Science & Technology

Your subscription apps use manipulative design techniques, FTC finds | TechCrunch Minute

The FTC announced the results of a study into the use of “dark patterns” — or manipulative design techniques — that can put users’ privacy at risk or push them to buy products or services or take other actions they otherwise wouldn’t have. The study found that the majority of websites and apps offering subscription…



The FTC announced the results of a study into the use of “dark patterns” — or manipulative design techniques — that can put users’ privacy at risk or push them to buy products or services or take other actions they otherwise wouldn’t have. The study found that the majority of websites and apps offering subscription services studied used at least one dark pattern.

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  1. @roger_is_red

    July 12, 2024 at 12:17 pm

    These problems won’t occur after people get their own AI robot. This gives normal people the compute power only big companies have now. Your AI robot will be on your side and will navigate dark patterns for you. The future is bright. Jeannine

  2. @RamRamJiDevGamer21410

    July 14, 2024 at 5:14 am



  3. @NightmareRex6

    July 18, 2024 at 10:25 pm

    i always thught when they give free trial and require card , they wanted you to forget had the sub and get auto charged for next sub.

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