When playwright David Finnigan launched a new play in 2014, controversially titled “Kill Climate Deniers,” he was not prepared for the blowback. But the conversations with...
“Human beings are hardwired to trust one another more when we sing together,” says Micah Hendler, founder of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, a music and dialogue...
Spencer J. Cox, Republican governor of the state of Utah in the United States, says that even in these deeply polarized times, it’s still possible to...
When faced with challenges, do you often seek someone else to blame? Leadership expert Michael Timms shows why this instinct is counterproductive, highlighting three effective habits...
Misunderstandings between you and your loved ones will happen — it’s what you do next that matters most, says marriage and family therapist Lambers Fisher. Drawing...
How does language shape our politics? Journalist Isaac Saul explores how subtle word choices can inhibit productive dialogue about significant issues — and shows how small...
It’s time to make psychiatry more psychedelic, says psychiatrist Benjamin Lewis. Sharing results from his clinical trial on psychedelic-assisted therapy, he highlights how group therapy paired...
As authoritarian leaders challenge democratic institutions around the world, some people are questioning whether democracy is even the best political system. In a wide-ranging conversation, writer...
Family life often requires extraordinary bravery, from navigating the daily challenges to surviving the unexpected crises. Author and podcaster Kelly Corrigan offers profound wisdom (and seven...
Justin Trudeau has served as the prime minister of Canada since 2015. There’s a lot to dig into from his years in office — and from...