Bloomberg Technology

Digital Transformation Accelerated During Pandemic

May.10 — Deb Cupp, Microsoft Corporate vice president of worldwide commercial industries, explains the findings of a report showing that 72% of businesses claim that the pandemic has accelerated their industries’ pace of digital transformation, especially with employee engagement, employee wellness and social consciousness. She speaks with Emily Chang on “Bloomberg Technology.”



May.10 — Deb Cupp, Microsoft Corporate vice president of worldwide commercial industries, explains the findings of a report showing that 72% of businesses claim that the pandemic has accelerated their industries’ pace of digital transformation, especially with employee engagement, employee wellness and social consciousness. She speaks with Emily Chang on “Bloomberg Technology.”


  1. G. Zeigler

    May 10, 2021 at 11:49 pm


  2. Samba Diop

    May 10, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    Hi ; digital easy ; digital faster and economic

  3. FMTF - Finance & Investing

    May 11, 2021 at 1:23 am

    It”s called ‘the 4th industrial revolution’, like Klaus Schwab prefers to call his Kreeet Rieszet.

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