Bloomberg Technology

SpaceX Takes Military Satellite to Orbit on Re-used Rocket for First Time

Jun.17 — Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carried a U.S. Space Force satellite into orbit. The rocket took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Bloomberg’s Ed Ludlow and NASA expert Keith Cowing join “Balance of Power.”



Jun.17 — Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carried a U.S. Space Force satellite into orbit. The rocket took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Bloomberg’s Ed Ludlow and NASA expert Keith Cowing join “Balance of Power.”


  1. Nunya Bidness

    June 18, 2021 at 2:59 am

    please talk over the interesting rocket science and please remember to stick a fucking chyron over the telemetry. Idiots. Thumbs down.

  2. Ts 958

    June 18, 2021 at 5:14 am

    Nasa is for military purpose, SpaceX is for military purpose. USA should stop them and close them.

    • Olasek

      June 18, 2021 at 6:04 am

      Love US military, commies hate US military

    • Lang Xia

      June 21, 2021 at 2:54 am

      dude wtf are you talking about.. SpaceX also launches for private companies around the world..

    • Malign M

      June 23, 2021 at 7:54 pm

      If SpaceX said no to this launch you would never see another SpaceX launch.

    • Olasek

      June 23, 2021 at 11:40 pm

      @Malign M Utter idiocy, why would SpaceX turn down any paying customer?

    • Malign M

      June 23, 2021 at 11:48 pm

      @Olasek this isn’t any “paying customer”. This is the state department. They can at the snap of a finger shut down SpaceX and any operation they have their hands in.

  3. kosmic dust

    June 18, 2021 at 7:13 am

    i do agree saying these landings being the norm is boring is the greatest compliment to elon musk and spacex

  4. The Name Is Irrelevant

    June 18, 2021 at 9:17 am

    They were saying it’s for civilian and military. (not JUST military)

  5. Jaime Duncan

    June 18, 2021 at 10:13 am

    Started with the Soviets? It’s interesting how the press follows the narrative. The soviets did not started rocket technology. They just toke what Germany did and advanced the technology. Clearly the first successful liquor rockets were not Soviet either they were American. Rusia did contribute the rocket equation but that is not technology is science. Also if we move from liquor rocket then we have the Chinese.

  6. Ahmed Ali

    June 18, 2021 at 1:48 pm

    When is the Tesla roadster coming out

  7. Potato and Bear

    June 18, 2021 at 3:50 pm

    yet US media ramble on and on about chinese space program being “non-transparent”, “potentially military” lol the hypocrisy.

  8. Rowland

    June 18, 2021 at 5:09 pm

    Still waiting for bezos to reach orbit!!!

  9. W h a t A r e Y o u D o i n g S t e p L a d d e r?

    June 18, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    “Are they making money”

    No they are launching Military satellites out of multi million dollar rockets for free 😐

  10. Rajesh Kumar

    June 18, 2021 at 10:22 pm

    Seems like Former Nasa Employee is not keeping up with the space technology lately.

  11. Иван Петров

    June 19, 2021 at 1:12 am

    The planet “SIRIUS” A “,,, SIRIUS” B “, civilization disappeared due to the highest madness, a dead planet of 10,000 earth years, people were with forked tongues and long fingers, 7 people settled on the ground, flew for 7 years.The planet “VENUS” – there is life, people are 2.50 cm tall, people are white, plants are green.The tenth planet “MARS” people are green, and there are membranes on the hands between the fingers, and there are still two races with 5 fingers, and the White race. The planet “Saturn”, 25 states, 14 billion population, there are no powerful flying machines, there are wars, multilingualism. The Good News planet is 72 times the size of the earth. 12 heavens make up 117 planets or one World, and so on. I just wrote what I received from grandfather who lived in the forest. The manuscripts describe the planets, who lives there, how tall and so on, I wrote only very little. 16 Worlds make up one system – one world, 12 systems make up ACRODYTON ,,,, 12 ACRODYTONS make up Infinity, there is no beginning and end.I will sell these manuscripts, they also have a cure for earthly diseases and invisible and sent diseases.  Тhe planet “SELIKIR “B” – people of brown color, brown plants emitting special voices, there is no warrior, people live 2500 earth years, there are diseases and divine doctors with divine power. Etc. ..ALEKO is the ruler of the solar system, he sends ships and aircraft with people to the earth, to observe our earth, since there is disorder on the earth and there is no truth, an aircraft with 5 people will soon appear. CAPRICORN-1006 – the formation of human souls .. Planet ZIRIY is a high planet where there are no diseases, no doctors, where the immortal world of the outside world, where there is an impulse of healing healing of divine forces – spiritual, to preserve the life of an earthly person. The planet SOKON – a high mind, 200 trillion kilometers from the earth, holy heavenly forces – from there comes a healing stream. Planet Mercury – eternal flame ,,, Hell – Tartarus under the Himalayan mountains at a depth of 14 kilometers, the underworld of the earth under Mount Everest ,. Under the mountains ANTY is an underground kingdom.  The spirit of evil comes out of the lungs, kidneys, head, stomach, liver, duodenum, sedal nerve, gallbladder, blood, veins, lymph gaps. , from the mediastinum, from the endocrine glands, from the salivary glands, from the ears, from the eyes, from the nose, from the spine, from the muscles, from the joints 150 canals, from cells 524 billion, from hair 10 billion and 570 million brain cells from the coccyx, from the nails of all organs of internal secretion and the external body. May it be so .  Yes, in this manuscript, in addition to space and the description of planets, worlds, there is treatment, the grandfather treated people with this spiritual weapon and the words written in the manuscript. A person has two invisible valves in the larynx, doctors do not know about this. And through these valves, poisons, viruses, 12 types of magic, cosmic dark forces, interstellar, radioactive, book, television, telephone, radio hearing, windmill, air, and so on, the whole dark world are removed from the human body through saliva and and from the lungs by breathing. ,,,,,The manuscript describes the planets ,,,,, Tecurius ,,, Zirius ,,,, Sokon ,,,, Paneburius ,,,, Gedecurius ,,,, Udinir ,,,,, Selikir “A” ,,,,, Sabur, ,,,, Mercury ,,,, Mars ,,,,, Venus ,,,, Saturn ,,,, Vinidir ,,,,, Securius ,,,,, Teburius ,,,, Urius ,,,,, Dakurius, ,,,,,, Sirius “A” ,,, Sirius “B” “,,,, Svanuriy ,,,, Denir ,,,,, Selikir” B “” ,,,, Vinidir “A” ,,,, Metir ,,,, Minicury ,,,, Good News ,,,, and the Higher Forces of the 12 heavens ,,,, planets of Eternity, planets of infinities, planets of Forms, planets of a vicious circle are describe

  12. Bill Fauber

    June 19, 2021 at 1:37 am

    The biggest story in human history is upon us, Extraterrestrials are real and we as a people on this planet need to start thinking about where we go from here and our petty BS needs to stop. The mainstream Media needs to get a backbone and do some real/actual investigations instead of following the Governments “we don’t know” propaganda, they have been studying UFO/UAP’s for 70+ years. We must determine what is next If our government lies to us again, we will need to demand investigations and demand charges be filed against those people and/or corporations that are hiding the truth. Crimes against humanity need to be filed. This includes the stuff their hiding on the Moon and Mars. Most people in the U.S. know the Government is lying about Aliens and artifacts found on the Moon and Mars, most people know Aliens are real, some people believe the US Government has open dialogue with these beings. The problem is, the lies and secrecy are causing people to suffer, literally suffer, our society is stagnating the technologies being hidden as part of this topic are real. Aliens WOULD have methods for Anti-aging, cures for all illnesses, different types of power systems, and the list could be endless. We need the answers for the betterment of the people on this planet not just the words that tell the truth. Our petty BS needs to end, the focus must be put where it belongs on the advancement of our people (all this planets’ people). The skeptics and people that are afraid can watch from the side lines, but we need answers. In 1952 thousands of Americas seen these same craft circling the Nation’s Capital, the government covered up this event by calling it a weather phenomenon later it was discovered to be a real event (see story # 2 below) There are literally 1000’s upon thousands of sightings of ADVANCED TECHNICAL aircraft encounters worldwide (see #1 Below) and there are even visual sightings of one of the types of beings visiting our planet (see # 3) below. We must demand answers. Spread these words, it has been a long time since we all worked together on something, this is a perfect opportunity. Working together is simple copy this message to a word document add your own personal touches, then copy and paste everywhere, you-tube, Instagram, face-book, etc. 1)

    2) ,
    3) Story on You Tube

  13. Simon Ngui

    June 19, 2021 at 7:51 am

    if there is similar privately owned space’s entity ever existed in China and were suspected to have any association with the military, it would be condemned and suffer similar faith as Huawei. But it’s ok for the US company to even announce openly that it is doing something for the military.

    • jghgiroot

      June 24, 2021 at 2:59 pm

      ??? There already are private entities with connection to China’s military-all of them. They literally have a law that says so, all info and resources from private companies in their country needed by the government can be taken at any time.
      And besides, spacex isn’t mass producing phones, they literally only carry cargo for nasa, us military and a few other country’s government agencies.

  14. dan m

    June 19, 2021 at 10:51 am

    I like your commentary but to talk about quality of feed and describe what is going on then blank out the telemetry is pretty brain dead and a rock solid reason to watch other channels, imho

  15. Mspeed3

    June 19, 2021 at 3:20 pm

    Such cool technology.,you know .i think Elon is from the future sent here to show us how to progress to the next he owns Tesla cars an hooked up South Australia to an electric power back up an in less than 30 days then started Spacex an Starlink satellites

  16. Reneesh T R

    June 19, 2021 at 8:09 pm

    Traditional MFkers starting to love Elon Musk.

  17. BabyBackCultureNews ,

    June 20, 2021 at 6:30 am

    Dogecoin can only stop me 💪🙂

  18. Kim Christensen

    June 20, 2021 at 8:06 am

    blah, blah blah

  19. Controlledburst

    June 20, 2021 at 5:03 pm

    I’ve never watched a booster land and thought ‘boring’. Everything else, yeah. Not that.

  20. Lang Xia

    June 21, 2021 at 2:52 am


  21. John Lennox

    June 21, 2021 at 5:30 pm

    The same guy that falsely brags about his Tesla’s being better for the environment billows megatons of pollution into the air with his rockets.

    • Eternal Skywalker

      June 21, 2021 at 9:57 pm

      A little research discredits “megatons of pollution.” The very visible big billowy clouds are just that: clouds. harmless water vapor.

      The ICE vehicle emissions that are avoided by replacing ICE vehicles with Teslas dramatically outweigh the tiny pollution contributed by Falcon 9 launches.

    • jghgiroot

      June 24, 2021 at 2:56 pm

      Rockets do not have “megatons of pollution” my dude.

  22. Bryan Max

    June 22, 2021 at 9:03 am

    If reusable rockets were so easy, china would have copied it and stole it by now.

  23. JayStar

    June 22, 2021 at 8:08 pm

    Launch military satellite to the orbit to get a better view and track every living being better like what they do is not already enough.

    • Malign M

      June 23, 2021 at 7:53 pm

      No its not. The more the better.

    • JayStar

      June 23, 2021 at 10:05 pm

      @Malign M What makes you looking forward to it, what benefit has it got for you do you know something that people don’t? Explain your thoughts so we can all understand your few words mean nothing…

    • Malign M

      June 23, 2021 at 10:12 pm

      @JayStar these satellites keeps me and my family safe. I live in the largest city in America. These satellites have the potential to spot enemy nuclear launch movements. I feel safe.

    • JayStar

      June 24, 2021 at 7:09 pm

      @Malign M what city is that like? How many times has United states have been hit with nuclear in the past?

    • Malign M

      June 24, 2021 at 7:33 pm

      @JayStar I live in New York City. The last time a nuclear weapon was treated to be used was last year by North Korea. So my statement still stands. If I was President I would show no mercy for protecting the United States.

  24. Potato

    June 23, 2021 at 2:55 am

    I wish rocket lab the best but if starship succeed, economically they will be crushed.

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