In his 2000 bestseller “The Tipping Point,” Malcolm Gladwell told the story of why crime fell in New York City in the 1990s. Now, 25 years...
(This conversation with TED’s Whitney Pennington Rodgers was recorded on September 5, 2024.) If you love watching TED Talks like this one, become a TED Member...
Small Indigenous communities make up only five percent of the world’s population, but they defend 80 percent of the biodiversity that remains on Earth, says war...
We need journalism that moves beyond a constant focus on violence and honestly depicts the full impact of war, in and out of the trenches, says...
How does language shape our politics? Journalist Isaac Saul explores how subtle word choices can inhibit productive dialogue about significant issues — and shows how small...
There’s an invisible health threat right under our feet, says investigative journalist Yvette Cabrera. She digs into the pervasive problem of lead contamination in soil —...
Whether or not you believe the world is doomed might depend on where you get your news, says journalist Angus Hervey. “If we want more people...
Economic crises can and do happen. But for every true crisis, there are many false alarms, says economist Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak. He explains how to live with...
We’re fast approaching a world where widespread, hyper-realistic deepfakes lead us to dismiss reality, says technologist and human rights advocate Sam Gregory. What happens to democracy...
For nearly two decades, journalist Jane Ferguson has reported on hostilities across Africa and the Middle East, and she’s witnessed firsthand the changing face of her...