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The electric skateboard that moves like a snowboard (Summerboard review)

The Summerboard SBX is unlike any other electric skateboard. It has two motorized caster wheels underneath that allow you to shred the streets as if you were snowboarding. CNET’s Logan Moy spent a few weeks learning to ride so he could figure out who the Summerboard is for. You can buy Summerboard here: More about…



The Summerboard SBX is unlike any other electric skateboard. It has two motorized caster wheels underneath that allow you to shred the streets as if you were snowboarding. CNET’s Logan Moy spent a few weeks learning to ride so he could figure out who the Summerboard is for.

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0:00 Intro
0:51 About the Summerboard SBX
2:19 Learning to ride Summerboard
4:13 What it’s like to ride
5:39 Learning a 360 spin
6:39 Price and accessories
7:02 Who Summerboard is for

There’s electric skateboards, and then there’s Summerboard.

This weird-looking thing with motorized caster wheels underneath.

I first saw it as a sponsored post on my Instagram feed…

And the way riders in the video move through the city as if they’re snowboarding down a mountain caught my attention immediately.

I had to try it.

I’ve been riding it around the past few weeks and right off the bat I’ll tell you, it is not easy to learn.

It is wildly fun though once everything clicks and you get used to it.

Stick with me because in this video I’m going to tell you about Summerboard…

Show you my journey as I learned to ride it…

And tell you what I think now that I’m more comfortable.

If you’re interested in checking it out for yourself, I’ll leave a link in the description below.

Now, let’s get to it.

This is the current version of Summerboard: the SBX.

This one is actually brand new and has never been ridden.

That’s because Summerboard was kind enough to lend me two board…

One that I can photograph and another one that can beat up while I learn to ride.

Here are the specs as listed on Summerboard’s website…

But I’m not really here to test these claims.

Partly because I’m too scared to take this up to 27 miles per hour.

I tend to keep it under 15.

But mainly because this isn’t meant to be ridden like a typical electric skateboard.

I’ll explain why.

I wouldn’t think of this as a means of transportation anymore than a snowboard…

And that’s exactly the kind of experience Summerboard is going for.

It’s meant to be ridden with skill and style, not to get you from Point A to Point B as quickly and comfortably as possible…

And there’s definitely a unique kind of fun to that.

The SBX’s battery is different from other electric skateboards in that it sits on top of the deck…

Which frees up the bottom side for boardslides if you can do that sort of thing.

They’re easy to swap out and I like how light and flat they are so you can easily slide one in to a backpack if you need a spare on a longer ride.

The controller itself is nothing too exciting.

There’s just the one knob on…

You just have the one knob on top which will control your motor…

And a display which will tell you your speed and battery status.

On the bottom there’s a micro USB port for charging and two buttons…

For power and for changing your units of speed.

It does have a rugged feel to it too which is good because it’ll likely fly out of your hand a couple times while you’re learning to ride the SBX.

Now let me tell you about learning to ride Summerboard.

There’s a great series of training videos on the website that will give you exercises to learn to ride in three sessions.

I watched them all, and they were great. Very helpful.

But before I did that, I was fortunate enough to get some one-on-one coaching from a guy that knows a thing or two about Summerboard.

Alright, so we’re here with Summerboard founder Aaron Aders…

And before we get on a Summerboard for the first time today…

What does a complete noob like me need to know?

So you have snowboarding experience. That’s helpful.

Just ride it like a snowboard.

And if you don’t have any snowboarding experience, I would say…

It’s like learning how to snowboard so…

Just take it easy, one step at a time and go slow.

Awesome. Well let’s give it a try!

I thought that since I already knew how to skateboard and snowboard that I would pick this up with ease.

Boy was I wrong.

I spent about 30-45 minutes riding this thing for a few feet and then falling off…

Over and over again.

It was frustrating, and honestly, kind of embarrassing considering I’ve known how to skate and snowboard for over 20 years now.

But I was determined to get it.

Then, after a quick water break, something clicked and I managed to make it from one end of the parking lot all the way to the other.

Aaron: Yea, dude!

Feeling proud and pretty exhausted, I decided to take the board home and keep practicing on my own.

My second time riding Summerboard was still a bit of a struggle at the beginning…

But as the day went on I was showing more and more progress…

Even taking some slow turns.

I was starting to feel confident.

Maybe too confident.

Yea, that one hurt.

But by the end of the day, I was able to do full laps around that parking lot.

Just like the training videos suggested, by my third session I was able to stay on the board much longer as I cruised through my neighborhood.

Finally, Summerboard was becoming fun and less intimidating.

Which brings me to now.

I’ve got a few more hours of riding under my belt and I’m starting to feel pretty comfortable.

Cruising down the street feels natural to me, and I’m able to handle trickier terrain like rough roads or driveways.

The key to riding Summerboard is to balance on those center wheels, very much like a scooter.

The other four wheels are essentially there to act as the board’s edge.

Much like when you lean on the outside edge of a snowboard to carve in to the snow…

The outside wheels of the Summerboard are there to catch the road to keep you from spinning out of control.

When done correctly, it really does feel like you’re snowboarding.

If you’re already comfortable on a skateboard or snowboard, you should be able to pick this up in three sessions like I did.

Otherwise, it may take you longer to build that balance.

A word of warning though…

Like learning any extreme sport, this does come with a certain level of risk.

You’re moving at pretty high speeds and oftentimes facing awkward directions.

I mean, you saw some of the falls that I took and those weren’t even the worst ones.

I never got seriously injured learning to ride Summerboard, but I definitely got some scrapes and had some close calls.

Let’s just say I’m glad I was wearing my helmet.

My goal was to learn to ride the SBX well enough to get a good idea of who it’s for…

As well as be able to ride it on camera without falling.

Now it’s just a matter of how good I want to get at it, as well as start experimenting with tricks.

However, I have to give this one back to Aaron…

Then let’s talk about if it’s worth buying one.

Alright Aaron…

I think all that’s left is to learn how to do a 360. You think you could teach me?

Aaron: Yea, let’s do it.

Logan: Sweet!

Aaron: A 360 spin is all about balance over the centers.

Just get low…

Throw yourself into it, keep that accelerator going and just hold on.

Logan: Alright. Seems simple enough.

First 360 is in the bag.

Aaron, how’d that look?

Aaron: That was awesome! You just get it around and you keep going, there’s nothing like that feeling.

Now you just gotta work on it.

Logan: How about before we call it a day, we go out for a ride.

Aaron: Yea, let’s shred.

Logan: Alright.

The SBX starts at $1600 which includes the board, a remote and the charger.

There are some bundles you can buy that add accessories you’d probably want…

Like footholds, which keeps you on the board better…

Or Freshies, which are these wheels that add extra shock absorption for rough roads, but…

That can get the price all the way up to $2200 including tax and shipping. So…

No, it’s not that cheap.

Comparing Summerboard to other electric skateboards out there is like apples to oranges.

It’s very much its own thing that serves its own purpose.

If you’re looking for something to get you around town then this likely isn’t for you.

There are better, more affordable options out there. And frankly…

Summerboard is difficult to learn and requires some effort.

But that’s also what makes it really cool.

You can have a great time riding it around without a destination in mind.

Learning to ride Summerboard is like learning an entirely new sport.

And, you can actually get a decent workout.

Even though there’s an electric motor to propel you…

You’re constantly moving as you maneuver.

Typically within 15-20 minutes I would be drenched in sweat.

And on the last ride that I tracked, my Apple Watch said that my average heart rate was 137 beats per minute.

That’s about the same as if I were to go on a jog.

Don’t get me wrong though.

The SBX has the range and speed to keep up with other electric skateboards.

The battery always outlasted my endurance, and it went plenty fast enough for my comfort level and then some.

It just depends on if you’re looking for a skateboard to get you where you’re going, or to be the activity itself.

So what do you think? Is Summerboard going to be the next Olympic sport?

Let me know in the comments as well as any questions you might have about it.

And while you’re there, I’d appreciate a nice thumbs up for this video.

I mean come on. I gave my blood, sweat and tears to make it.

It’s the least you could do.

Also, consider subscribing to CNET if you haven’t already.

We’ve got great tech videos just about every day of the week.

Thanks so much for watching. We’ll see you in the next one.

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  1. Brent Evans

    September 18, 2021 at 3:02 pm

    It’s just an electric knock off of the Freeboard.

  2. Charlie Pink TV

    September 18, 2021 at 3:05 pm

    Bro when that board tried to escape 😂😂😂😂🤣

  3. Logan Moy

    September 18, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    Thanks for watching! Let me know if you have any questions about Summerboard.

    • Red1676

      September 20, 2021 at 2:32 am

      Stop promoting this bs, they ripped off freebords by just adding a motor. Why they keep changing their name over the years.

    • quinn foster

      September 20, 2021 at 4:54 am

      @Red1676 is that not what happened for skateboarding and then electric skateboarding? then again for freeboards and electric. Not arguing at all that aaron did not rip off the bindings shamelessly and other details. Only that that is exactly what happened with skateboarding and nobody cares. Freebord mfg does not care about the electric boards, those people left when the company went under.

  4. Tiitan Rutse

    September 18, 2021 at 4:06 pm

    Some built one now off road..

  5. Tiitan Rutse

    September 18, 2021 at 4:08 pm

    What if u added 4 electric hub motors 😳😳

  6. Tiitan Rutse

    September 18, 2021 at 4:10 pm

    U can carve and get regen

  7. Tiitan Rutse

    September 18, 2021 at 4:12 pm

    You could actually make a hockey league with these u created a sport 🙌🏿🙌🏿

  8. Musk Reality

    September 18, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    It should be called the “bone breaker”

  9. * unQuestionable TV *

    September 18, 2021 at 4:33 pm

    If this tech could make its way to a popsicle deck…being able to ride or flow in those ways, but still pop tricks after locking into a normal riding stance, would actually be game changing for real, although the wheel setup as is wouldn’t work well, it would have to be like a whole new setup based on this idea. Wild for sure.

    • * unQuestionable TV *

      September 18, 2021 at 4:36 pm

      I guess what I really am looking for is being able to drift/carve flat ground while not loosing speed(which means it would have to be powered somehow because physics doesn’t allow friction with no reduction in speed).

  10. you can call me ceaser

    September 18, 2021 at 4:40 pm


  11. Kevin Beckman

    September 18, 2021 at 4:51 pm

    OK, that was funny when he made it go while talking at the table.

  12. AOTD

    September 18, 2021 at 5:18 pm

    MICRO USB!?!? Sigh…..I’m out

  13. CDC-COVID-19

    September 18, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Awesome video bro 😎🤙🏼

  14. Des Zee

    September 18, 2021 at 5:55 pm

    Closest thing to the back to the future hoverboard as we’re gonna get.

    • Logan Moy

      September 18, 2021 at 5:57 pm

      It actually really does feel a bit like it.

    • quinn foster

      September 20, 2021 at 4:59 am

      look up hoverskater, I am going to try making one with summerboard parts

  15. Timothy Brown

    September 18, 2021 at 6:22 pm

    I gotta give skaters credit. I played almost every sport, but I could never balance on a board.

  16. AlexFoster2291

    September 18, 2021 at 7:31 pm

    That’s actually really cool. Those footholds though are going to get someone actually killed.

    • quinn foster

      September 20, 2021 at 4:58 am

      look up the hundreds of videos of Freebord riders. Works fine.

  17. J_RO53505

    September 18, 2021 at 7:42 pm

    When he touched that remote tho 😂

  18. Michael Crumpton

    September 18, 2021 at 8:05 pm

    It seems like the alpha version of a really great idea. I think it will be a hard sell at that price because of the learning curve.

    • quinn foster

      September 20, 2021 at 4:26 am

      Takes devotion to ride these, and certainly to fix them when they stop.

  19. Q Graham

    September 18, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    Should’ve had some pads on as a model for any new rider. What ever though. Looks fun

  20. Swipe Konme

    September 18, 2021 at 8:30 pm

    it can use the empty space between the wheels to have a crossbar training wheels setup

    • quinn foster

      September 20, 2021 at 4:57 am

      I was gonna add another caster in the middle for getting gnarly off road.

  21. Jacob Nelson

    September 18, 2021 at 8:36 pm

    But can you kick flip it?

  22. Dallas Terry

    September 18, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Whoa, Logan! Haven’t seen or heard you since The Film Vault! Great review, thank you.

  23. Ben Friar

    September 18, 2021 at 9:41 pm

    I’m so glad I found this vid; kudos, Logan

  24. sphaera

    September 18, 2021 at 11:37 pm

    You did earn that thumbs up!! 👍💪🙏

  25. Nick V.W.

    September 19, 2021 at 12:29 am

    Damn remember when Logan was behind the camera back on Tomorrow Daily! Great vid man!

  26. Skull M.

    September 19, 2021 at 4:18 am

    Tony Hawk would want this.

  27. D T

    September 19, 2021 at 4:43 am

    Wheel must be eaten in a day

  28. shyam m

    September 19, 2021 at 5:25 am

    That is littt

  29. Danner Banks

    September 19, 2021 at 7:47 am

    Your legs look pretty stiff, would it be easier if a rider bent their knees more?

  30. Ad Den

    September 19, 2021 at 12:01 pm

    Looks nice, kinda expensive though, saw the price.

  31. chris james

    September 19, 2021 at 2:16 pm

    You put a motor on a Freebord. Hope u don’t get sued.

  32. Bob Olsen

    September 19, 2021 at 2:41 pm

    I lost all interest when he mentioned microUSB 🤷🏻‍♂️ but the board looks cool though.

  33. fanofuna

    September 19, 2021 at 3:06 pm

    Great video! Interesting that it’s like a hybrid workout, transport, skill-building kind of thing. Pretty $$$ though.

  34. Landon Doucette

    September 20, 2021 at 12:50 am

    just ride a skateboard smh

  35. quinn foster

    September 20, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Getting a 404 for the link to read more.

    That was a really solid video showing the initial experience. Would have very important for new buyer to touch on maintenance as that is the hardest part of owning the board after learning to ride it.

  36. Rat House Productions

    September 20, 2021 at 5:29 am

    I’ll buy one if they give me a $1000 off coupon 😂

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