and I just made my first withdrawal of 2BTC. I must be dreaming, I am just so happy🙊😳.

    • Özkan Arslanoğlu

      February 22, 2022 at 12:47 am


    • Verlyn Peh

      February 22, 2022 at 12:50 am

      Let’s g💥💥g🇨🇦🔥🔥

    • ticklishkoala747-Carroll

      February 22, 2022 at 12:52 am

      Her trading last week was BOOOOM 🚀🚀🚀

  23. Amanda Riedel

    February 22, 2022 at 12:20 am

    One of the best Ted talks I’ve seen.

  24. 楊小藍

    February 22, 2022 at 11:28 am

    I think the reality will be like: Rich builds it , Poor loans a lot to live together.

  25. Bernard Lease

    February 22, 2022 at 11:53 am

    The notion that there will be 11 billion people by the end of the next century is wrong and has been debunked. The opposite is true, even India will see a population collapse.

  26. angel santos

    February 22, 2022 at 4:01 pm

    <3 booyah

  27. P B

    February 22, 2022 at 7:17 pm

    We could also try to stop increasing population

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I tried OpenAI’s Sora AI Video Generator and was blown away by the results but underwhelmed by the limited number of high-resolution video generations and durations. Read more on OpenAI Kicks Off a New Era With Sora AI Videos 0:00 Intro 0:13 ChatGPT Plus and Pro Pricing 0:29 Sora Explore Section 0:58 Sora Your…



I tried OpenAI’s Sora AI Video Generator and was blown away by the results but underwhelmed by the limited number of high-resolution video generations and durations.

OpenAI Kicks Off a New Era With Sora AI Videos

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In a quick talk, he shares three major updates of recent human progress on eradicating ancient diseases, establishing massive new ocean sanctuaries and transforming children’s rights. (This conversation was recorded on December 2, 2024.)

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