Bloomberg Technology

What China’s Tech Crackdown Means for U.S. Relations

Aspen Security Forum Director Anja Manuel joins Emily Chang to discuss Beijing’s crackdown on tech and what it means for the future of Chinese companies in the U.S. and China. She also discusses why this is all about political control for the Communist Party and what it means for U.S.-China relations.



Aspen Security Forum Director Anja Manuel joins Emily Chang to discuss Beijing’s crackdown on tech and what it means for the future of Chinese companies in the U.S. and China. She also discusses why this is all about political control for the Communist Party and what it means for U.S.-China relations.


  1. Blingchachink

    December 7, 2021 at 1:37 am


  2. Chuck Silva

    December 7, 2021 at 1:56 am

    +1 to Anja’s intellect!

  3. Edward Yang

    December 7, 2021 at 2:43 am

    It’s really funny that you has no right to speak out for yourself in China in public, even we have SO MANY social medias.

    • STACKS

      December 7, 2021 at 3:10 am

      We are USA 🇺🇲 💪🇺🇲

    • Jesus Christ II

      December 7, 2021 at 12:45 pm

      Its funny to see so many chineese posting in youtube videos… when youtube is officially under the chineese dictature boycott: in china, you only xan access to youtube from their trolls factories!


      They have 20 milions of professionnals trolls, in china! WOW!


    December 7, 2021 at 3:08 am

    This is going to get bad

  5. The Rustic Cooke

    December 7, 2021 at 5:35 am

    Old school communism open any book on communism and you will find extreme control and social monitoring. Oh forgot people disappearing is also a old school trick.

  6. AJ

    December 7, 2021 at 9:04 am

    Don’t trust the CCP

  7. Kyodo News Agency

    December 7, 2021 at 11:42 am

    Smart move by Beijing. China’s a capital surplus nation. No reason to have Chinese companies list in the US. The money’s in China anyway.

  8. JA YE

    December 7, 2021 at 12:07 pm

    It means they’ve pissed off a lot of U.S. investors, who shouldn’t have been funding the enemy, anyway.

  9. TheReelReal

    December 7, 2021 at 2:38 pm

    Emily’s mouth is quite something

  10. Al b

    December 7, 2021 at 3:34 pm

    HERE IS YOUR SONG China and Dr. Fauci Josef Mengele😈😈😈 just replace a few key words.
    Auschwitz, the meaning of pain the way that I want you to die
    Slow death, immense decay, showers that cleanse you of your life
    Forced in like cattle you run, stripped of your life’s worth
    Human mice for the angel of death, four hundred thousand more to die

    Angel of death
    Monarch to the kingdom of the dead

    Sadistic, surgeon of demise, sadist of the noblest blood
    Destroying, without mercy to benefit the Aryan race
    Surgery, with no anesthesia feel the knife pierce you intensely
    Inferior, no use to mankind, strapped down screaming out to die

    Angel of death
    Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
    Infamous butcher
    Angel of death

    Pumped with fluid, inside your brain
    Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes
    Burning flesh, drips away
    Test of heat burns your skin, your mind starts to boil

    Frigid cold, cracks your limbs,
    How long can you last in this frozen water burial?
    Sewn together, joining heads
    Just a matter of time ’til you rip yourselves apart

    Millions laid out in their crowded tombs
    Sickening ways to achieve the holocaust

    Seas of blood, bury life
    Smell your death as it burns deep inside of you
    Abacinate, eyes that bleed praying for the end of
    Your wide awake nightmare

    Wings of pain reach out for you
    His face of death staring down your blood’s running cold
    Injecting cells, dying eyes
    Feeding on the screams of the mutants he’s creating
    Pathetic harmless victims left to die, rancid angel of death flying free

    Angel of death
    Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
    Infamous butcher
    Angel of death

    Angel of death

  11. May G

    December 7, 2021 at 11:45 pm

    Funny talk show

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