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Bloomberg Technology

‘Bloomberg Technology’ Full Show (07/28/2022)

The only daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business from San Francisco.



The only daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business from San Francisco.

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  1. Damon Gnojek

    July 29, 2022 at 2:42 am

    I imagine Ed pleasantly apologizing for cutting her off during his intro.


    July 29, 2022 at 3:22 am

    Due to the economic crisis and the unemployment rate, now is the best time to invest and earn money 💯

    • HRYLE

      July 29, 2022 at 3:42 am

      he is really amazing with amazing skill of him he changed my 0.3 btc to 2.1 btc

    • S S A y a

      July 29, 2022 at 3:42 am

      Buying cryptocurrencies does not make you a winner, but the ability to earn daily profits on your capital is what makes you a winner… Stop depending on the market price for profit, choose to trade on…

    • Maria Lissa

      July 29, 2022 at 3:42 am

      Trading is the future, not these hold cryptocurrencies and expect an increase in the market price.

    • Maria Lissa

      July 29, 2022 at 3:42 am

      This is the kind of information we don’t get from most YouTubers. I will contact you immediately, I am very impressed.

  3. Michael Do

    July 29, 2022 at 6:11 am

    Emily, you are beautiful and smart~

    • Slartibartfast

      July 29, 2022 at 9:43 am

      @Arturo A Yes

  4. Arturo A

    July 29, 2022 at 7:10 am

    Another day and more cheap Chinese dresses, more fake blondes, more cheap haircuts…typical CCP’s custome…

  5. Arturo A

    July 29, 2022 at 7:11 am

    We want Chang out of Bloomberg, we are building a Chinese-free nation…lets make America China-free, no more China, no more Chang…

  6. Arturo A

    July 29, 2022 at 7:12 am

    Chang has been trolling and roasting Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and Larry Ellison over the past months…we are not gonna let a Chinese double agent to dictate the rules…Chang must be fired…Chang will be fired…

  7. Boom🦈

    July 29, 2022 at 9:20 am

    This VISIT is for h_ Future Investments🤣🤣

  8. Giancarlo

    July 29, 2022 at 12:13 pm

    Pelosi es the best trader ever !

  9. Feroza Akter

    July 30, 2022 at 12:46 am

    Hello from Alabama. Been watching your videos for almost a year now. Started a new growth portfolio and began dca into what ended up being 51 positions around december of 2021. Been consistently on par with the markets in the short term, and it looks set to take strides ahead in the long run based on the 3m and 6m comparisons! A lot of that is thanks to your information! +0.89% on the day at present! I also mine and have been buying ETH and stake some of that into ETH2. I convert a small percentage to ALGO to draw higher interest and have access. Seeing some nice gains on those plays as well and thank you also for recommending Mr. George McNeil as I am comfortably making 9.5 BTC. Thanks to George McNeil for his amazing skills for helping me to earn 9.5 Btc through trading chart. Great TA as always>🙌🏻

    • Robin Michelle Holmes

      July 30, 2022 at 12:54 am

      @Feroza Akter Nice one,Thank you for providing your traders contact.Glad to see what he has to offer!

    • Diondre Alexander

      July 30, 2022 at 12:54 am

      I’ve known George for like 6 months and i had to quit my job after our first trade😆🤑💛 He’s the best

    • Diederik van de tanden

      July 30, 2022 at 12:56 am

      @Diondre Alexander Really appreciate George McNeil’s faithfulness,!Brilliant analysis!

    • Dan Schafer

      July 30, 2022 at 12:57 am

      @Feroza Akter Thanks mate!

      100% Contacting George

    • Joel Samoh

      July 30, 2022 at 12:57 am

      George will always be our crypto hero and champion. He’s been right on all the trends.

  10. mtwo mthree

    July 31, 2022 at 11:07 am


    Re: The useless abusive methods of the DBS Security Clearance and the Credit Rating Agencies-thefacilitate identity theft by enclosed detailed criminal network#the sick mentality of corrupt government staff who forget about the legal rights that we all must be paid and not have our assets stolen and have our kids sexually abused via MLK-ULTRA

    MALTA, A JURISDICTION NO ONE CAN TRUST#This statement was made a person in authority, who provides paid services & is supposed to follow the prevention of the crimes within the *Proceeds of Crime Act*=who knows who and where is cooking the books within Malta, and should not be *preaching, but instead, worry as to when he and his criminal network will catch up with him! Including Joe Cuschieri who sat on the supervisory board of the European Central Bank who colluded with known criminals, & is now suspended! – 🏦🤔makes you wonder how any of the EU governing bodies are blind enough to believe that any placed Maltese in power, is not there to facilitate corruption and moneylaundering – ‘it’ s 🤔just replacing a 🙄name but the modus operandi continues (I personally experienced decades long criminal abuse including the abuse of both my UK and Malta passports /Identity, which were even used within the Panama /Paradise Papers by corrupt Malta government staff /lawfirms /notaries who issue forged power of attorneys for a %profit earned from the £1billion annual ponzi property title deeds scam in Malta /UK which are collectively added to an Equity Pool, via forged power of attorneys rendering a nationwide land grab=According to MONEYVAL, This is Malta ‘s delusional criminals believing that they scammed, conned, moneylaundered, all these decades, that it’ s OK to talk shit, and continue killing, abusing, destroying lives-🤣🤔🤣💯The Methods they use-‘get participants to commit paedophilia, hold the evidence against them to blackmail these members into not only sexually abusing kids, but even offer their own up for abuse-such members than gain status /points to get the facilities of corrupt Malta lawfirms /notaries to provide them with forged power of attorneys to steal not only from their own parents /relatives, but also anybody they get their claws into, to render them penniless-now that this group who meet monthly, previouslywithin the valletta cinema basement, these scumbags use the NSO GROUP HACKWARE PEGASUS and abuse the Malta Communications Authority equipment to Manipulate /control all communications including phones/computers/mail tampered, to retain full psychological/financial control, they even stalk victims on public transport +identity theft is rampant – there are 12 Malta courts corrupt staff on retainer to abuse court claims for these members to facilitate their monstrous activities 

    A Person Has Been Charged With Paedophilia In Malta Every Two Weeks During 2019. At least one person was charged with paedophilia in Malta every two weeks in 2019, according to recent parliamentary figures
    It’s up to these criminals to come to terms with the fact that these criminals planted bent cops to run the police force to allow the majority of politicians, judges, academics, media, bankers to commit financial crimes with impunity-Q) what is the value of adopted regulatory measures & legislative changes when the continued corruption within the Malta infrastructure continues? The Malta criminal network believe that these are the most expensive mistakes made, that the unch of politicians who so far, got caught by the EU, INTERPOL, MONEYVAL, FATF-but pretty soon, Malta will be facing much dire sanctions in par with many Malta politicians becoming *Persona Non Grata ‘in many democratic countries much like the Russian Oligarchs who too, believed that they were #untouchable🤣
    It’s up to the Maltese to stop ourselves from plucking the feathers off our gold-egg laying goose to have it for dinner

    Ref How Malta got to be in FATF’s RED LIST-Evidence enclosed 
    #The Business of Death in Malta 
    as you are aware, MALTA 1 COUNTRY, 2 GOVERNMENTS must be brought to the modern day of realising that nobody has the right to help themselves to new clients in Malta ‘s Bank to have the Bank staff facilitate the theft of €2000 from my Bank account and all who open new Accounts-no wonder MALTA is listed on FATF’S RED LIST +using the 12 corrupt Malta Courts staff to facilitate the theft of my inherited property =as you all know, the €1billion annual ponzi property title deeds scam (a national land grab from gullible local property owners who are duped into believing that they belong to a Mafia style network, whereas the real value of their properties is solely profited from the corrupt aided by corrupt government staff) in Malta /UK via forged power of attorneys by corrupt lawfirms /notaries who issue forged power of attorneys to obtain mortgages for themselves from inherited malta properties and illegally repossesed UK properties headed by a terrorist funding tax evasion moneylaundering solicitor London, continues, same criminal network that sent a corrupt Malta government staff member who posed as UK’s government Head of Legal Department in my court hearing on 9th March 2019 at 2pm at the City & Mayor’s County Court London to steal my flat at 2a York mansions 101 Barkston gardens 217 Earl’s Court Road London SW5 9AF UK +12 Malta government staff stalked me to HAVANA CUBA in August 2019, +stalked on flights to NYC JFK, MIAMI, NASHVILLE, LONDON, TURKEY – Abused my 16 UK Court claims via your on retainer corrupt UK SW Lawfirm /UK COMPANIES HOUSE /UK LAND REGISTRY /UK COURTS – had the London Central Family Court staff send me threatening letters-abused both my UK and Malta passports /Identity within the Panama /Paradise Papers +using the forged letter heading of BNP PARIBAS BANK 314 MIDSUMMER COURT MILTON Keynes UK to facilitate illegal UK Repossessions, using the NSO GROUP HACKWARE and abusing the Malta Communications Authority equipment for criminal acts by corrupt Malta government staff /lawfirms /notaries Q) all intelligence agencies have evidence – so how much do you calculate that I am owed with interest for all these criminal acts, duress and credit rating damages?🇬🇧💯🤔😭🇬🇧💯🤔😭🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧Do you actually understand what the value of abused UK Identity is=? Example:Both my UK and Malta passports/identity continue to be abused by corrupt Malta government staff /lawfirms /notaries 🇬🇧🎄🇺🇲🎄-please investigate how the NSO GROUP HACKWARE software is consistently recording/hacking all my emails 

    🤑CARTE BLANCHE TO STEAL Malta/Gozo Properties in an National Land Grab-Apparently the thousands of provided Power of Attorneys in Malta by lawfirms and notaries do not even have to be registered – thus providing a ‘free for all’ to abuse victims 

    MALTA /GOZO LAND GRAB(where even the Ndrangheta Mafia is involved) 

    €1billion annual ponzi property title deeds scam in MALTA PROPERTIES PONZI PROPERTY TITLE DEEDS SCAM – One in every three dwellings vacant – vacant properties shoot up from 53,136 in 2005 to a staggering 72,150 in 2011.The extension of development zones and the increase of height limitations in 2006 has contributed to a massive increase in vacant properties, which have shot up from 53,136 in 2005 to a staggering 72,150 in 2011, official census figures released to MaltaToday by the National Statistics Office show.
    Via excuses made fraudulently legal of the increase of height limitations in 2006 has contributed to a massive increase in vacant properties, which have shot up from 53,136 in 2005 to a staggering 72,150 in 2011, official census figures released to MaltaToday by the National Statistics Office show.
    Will it expose the moneylaundering of the (a £1billion annual ponzi property title deeds scam in Malta via forged Power of attorneys by corrupt MALTA govt staff/lawfirms /notaries who obtain mortgages for themselves from inherited malta properties and illegally repossesed UK properties – being used as mortgage collateral/assets as guarantees /deposits to purchase UK PROPERTIES =🇬🇧💯🤔😭
    No real estate investor wants to discover they’ve been involved in a fraudulent real estate transaction. But unfortunately, forged deeds and fraudulent title transfers happen far more often the people might believe. Deed fraud isn’t a new idea. This problem has been around for decades, most commonly with vacant property and especially involving deceased property owners, but is becoming increasingly popular in blighted areas with a large number of vacant, zombie properties leaving property owners and investors at risk.What is deed fraud-Deed fraud comes in many shapes and sizes, but in essence it occurs when a property deed or title transfer is executed and recorded illegally without the authorization or knowledge of the true and present owner. This practice is most commonly used with deceased property owners or properties that are vacant and not being monitored or maintained.The alleged “buyer” takes title to the property by forging the owner’s signature on the deed, either using false identification or a counterfeit notary signature and stamp. The new “owner” can then rent the property, move into themselves, or sell the property by transferring title to a legitimate buyer. If the false transfer and sale happen quickly, the property can be sold to a new buyer without the current property owner or heirs knowing it.Some thieves will even go so far as to create a fictitious name for the original deed transfer and then transfer title into their true name to add a layer of protection from the fraudulent deed to themselves. 

     [email protected],

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Bloomberg Technology

Intel Rebuffs Arm, China Tech Stocks Soar | Bloomberg Technology

Bloomberg’s Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow break down Arm’s interest in Intel’s product division, only to have Intel turn down Arm’s advances, and China stocks in the US are set for their best week since 2022. Plus, “money is green” when it comes to database and nuclear build out according to US Energy Secretary Granholm,…



Bloomberg’s Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow break down Arm’s interest in Intel’s product division, only to have Intel turn down Arm’s advances, and China stocks in the US are set for their best week since 2022. Plus, “money is green” when it comes to database and nuclear build out according to US Energy Secretary Granholm, who supports the US AI efforts to expand, even with foreign investment.

00:00:55 – Arm Rebuffed by Intel on Buying Unit
00:27:00 – Fivetran CEO George Fraser
00:35:47 – DirecTV, Dish Said Close to Merger Deal
00:39:46 – Lackluster Reception to iPhone 16
“Bloomberg Technology” is our daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business hosted by Ed Ludlow from San Francisco and Caroline Hyde in New York.

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Bloomberg Technology

Apple’s iPhone 16 Receives a Lackluster Reception

Apple shares continue to outperform and avoid volatility despite growing concern around iPhone sales growth. Bloomberg Intelligence senior analyst Anurag Rana discusses a recent Bloomberg Intelligence survey showing that the iPhone 16 did not excite consumers enough to warrant a smartphone super cycle. He joins Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow on “Bloomberg Technology.” ——– Like…



Apple shares continue to outperform and avoid volatility despite growing concern around iPhone sales growth. Bloomberg Intelligence senior analyst Anurag Rana discusses a recent Bloomberg Intelligence survey showing that the iPhone 16 did not excite consumers enough to warrant a smartphone super cycle. He joins Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow on “Bloomberg Technology.”
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Bloomberg Technology

China Stocks Set for Best Week Since 2022

Chinese equities capped their biggest weekly rally since 2008 with a burst of trading that overwhelmed the Shanghai stock exchange, underscoring a shift in investor sentiment after Beijing ramped up its economic stimulus. That shift was felt in Chinese stocks in the US as well, where they’re set for their best week since 2022. Fiona…



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