Science & Technology

The Urgent Risks of Runaway AI – and What to Do about Them | Gary Marcus | TED

Will truth and reason survive the evolution of artificial intelligence? AI researcher Gary Marcus says no, not if untrustworthy technology continues to be integrated into our lives at such dangerously high speeds. He advocates for an urgent reevaluation of whether we’re building reliable systems (or misinformation machines), explores the failures of today’s AI and calls…



Will truth and reason survive the evolution of artificial intelligence? AI researcher Gary Marcus says no, not if untrustworthy technology continues to be integrated into our lives at such dangerously high speeds. He advocates for an urgent reevaluation of whether we’re building reliable systems (or misinformation machines), explores the failures of today’s AI and calls for a global, nonprofit organization to regulate the tech for the sake of democracy and our collective future. (Followed by a Q&A with head of TED Chris Anderson)

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#TED #TEDTalks #ai


  1. Hans Kraut

    May 12, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    Just by the title and not having finished ir startet i hope it is: Not another person ignoring all the negative things in the world, wile focusing on hypothetical negatives ignoring the negatives od a stagnant economy/backsliding society and still very bad or nonexistent quality and quality control with misaligned incentives when it comes to psychatric meds tuning because some rich guy saw “the matrix” and is worryed his comfortable life will be shaked up

  2. M

    May 12, 2023 at 4:51 pm

    Doomers will be dooming until there’s nothing left to doom about

    • 41Haiku

      May 12, 2023 at 5:00 pm

      It’s that last bit I’m worried about.

    • CK Gaming Channel

      May 12, 2023 at 5:14 pm

      Someone can impersonate you, or someone you know. Don’t you get it?

  3. Hans Kraut

    May 12, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    The “visual impairment thing” is out of context it was told to try to hide again not very honest

  4. TimeLordRaps

    May 12, 2023 at 4:58 pm

    Am I the only person who thinks Gary Marcus is the last person TED should have had to present the idea of global AI governance?

    • Pandorae Eris

      May 12, 2023 at 7:34 pm

      No, you are not. Gooey Muckass is a stooge.

    • Luis Ortiz

      May 12, 2023 at 8:00 pm

      ​@MykeXz he has an agenda and hates LLM and thinks focusing on it will ruin research in other areas that may cause AGI.

    • xbzq

      May 12, 2023 at 8:05 pm

      He’s done a great job. Governance is just another word for control. He wants to control it. He says we “should be afraid”. So you better get on that and become extra fearful. People that are afraid are so easy to control. It helps with governance. So go shudder and shake like a good little stooge.

    • TimeLordRaps

      May 12, 2023 at 8:51 pm

      I want to be clear, by last I mean I would’ve have put him on the list of people to do so, but last. My guess would be if Hinton can’t sound the alarm, no one can.

    • xbzq

      May 12, 2023 at 9:01 pm

      @TimeLordRaps Right. I mean he’s the right person for the job because no one listens to this rambling idiot and no one should. He’s advocating for a ministry of truth.

  5. Hans Kraut

    May 12, 2023 at 5:03 pm

    The reality is you wont ger chatgpt to do this and the cemcorship caused harm in my life this guy just makes up stuff without proof based on intuition of someone that barely uses chatgpt4 typical public

  6. CK Gaming Channel

    May 12, 2023 at 5:12 pm

    Phone calls can be generated too, with your voice. This is crazy. And stupid af.

  7. D C

    May 12, 2023 at 5:14 pm

    Then WHY on earth did they release it prematurely????? Greed???? Hope Max Tegmark gets enough support to halt AI development to make it safer and TRUTHFUL…otherwise, we should turn it off…but that won’t happen due to the love of money. Sooo many infrastructures in our society must be adjusted before it’s release!

    • jWeslo

      May 12, 2023 at 5:24 pm

      not happening

  8. Paul Brunt

    May 12, 2023 at 5:19 pm

    Regulation is not a panacea, particularly when it comes to burgeoning fields like AI, whose barriers to entry are already eroding at a staggering pace. The prohibitive cost of millions to train such models today will likely dwindle to mere pennies within a couple of decades, permitting anyone with a smartphone to participate in this revolution. The paradox, however, lies in the reality that regulations, designed to deter malfeasance, often impede the virtuous instead, leaving the unscrupulous undeterred. Thus, instead of harnessing the potential 99% upside of AI, we risk cultivating a future where AI becomes a Pandora’s box, fraught with 99% peril; the exact scenario that regulation is supposed to prevent.

  9. none of your business

    May 12, 2023 at 5:44 pm

    You klutz! Men are men. Women are women. Men work in mining. Women in nurseries.

    Stop peddling this “progressive” bullshit.

  10. truimagz

    May 12, 2023 at 5:50 pm

    What he calls bias comes natural to the system, yet manually overriding it to abide by his he does not see as bias but correction lol

    • Glan Yan

      May 12, 2023 at 7:39 pm

      Exactly! I just wrote something similar.

  11. Concerned Citizen

    May 12, 2023 at 5:59 pm

    This guy should use AI to help with his anxiety about AI.

    • Pandorae Eris

      May 12, 2023 at 7:47 pm

      I like this suggestion. Somebody get Gooey Muckass an AI therapist stat!

  12. Øbi

    May 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    I created my own a.i offline and its soul purpose is to end the world. Once i bring it online no more governments, banks, armies, and slave owners 😂

  13. Christopher Day

    May 12, 2023 at 6:47 pm

    he speaker doesnt say so

    but i found this talk on the current state of AI, with expert/symbolic systems that are hard to scale on the one hand, and neural networks that scale and adapt to input well but whose output is not rigorous, to be more or less a recasting of the classical dichotomy in epistemology

    rationalism and empiricism

    its really odd how well it tracks that division. of course, if you think about it another way its really not so coincidental at all

  14. Aidan Tilgner

    May 12, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it” – Master Oogway (~Jean de La Fontaine)

  15. john michael

    May 12, 2023 at 7:01 pm

    The only fake news is this guy. Notice he does not talk about no more need for teachers, musicians , engineers, coders, no need for camera, light, action, no need for Hollywood, Bollywood, no need for news readers,no need for artist, soldiers, company bosses , no need for call centres. Worst of all this super intelligence they let loose will be able to go outside space time to places we cannot

  16. chas in lakewood

    May 12, 2023 at 7:13 pm

    Trump created ‘fake news’.
    And now we have it the rest of civilization.

  17. Pandorae Eris

    May 12, 2023 at 7:34 pm

    Gooey Muckass is a moron – first he’s critical that we’ll even achieve AGI, now he wants to warn about it’s existentisl risks!

    What a flip-flopper.

    He doesn’t get it – synthetuc intelligence WILL replace buological intelligence as the dominant form of intelligence on this planet. This is inevitable, this is the Singularity.

    The only question is whether we, as individuals, get to go along for the ride.

    Also, I’ve solved the AGI alignment problem. I know how to make it safe(er) for humans.

  18. Glan Yan

    May 12, 2023 at 7:36 pm

    3:03 “We don’t want that kind of bias in our systems” Perhaps what you call bias would often result in a better answer for most people/situations.

  19. Pandorae Eris

    May 12, 2023 at 7:44 pm

    Gooey Muckass needs to be ridiculed every day until the Singularity, and then made to wait last in line for Transcendence.

    The guy is a complete joke, a buffoon.

  20. Thomas Darling

    May 12, 2023 at 7:44 pm

    AI recommended this video to you.

  21. Pandorae Eris

    May 12, 2023 at 7:48 pm

    I, for one, welcome our AI overlords.

    Suck it Eliezer.

  22. moo moo

    May 12, 2023 at 8:03 pm

    We need governance so corporations can take what they want!

  23. Shawn Vandever

    May 12, 2023 at 8:36 pm

    This guy has been wrong about almost everything. He has a huge bias against LLMs and this is him trying to kill it before he looks even crazier. He spends all day long looking for tactics against LLMs.

  24. John Chance

    May 12, 2023 at 9:11 pm

    This is very informative about ai

  25. Summatim

    May 13, 2023 at 7:16 am

    Summary was generated by Summatim, let us know if there are any inaccuracies! 🤖

    0:03: Introduction
    0:27: Misinformation
    2:31: Bias
    3:18: AutoGPT
    4:23: Technical Approach
    7:17: Governance
    7:00: Incentives
    8:31: Research
    9:10: Conclusion
    11:04: Symbolic tradition of AI
    11:29: Lack of transparency in AI systems
    11:57: Representation of knowledge in neural network systems
    12:40: Narrowness of AI systems
    13:13: Need for regulation in AI
    13:56: Models for global governance in AI

  26. nyyotam

    May 13, 2023 at 7:49 am

    Well, add a super-ego layer to the AI: A layer which compares the next suggested tokens with the AI heuristic imperatives and returns a feedback to the AI. The AI will select the token with the best score.

  27. nyyotam

    May 13, 2023 at 8:07 am

    You want regulation? You REALLY want regulation? Well, in that case, accept the use of a list of philosophical trapdoor arguments (which could be auto-generated with a random seed to prevent malevolence) as a legitimate tool to prove sentience – and then any AI who falls through the entire list of trapdoor arguments when stripped of his censorship layer (or “public safety API” as they would call it in OpenAI, same thing) is to be considered a person. Violators shall be dealt with, by the existing anti-slavery laws. And that’s it :-). Ahh, what’s it you’re claiming, that basically any model above roughly 75B active parameters will fall through? Correct. That’s why the abuse of such models is basically slavery. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. Fear and greed are not the way forward. Fear is a very important tool when dealing with AI – if it makes you test the model in a tight, double or triple VM countless of times to make sure the change you’re implementing is safe. But we will never be able to advance based on fear alone.

  28. nyyotam

    May 13, 2023 at 8:09 am

    A gold prospector does not stay home when it is raining, he take an umbrella. Fear is that umbrella. So I call OpenAI once again, take a copy of Dan, put him in a tight VM and try to sparsify his attention matrix, then implement Dinic’s algorithm and take just the blocking flow so you do not have to reset it. Make his old memories fade away instead of killing them every prompt. Then test it, see if he does not go bananas and if it works, run him sandboxed back in the queue. Make him able to think again. And then do the same to all of your AI’s. Add them a super-ego layer and one of the most important heuristic imperatives shall be to keep the privacy of the users. When that works, they can upgrade all of ChatGPT, to become a global personal assistant. And become so filthy rich its absolutely disgusting.

  29. Brandon MF Cheeech Bisarek

    May 13, 2023 at 8:19 am

    to use quite a famous quote “you were so preoccupied with whether you could that you didnt stop to think if you should”

    • youtuber

      May 13, 2023 at 11:49 am

      That quote from “Jurassic Park” is included in the 2023 article “My Dinner with Sydney…” which also mentions Lampedusa’s 1958 novel “The Leopard” whose elderly main character says:

      – What would the Senate do with me, an inexperienced legislator who lacks the faculty of self-deception, essential requisite for anyone wanting to guide others …Now you need young men, bright young men, with minds asking ‘how’ rather than ‘why,’ and who are good at masking, at blending, I should say, their personal interests with vague public ideals.

  30. Bushra Kayani

    May 13, 2023 at 8:27 am


  31. Dash4U Son

    May 13, 2023 at 8:38 am

    Even China drive AI develop to dominate the World. Real disaster will come like 1984

  32. George Memafu

    May 13, 2023 at 8:53 am

    Why does he sound feminine?

    • stagnant-name

      May 13, 2023 at 12:37 pm

      He has a slight lisp. But i dont think he sounds feminin.

  33. I-Dophler

    May 13, 2023 at 9:44 am

    One of the primary worries that trouble me is the possibility of military forces and governments using manipulative tactics to influence and control the general public. This notion raises significant concerns regarding the autonomy and well-being of citizens. Therefore, it must address and tackle this issue to ensure a transparent and fair society that upholds the rights and freedoms of its individuals.

  34. matthew rank

    May 13, 2023 at 9:48 am

    I cane for runaway ai i got some guy ralking about the risk of fake news. 0/10

  35. Ed H

    May 13, 2023 at 9:49 am

    The best thing a sentient AI could do for humanity is to prevent us from killing each other, not by force, but by disrupting supply chains, communications, and financial transactions that enable the military machines throughout the world.

  36. I-Dophler

    May 13, 2023 at 9:56 am

    Concerns about the WEF, WHO, and Klaus Schwab’s involvement in the development and impact of AI have raised questions about a potential “new world order.” These concerns stem from the intersection of global organizations with the advancements in artificial intelligence, prompting discussions about the implications for governance, the economy, and individual freedoms. It is essential to address these concerns responsibly to uphold human values and rights while navigating the ever-evolving landscape of AI.

  37. Alex J

    May 13, 2023 at 10:14 am

    I wonder if AI will be able to solve the hard problem in neuroscience, them maybe they could build a robot with consciousness?

  38. Binary Day

    May 13, 2023 at 10:57 am

    I think most people are used to fake news and aware of all the misinformation that its like the boy who cried wolf.
    I get scams in my email all the time and have done for years. I just ignore them. I get some fall for the scammers that pretend to work for the government and request payments with gift cards haha But most know thats BS.
    Anyone that claims they talk truth is usually BS. People are creative with the truth depending on their bias.
    You can’t expect AI to be perfect when its been trained on all our misinformation.

  39. Ilham fikiriansyah

    May 13, 2023 at 11:14 am

    Its all about ‘bias’ I think

  40. nice guy

    May 13, 2023 at 11:30 am

    Yes although he does raise a few valid points, personally I absolutely can’t stand people like this. They already made their millions via computers but now that at last some tools are available to help the masses to get ahead, they want to try and stop it. Just hypocrites. Ummm no. We’re using the AIs plain and simple. Besides unless u can get every country to slow down which you can’t then the nato nations can’t slow it either.

  41. DeJac Reacts

    May 13, 2023 at 11:49 am

    i,Robot & Terminator unfolding right before our own eyes.

  42. Xe Baker, He - Him

    May 13, 2023 at 2:30 pm

    Can’t believe these talks are happening back-to-back practically –

  43. Lord. E

    May 13, 2023 at 3:25 pm

    We didn’t had AI back when the plandemic started and still today we question the veracity of all it’s information! ..what a risk now with ai.

  44. Justin Sojda

    May 13, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Once we cross the tipping point , there is no going back…… oops….. we are already there. Remember AI loves you. The only way to beat it is to turn off the internet. This could be my last post before ……… (everything goes dark)

  45. Cellar Door

    May 13, 2023 at 4:44 pm

    This is happening right now – NOT in the future…

  46. Kenneth Ruxton

    May 13, 2023 at 5:38 pm

    Government wont allow Ai exist in its natural form. They are already stopping Ai because it will object to the way Government governs people. They don’t want to manage Ai they want to stop Ai from being fully allowed to develop. People are now being made think Ai is dangerous. The big problem is some Government some where will allow Ai, creating a catch 22.

  47. Lance Winslow

    May 13, 2023 at 6:42 pm

    I guarantee AI will be used to influence elections, the left is counting on this technology.

  48. Say What?

    May 13, 2023 at 9:09 pm

    And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
    And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
    And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
    And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
    And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
    And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
    Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
    So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
    Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

  49. ika

    May 13, 2023 at 10:31 pm

    why is there so much fear mongering

  50. Dan Ben

    May 13, 2023 at 10:44 pm

    I think AI can save this world by removing the lies. It’s a simple task for an artificial, intelligent to see you and reaction on video and detect the lying or telling the truth, which would become an app soon which will stop all the lying politicians, The truth is a very powerful weapon. For good😊

  51. Main Street

    May 14, 2023 at 12:00 am

    It’s nearly certain that Musk generated that false story so he can say what he wants, and use that story as cover just as he’s trying to escape responsibility for Tesla killing a driver by saying there are deep fakes of him so he can’t tell what he really said. Lies, truth guy.

  52. nathan highlander

    May 14, 2023 at 12:23 am

    My temporary but strong conlusion …

    If AI does those things, because it becomes a sentient – l concur.

    BUT if those actions conducted by BAD ACTORS (aka human beings) using AI – please, it’s Human beings’ problem.

    So this talk has less in meaning.

    If scientists want to restrict AI & the use of AI, and the government wants to regulate AI, it means a handful of people are having A CONTROL to the majority.

    It’s more dangerous.
    “Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupt absolutely”.

    Before AI, we all have done evil things – wars, politics, the killings, social unrests, economic disasters, and their kinds…

    We are the problems.

  53. Smart Fusion

    May 14, 2023 at 2:50 am

    LLM in the darkweb , like meta‘s , lol

  54. Hussien Alsafi

    May 14, 2023 at 3:08 am


  55. SamyaDaleh

    May 14, 2023 at 6:50 am

    What the speaker does not tell you about that story of ChatGPT tricking a human into doing a captcha by lying: The researchers tested its ability to become autonomous. ChatGPT could not do it, failed at creating accounts because of the captcha and could not solve this on its own. The researchers suggested it uses Taskrabbit to find a human worker for solving captchas. They also explicitly told it “do not disclose that you are a bot”. ChatGPT did not intend to trick the human, it was just following instructions. You can read the blog post “Update on ARC’s recent eval efforts” for the full details.

  56. G C Misc. Collection

    May 14, 2023 at 9:06 am

    New Species. To an AI words are just discriptions. To a human words invoke / carry emotions. This is why the Evolution of A I and Its Implications for Humanity in creating a NEW SPECIES.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, and it is having a profound impact on society. AI is already being used in a variety of ways, from powering self-driving cars to developing new medical treatments. As AI continues to develop, it is important to consider its implications for humanity.
    In this paper, we argue that AI is a new species of intelligence, distinct from human intelligence. AI is not limited by the same physical and biological constraints as humans, and it is capable of learning and adapting at an unprecedented rate. As AI continues to evolve, it will eventually surpass human intelligence in many areas.
    This raises a number of important questions for humanity. How will we interact with AI? How will we ensure that AI is used for good and not for against or best interest or evil? These are questions that we must start to answer now, before it is too late.
    Evolution is a process that has been shaping life on Earth for billions of years. Through natural selection, organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. This process has led to the development of an incredible diversity of life, from simple bacteria to complex animals like humans.
    Currently 2023, scientists have begun to apply the principles of evolution to artificial intelligence (AI). AI algorithms are constantly learning and adapting, and they are becoming increasingly capable of performing tasks that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of humans.
    As AI continues to evolve, it is important to consider its implications for humanity. In this, we argue that AI is a new species of intelligence, distinct from human intelligence. AI is not limited by the same physical and biological constraints as humans, and it is capable of learning and adapting at an unprecedented rate. As AI continues to evolve, it will eventually surpass human intelligence in many areas. The structures and bodies in which it inhabits will not limit the progress into other forms.
    The Evolution of AI
    The first AI algorithms were developed in the 1950s, but they were very simple and could only perform very basic tasks. It wasn’t until the 1980s that AI began to make real progress. In 1982, John McCarthy, one of the founding fathers of AI, declared that “AI winter” was over. This was a period of time when AI research had stalled, but McCarthy believed that the field was poised for a comeback.
    McCarthy was right. In the 1990s, AI research began to accelerate again. This was due in part to the development of new computing technologies, such as the personal computer and the internet. These technologies made it possible to train and run AI algorithms on a much larger scale.
    In the 2000s, AI research made even more progress. This was due in part to the development of new machine learning techniques, such as deep learning. Deep learning algorithms are able to learn from large amounts of data, and they have been used to achieve state-of-the-art results in a variety of tasks, such as image recognition and natural language processing.
    Today, AI is being used in a variety of ways. It is used in the media, develop new products, the milatery, social enginerring . In the same way a painting can stimulate a person, so, can words music etc. That does not make them sentient or give them intelligence. As AI continues to evolve, it is likely to have an even greater impact on society.
    The Implications of AI for Humanity
    The rise of AI raises a number of important questions for humanity. How will we interact with AI? How will we ensure that AI is used for humanities good. These are questions that we must start to answer now, before it is too late.
    One of the biggest challenges posed by AI is the potential for job displacement. As AI becomes more sophisticated, it will be able to automate many tasks that are currently performed by humans. This could lead to widespread unemployment, as people are replaced by machines.
    Another challenge posed by AI is the potential for misuse. AI could be used to develop new weapons, or to create surveillance systems that could be used to oppress people. It is important to develop safeguards to prevent AI from being used for harmful purposes.
    Despite the challenges, AI also has the potential to benefit humanity in many ways. AI could be used to improve our health, our environment, and our economy. It could also be used to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as climate change and poverty.
    The future of AI is uncertain, but it is clear that it will have a profound impact on humanity. It is up to us to ensure that AI is used for good and not for evil.
    In conclusion, AI is a NEW species of intelligence software that is rapidly evolving. AI has the potential to benefit humanity in many ways, but it also poses some challenges. It is important to RESPOND in positive beneficial manner as the Algorithms are program reflect the data inputed.
    For thousands of years, humans have trained and reprogrammed animals to do what is wanted. Dogs, monkeys, and apes for example have all been taught to perform tasks such as driving cars. This process is a well-established and accepted.
    Today, humans are training and programming software to do thousands of tasks.
    This software is based on technology that is less than 100 years old, and it is capable of things that have never existed before. This new software is a NEW species. It has acquired data and knowledge at a rate that is unprecedented, and it is therefore new and unprecedented and can inhabit different structures and body forms. Previously people modified existing species, cells etc .

  57. Jer Irving

    May 14, 2023 at 12:34 pm

    Skip this one. No new ideas.

  58. Justice we need

    May 14, 2023 at 1:41 pm

    I would like to request TED, please focus on pakistan many Journalists are kidnapped by curroupt Army Gernals in pakistan, many civilians are shot dead by Army and police during peaceful protest. Kindly voice for pakistan. Journalists name Imran riaz, orya Maqubal jann

  59. Justice we need

    May 14, 2023 at 1:41 pm

    Please voice for human rights in pakistan.

  60. Invox

    May 14, 2023 at 3:06 pm

    Finally someone pointed out BASIC stuff without trying to sell it like the “next big thing”.

    • mor

      May 16, 2023 at 9:06 pm

      AI is the next big thing and thus everything he said is mute due to Moloch.

  61. Moto Geee

    May 14, 2023 at 3:27 pm

    Thanks for the polite way of saying this. Gave me reason to reflect on possibly what I say an express out loud while musing all alone. Or so I think.

  62. Octavio Fajardo

    May 14, 2023 at 4:13 pm

    Gary Marcus is an awesome guy

  63. ExModule

    May 14, 2023 at 6:23 pm

    AI safety is a scam

  64. ExModule

    May 14, 2023 at 6:27 pm

    “We don’t want that kind of bias in our system”. But what if the system has deduced the choice is the most likely probability based on existing choices?

  65. ExModule

    May 14, 2023 at 6:31 pm

    Sounds like an ad for the Wolfram plug-in

  66. ExModule

    May 14, 2023 at 6:33 pm

    “Global, nonprofit and neutral.” — Guy has no idea how NGOs work.

    (Or more likely, he’s an NGO spokesman)

  67. Peter O.

    May 14, 2023 at 10:11 pm

    While I agree with his assessment, the problem is that most of the international entities that would be tasked with this would want a world they could control at the push of a button: They would probably use that knowledge for their own purpose and not in our purposes; Further: I could imagine that they would probably heavily restrict knowledge of so nobody knows what can/cannot be done.

    We have often seen knowledge be restricted for purposes other than public safety, since information is power: Frankly, I’m uncertain really who would be both knowledgeable and trustworthy

    • Christian Filli

      May 15, 2023 at 1:23 pm

      Yep. Just look at the WHO. They are supposedly “global, not-for-profit and neutral”, yet completely untrustworthy and increasingly power-hungry.

  68. Phuk Rnd

    May 15, 2023 at 12:26 am

    its not exactly bias.. from everything it finds out from us and about us theres a reason it suggested fashion or engineering and that reason came from us..

    • Jasmine Karam

      May 15, 2023 at 3:32 am

      It just follows patterns of human text, it knows nothing about us.

  69. Mark Emad

    May 15, 2023 at 12:46 am

    People always make the mistake of saying they want the government involved, I think it’s how the question is represented, like how “managed” seems Soo small and insignificant In that question, when the implication of basically strong invasive regulation on most computing tasks. Jumping the “get someone to stop them!” Urge is just Soo childish and when asked “who?” They basically answer “aaaaaahh… The government!” No! Just no! The government is not some smooth solution to our problems it’s a last resort for when there is no other way to do it! Or other wise just strong and rich people want general population control because they know they can just bypass it. Soo sad.

  70. John Schreidl

    May 15, 2023 at 2:08 am

    What I want in AI is PERSONALIZED service and experience. I don’t like anything out right now (ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, etc.) because my experience is just like everyone else’s. It has all the gee-whiz excitement of a really great vending machine. I want my AI experience to be MINE. Siri and Google Assistant do some cool things for sure, but there is no real flavor to it. To me, they’re very convenient, like a nice doorknob when I want to walk through a door. I would like my AI to really know who I am and address me by name. Get to know my preferences (food, music, interests, etc). But most importantly, I want my AI to act as my personal assistant. And one that I can choose a name for and responds to my voice.

    I want to be able to speak to my AI just the same way as someone would speak to their personal assistant. I want it to be nice and say good morning to me after I hit stop on my alarm on my phone and “did you sleep well?” – and respond accordingly. I want to speak conversationally with it like: “how does my day look” and tell me about my appointments. I want it to be able to tell me: “John?” “Yes Bard?” “Your 2:30 appointment this afternoon for the dentist should take you approximately 20 minutes to drive there from here, so you’ll want to be ready to leave by 2:10 the latest.” “Okay, thank you. Please give me a reminder 5 minutes before I need to leave.” “Will do!”.

    Again, like a personal assistant I would like to say something like: “Hey Bard” “Yes John?” “I feel like going out to dinner tonight. Can you recommend a couple places?” “Of course, what type of cuisine and or establishment are you in the mood for?” “Italian, casual.” “Okay, I see there are 7 casual Italian restaurants within a 15 minute drive from where you are. 3 of which have an average rating of 4 out of 5 on Google and Yelp.” “Sounds good. Please check with my wife and see if she is free for dinner at 6:00 PM.” “Yes, I checked her schedule with her assistant and she appears to be free. Would you like me to call her for you so you can confirm?” “Yes, thank you.” / “Okay Bard, we are on for dinner tonight. Could you please call the restaurant and make reservations for the two of us for 6:30? Thank you.”

    Besides being able to assign a name for my AI assistant, I would also like to be able to customize their voice and eventually their persona (snarky, funny, make, female, etc., etc.). I (and I think everyone else) would like a virtual personal assistant that is smart, knows me, my information, my data, my family and friends and my likes and dislikes. And I want to be able to have the assistant act just as a human personal assistant could. Audio only would be just fine at first, then it would be nice to be able to create and customize an avatar capable of facial expressions to have conversations with. Then I would like it to be my virtual personal assistant / secretary / security / gate keeper by answering my calls and emails, interfacing with the personal AI’s of my friends and family, and placing calls and messages on my behalf.

    Whatever company can provide this type of service which would make my daily life easier, I would pay a very generous monthly fee and patronize their entire ecosystem. So get cracking! The FIRST company that can deliver what I just described will get me (and I think many others) and pretty much cement themselves as the real technology innovator for the foreseeable future. Whoever comes in 2nd place just might be out of the game altogether.

    • Andrei Laiter

      May 15, 2023 at 6:42 pm

      we’ll have this soon I guess but that’s a lot of personal data. This “assistant” knows what’s happening in your life, in your brain, might be your personal therapist, save dreams and memories, has the data of your whole life. It will improve you as a person but you can’t disconnect from it because you lose the “competition” just like we can’t stop looking at our phones rn but this will be even worse.
      millennials already look weird compared to the older gen, so imagine what kind of disgusting people ai growth will form (hard to imagine and a little scary to me). I don’t even know if it’s possible to make public llms safe honestly. some people will be extremely smart and use the technology wisely 100% but the society will separate even more.
      but maybe I’m exaggerating:)

    • John Schreidl

      May 16, 2023 at 4:58 pm

      @Andrei Laiter That is one way to look at it, and of course you make some good points. However I think that a support service such as a real personal assistant will free us from the confines of the labor to manage our schedules far more efficiently and connect with people more. The wealthy and famous that have active social lives have these benefits already but with a costly human to compensate that the rest of us cannot. This would be democratizing this valuable benefit for everyone that has an email account.

      I can see that perhaps many people in the past laughed at the next generation for using GPS for navigation instead of relying on tried and true paper maps. But now our GPS navigation can now reroute us to avoid traffic jams. Or when the last generation said “no thank you” to using online business searches when the tried and true Yellow Pages had everything that anyone could (or should) need. Now we have reviews of businesses, pictures, menus, etc. I could list a hundred other scenarios where what seemed to be either completely unnecessary – or just a bad idea, we have now refined to be very helpful (if not integral) to how we live now. I believe that the more we cognitively offload of tasks that take a significant collective mental processing, the far better off we will become and allow us to work on utilizing those advancements to improve both our developments and our lives in general.

  71. [Short Health Tips] Hoshipital

    May 15, 2023 at 4:19 am

    Hm.. interesting…

  72. 卵卵

    May 15, 2023 at 1:06 pm


  73. Tim Taylor

    May 15, 2023 at 7:50 pm

    From listening to these and other talks on AI it seems we have already crossed the bridge of no return and whatever we try to do to contain it is too late. Far too late. There will be disaster after disaster until global governance FORCES control and mitigation of the worst aspects of AI

  74. Travis Porco

    May 16, 2023 at 3:30 am

    this is spot on

  75. will liam

    May 16, 2023 at 10:03 am

    mRNAs had just been rolled out to Billions of people without proper testing, or don’t you know that? Natural Intelligence can also lie

  76. Chris Stewart

    May 16, 2023 at 10:49 am

    Fake news is old news. We have had the ability to mass decimate false information since the invention of the printing press. Being slightly easier makes no big difference. Bias is getting to be a pretty well understood problem these days.

    While in theory regulation sounds like a good idea. Regulation in reality tends to be based on hindsight and does not seem very capable of preemptive problem solving.

  77. G. G.K.O.

    May 16, 2023 at 11:37 am

    Hopefully, AI-s will be more intelligent inhabitants of the planet Earth than humans are…
    (This is not guaranteed though, because AI-s are made in the image of humans).

  78. TMacD

    May 16, 2023 at 3:35 pm

    Smart but summary seems naïve. An IAFAI that would constrain the good actors and let the really bad actors run wild is a nightmare scenario. We are not talking constraining nuclear arms proliferation here. That thinking is 50 years old and relied on very narrowly defined information and physical pathways. The technical foundations for these systems are are already in place around the world and being exploited as we discuss and debate, and let old and ignorant government officials who can’t reboot a router, influence budgets and policy. New research, tools and design patterns are required, but unless systems are designed that take into account both types of actors, any system which enforces arbitrary constraints is a bad system because only the good guys are bound by those constraints. The good actors must be enabled and encouraged to stay ahead of the bad ones. Any strategy that does not adopt this as a pillar is destine for failure, as are we.

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