Bloomberg Technology

Three Tips for Crypto Investors From the Coinbase Co-founder

Jun.15 — Coinbase Co-founder Fred Ehrsam has three tips for new adopters of cryptocurrencies in this clip from “Bloomberg Studio 1.0.”



Jun.15 — Coinbase Co-founder Fred Ehrsam has three tips for new adopters of cryptocurrencies in this clip from “Bloomberg Studio 1.0.”


  1. Lee Mario

    June 15, 2021 at 9:44 pm

    What is the best way to make money from crypto investing?

    • Ella Jones

      June 15, 2021 at 9:49 pm

      She can be reached through Telegrm

    • Ella Jones

      June 15, 2021 at 9:50 pm

      With the username @investwithdorothy

    • Turner Richard

      June 15, 2021 at 9:50 pm

      Thanks for the insight, I remember friends calling me crazy when I started investing in bitcoin now I shut them up with my 4 figures weekly returns.

    • Lucy Brown

      June 15, 2021 at 9:51 pm

      Seeing alot of success stories, she must be honest and trustworthy for people to talk this good about her.

    • Rogers George

      June 15, 2021 at 9:52 pm

      I’ve heard alot about Dorothy Harris on my social media.. I’m little surprised someone mentioned and recommended her here too, her service are awesome.

  2. Convolver

    June 15, 2021 at 11:09 pm

    Technology… sorry, but all blockchains are the same because they borrow each other’s code from GitHub… and any blockchain big enough to get in the top 10 has an army of developers working for them because it makes them richer if they succeed… Even doggy currencies in the top ten are nearly as good as bitcoin…. I can see a day when bitcoin converts itself to a erc20 like token and use proof of stake like etherum … Just because it works and they can borrow the source code… Bitcoin people would call that crazy and it would never happen… but just wait and see… wait when did the “gold” convert into an erc20 token on bitcoin blockchain???? Wtf…wtf… what you mean it’s the same thing? You been slow moved to the final conclusion in valuation… bitcoin has become another doggy!!!!

  3. Isabelle Nathaniel

    June 15, 2021 at 11:14 pm

    Crypto is on quite up run, with little sign of stopping. I know people hate saying “this time is different” but the amount of banks, institutions, and companies who have in vested hundreds of millions of dollars with the intent to hold long term: how can we refute that this may be the “super cycle” everyone is talking about? The conditions of this bull market are unlike anything we have ever seen. βͲ↻ still has a ways to go in terms of gro wth, I have been in the crypt0 world for just over a year now and I have been able to make 7 βͲ↻ foIIowing the reasonable adv!se and tradn sIgnals from Richard mcdole, a pro anaIysis that is always one step ahead of other tradrs, he runs a program for serious minded inve stor who are curious to e arn from bit coin regardless of the current pr!ce chart. You can easily get to Richard mcdole on Եҽlҽցɾαต {@Richardmcdole}

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