As a neurodivergent child going to school far from home, Misan Harriman found solace in the internet — “an endless library of the extraordinary,” as he...
Christie’s Ventures Global Head Devang Thakkar joins Caroline Hyde to give an overview of what to expect at the auction house’s Art + Tech Summit kicking...
Artist Mike Winklemann, aka Beeple, whose NFT artwork “Everydays” sold for $69 million by auction house Christie’s back in March 2021, joins Caroline Hyde and Ed...
Tapping into the transformational power of costume, concept artist Machine Dazzle takes us on a maximalist journey through art, history and fashion. From a jaw-droppingly intricate...
Our bodies instinctually respond to the movements and rhythms of nature, like the uplifting feeling you get when walking in a forest. Can art evoke the...
Using found materials and mesmerizing structures that unearth deep-rooted emotions, Wangechi Mutu’s visual creations explore and celebrate women’s role in our collective history. From ancient rock...
Showing how language can illuminate the superhero in all of us, Scott performs three spoken word pieces that seamlessly weave together literary devices like simile, assonance...
Some works of art stand the test of time; others don’t age as well. Using American musical theater as her case study, theater historian Margaret Hall...
Nadya Tolokonnikova, founding member of the anti-Putin resistance group Pussy Riot, was named a top enemy of Russia for speaking out against Vladimir Putin’s dictatorship throughout...
Take a graffiti tour through ancient Pompeii with Roman archaeologist Jacqueline DiBiasie-Sammons and discover what 2,000-year-old scribblings from antiquity can teach us about life in modern...