A six-time world yo-yo champion, Shu Takada is spinning his dreams into reality. Watch how he turns a humble pastime into a mesmerizing art form, blending...
Jordan Johnson and Aidan Carberry, the choreographic duo known as JA Collective, give a performance of dance and visual arts, alternating between abrupt and fluid, tense...
Would you tango with a robot? Inviting us into the fascinating world of dancing machines, robot choreographer Catie Cuan highlights why teaching robots to move with...
Professional ballerina Joy Womack explains ballet turns in 21 levels of difficulty, from the easiest to most complex. Director: Maya Dangerfield; Katherine Wzorek Director of Photography:...
If African culture were a tree, then dance would be its flowers, says choreographer and TED Idea Search winner Chinyanta Kabaso. In a captivating display of...
By mastering the Eskista, an ancient Ethiopian dance, TED Fellow Melaku Belay survived a childhood on the streets and became a voice for his country. He...
“We all have our own beautiful ways of moving, and this is worth celebrating,” says dancer and choreographer Ryan Heffington. Inviting you to reconsider your connection...
A talented trio of dancers brings to life choreographer Nina McNeely’s contemporary dance piece “Once There Was III.” Settle in for a dazzling, hypnotic performance. Creator,...
In a peek into their sprawling metaverse, Particle Ink dazzles with an interdimensional performance combining augmented reality, dance and video projected onto the TED stage. If...
How does music shape us? Digital ethnomusicologist and TED Fellow Kyra Gaunt studies how Black girls can preserve the integrity of their own voices while listening,...