Following a long COVID diagnosis, she tracked her symptoms meticulously over four years, the data culminating in a visual “New York Times” narrative that resonated deeply...
Oura’s app makes health metrics feel personal and actionable, giving it a leg up over other wearables. But you have to pay a monthly subscription to...
Joel Bervell was one of the only Black students in his medical school program. After noticing how misconceptions about race were embedded in health care, he...
What we eat is less about what we choose and more about what’s offered to us, says food and climate expert Sarah Lake. Unpacking how governments...
There’s a simple way to increase your cat’s happiness, says animal behaviorist Nicky Trevorrow. She explains the importance of play for our feline friends — and...
What if animals like dogs, ferrets, mice and raccoons could help sniff out the next pandemic? Exploring the science of smell, neurobiologist Glen J. Golden delves...
Apple has a new way of identifying signs of sleep apnea using the accelerometer on the Apple Watch. Apple’s Deidre Caldbeck and Dr. Matt Bianchi explain...
I was firmly on team “big smartwatch,” but the Apple Watch Series 10 proves that a smaller watch can be just as good, if not better....
Malaria is a disease as old as humankind, yet we may be closer than ever to eliminating it, says medical entomologist Abdoulaye Diabaté. He explains the...
“Life is an endless sushi conveyor belt of things that are going to test you and teach you at the same time,” says writer Laurel Braitman....