Bloomberg Technology

Winklevoss Brothers Buy Startup Founded by Twins

Crypto entrepreneurs��Tyler��and��Cameron��Winklevoss��just made their first-ever acquisition, and the duo behind the company they bought couldn���t be more similar. Duncan and Griffin Cock Foster, 25, are also identical twins. Bloomberg’s Caroline Hyde reports on “Bloomberg Markets: The Close.” (Source: Bloomberg)



Crypto entrepreneurs��Tyler��and��Cameron��Winklevoss��just made their first-ever acquisition, and the duo behind the company they bought couldn���t be more similar. Duncan and Griffin Cock Foster, 25, are also identical twins. Bloomberg’s Caroline Hyde reports on “Bloomberg Markets: The Close.” (Source: Bloomberg)


  1. Kingjames313

    October 23, 2021 at 12:56 pm

    NFT not Nifty

    • Fall Boot

      October 23, 2021 at 6:02 pm


  2. Prashant Tayshetye

    October 24, 2021 at 2:45 am


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