Bloomberg Technology

Solana Unveils Web3 Mobile Phone

Solana Labs Co-Founder Anatoly Yakovenko joins Emily Chang to discuss their announcement of a new Web3-focused Android mobile phone Saga, along with an open source software toolkit, Solana Mobile Stack; and how they want to take on phone and app ecosystem giants like Apple and Google.



Solana Labs Co-Founder Anatoly Yakovenko joins Emily Chang to discuss their announcement of a new Web3-focused Android mobile phone Saga, along with an open source software toolkit, Solana Mobile Stack; and how they want to take on phone and app ecosystem giants like Apple and Google.


  1. Christopher Scobie

    June 24, 2022 at 11:03 pm

    Web3. Lol. You mean the ever evolving progression that is this information age..

  2. Crypto Daily

    June 24, 2022 at 11:04 pm

    Excited about the Solana phone. Solana has the most daily active users and transactions compared to any block chain. I will continue to DCA into Sol.

    • TonyKingOfTheOzone

      June 24, 2022 at 11:38 pm

      was buying even when it dipped at 27. I’ve used it, and I could tell this is a banger, Lets make some money!

  3. Googlebanmetoomuch 2

    June 24, 2022 at 11:08 pm

    Is it hack proof?

  4. tom mars

    June 24, 2022 at 11:20 pm

    LP reacted d ryt way, she is Vaniaa.Uno need of over drama, or over consider ations. She don’t deserve *considerationsd. Lp പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ,, ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങിയല്ലേ ഉള്ളു, പഠിക്കട്ടെ.

  5. Anton Popov

    June 24, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Hold on…we had another outage, we need to reload in 72 hours…

    • TonyKingOfTheOzone

      June 24, 2022 at 11:41 pm

      Hold on…why you holding shitbags that arent pumping harder than solana for the the past 72 hrs…

  6. Chaos Bringer

    June 25, 2022 at 12:32 am

    Make or break moment…

  7. MindOverMatterBjj420

    June 25, 2022 at 12:37 am

    Solana shady imo. Rather have an Ethereum phone.

    • Razor Reaper

      June 25, 2022 at 10:01 am

      Solana has a CEO…. and a board … with all the corporate shenanigans… so it is a company…. they are in business… what do you expect? Compared to Atleast Bitcoin where there 8s no one associated with it maybe there could be a little credibility and that is why it tries to hold its own for so long…. ethereum also comes close though the rest is always snake oil….

  8. Ryan Dotson

    June 25, 2022 at 1:27 am

    Software will always be on mainnet beta

  9. soap1000

    June 25, 2022 at 4:02 am

    Anatoly also looks high.

  10. Hunter McClovio

    June 25, 2022 at 6:00 am

    next year when the phone comes up easily, Solana will pump to $100

    • BRL Digital

      June 25, 2022 at 11:13 am

      250 at least

    • Rool Skool

      June 25, 2022 at 3:47 pm

      Hmmm you should look at all the past attempts

  11. W M

    June 25, 2022 at 6:17 am

    So the phone is your wallet.. which is a hard drive key to your crypto …that you carry ALL YOUR MONEY with you… that can be stolen? I wonder what could go wrong 🤔🤔🤔

    • Roberto

      June 25, 2022 at 10:16 am

      @Razor Reaper what is the problem with private keys? debit cards have their numeric code too

    • Razor Reaper

      June 25, 2022 at 10:24 am

      @Roberto i mean in terms of a cold wallet or a scenario in which they only exist on that one device…. so if you lose that device you lose your coins just like when you forget your wallet password without a recovery passports you lose your coins…..

    • Roberto

      June 25, 2022 at 10:37 am

      @Razor Reaper it is recommended to write down your seed phrase and keep it in a safe place and not show anyone. With your seed phrase, you can access your wallet when you want in any device

    • Roberto

      June 25, 2022 at 10:38 am

      But yes, if you lose that you are fucked, you have to be very careful

  12. Hootan S.

    June 25, 2022 at 8:04 am

    People have short memories, they’ve already forgotten about Luna, Celsius and many other chains that failed, now it’s just a matter of time before they find out about Sol, but when it happens you shouldn’t blame anyone else besides yoursel for not doing your own research There are and has been been many crypto phones already on the market.
    Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

    • Roberto

      June 25, 2022 at 10:43 am

      No investment is without risk

    • 2010 BTC So what!

      June 25, 2022 at 10:38 pm

      Boi shut up!

  13. Big Mustache

    June 25, 2022 at 8:57 am

    this guy is scam.. EVER…

  14. Razor Reaper

    June 25, 2022 at 9:57 am

    I smell fish 🐟……. how is that when they control the phone and the software you use on the phone and also the Solana itself?….. Oh wait Luna??? Terra??? Celsius???? Anyone????

  15. qBX;.

    June 25, 2022 at 10:27 am

    I want to see the reveal and not your squeek voice interview

  16. Jon Takaki

    June 25, 2022 at 10:39 am

    Solana, the only blockchain project started by a real hardcore engineer, who optimised the Symbian phones for billions of people, and now optimising the scalability and cost of transacting on the blockchain for billions of people. This thing was a winner for early SOL buyers, but it’s still going to be one for many years to come, unlike all the stupid ponzi schemes that’s giving crypto a bad rep.

  17. BRL Digital

    June 25, 2022 at 11:13 am

    this is amazing I can’t wait

  18. Juan Fredic Carlos

    June 25, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    ahh nice, another solana product with a kill switch

  19. Eren Yeager

    June 25, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    This reminds me of a scene in Silicon Valley

  20. Vimukthi Wickramasinghe

    June 25, 2022 at 2:14 pm

    Solana cheaper, faster but has to restart once in a while, not a biggy

  21. Eugene Mclaurin

    June 25, 2022 at 6:02 pm

    She clearly doesn’t know the difference between Solana and Helium. Comparing apples and oranges.

  22. Eugene Mclaurin

    June 25, 2022 at 6:09 pm

    WTF does DYDX have to do with Solana?!?! Thats something you need to ask a ETH Maxi SMH.

    • whatsapp me ①⑧⓪⑤⑨④⑦⓪⓪⑧⑤

      June 25, 2022 at 7:56 pm




      For something really profitable❤️❤️

  23. Frank

    June 25, 2022 at 7:29 pm

    FTX owns Solana and the tech is mediocre. I’d stay away. Absolutely pointless, they’re just trying so hard. It’s cringe.

    • whatsapp me ①⑧⓪⑤⑨④⑦⓪⓪⑧⑤

      June 25, 2022 at 7:54 pm


  24. Blackbird

    June 25, 2022 at 7:56 pm

    Wait, so he selling an Android phone with Metamask preinstalled? That’s all of the product!?

  25. Turbo Dump

    June 25, 2022 at 8:05 pm

    He said it himself, everyone already has a phone… why bring out a Solana phone? Why not just create an application for existing phones… Every other mobile company has tried to create a competing appstore, and they all cannot compete with Apple and Google. This seems like a misstep and a waste of resources.

    • whatsapp me ①⑧⓪⑤⑨④⑦⓪⓪⑧⑤

      June 25, 2022 at 8:11 pm


  26. Shane M

    June 25, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    Having a Helium sim card in this phone would be the real game changer 🎈🚀

    • mityok

      June 25, 2022 at 11:47 pm

      Dual sims with Pollen mobile for the win

  27. Andreas Noll

    June 25, 2022 at 8:52 pm

    Nice scam

  28. nmckie18

    June 25, 2022 at 8:55 pm

    The market is very unstable and you can tell it’s going bearish . I advise everyone to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses. When these reports are bearish, take some off to the side lines, when news gets bearish start buying. “Keep it simple simple” that bear/ correction was the best thing that happened me.But all thanks to Paul Charlton for his amazing skills for helping me. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9 BTC when I started at 2.5 BTC in just 5 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from Paul Charlton, I would advise you all to trade your asset rather than hold for a future you aren’t sure about.You can reach Paul on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉CHARLTONTRADING

    • Connormaster 360

      June 25, 2022 at 8:55 pm

      Paul Charlton strategy has been helping a lot of traders/newbies out there, with his program i was able to recover my losses from the crash so swiftly.

    • Georg Hofbauer

      June 25, 2022 at 8:56 pm

      Most failures and loss on Investment usually happens when you invest without proper knowledge of the market, I recommend him If you’re holder like me

    • Matthew Baker

      June 25, 2022 at 8:56 pm

      I was able to grow my portfolio from 1.2 btc to 6tc, Paul Charlton told me I could have made more though, my work has just been so demanding,truly crypto has changed it all and i’m loving this.

    • kelly94maria

      June 25, 2022 at 8:56 pm

      @Connormaster 360 Spot on! Paul Charlton is all about simple techniques that are highly profitable.

    • loleczek115

      June 25, 2022 at 8:57 pm

      Mr Paul is a very rare crypto trader, his trading course sections are awesome. Am glad to be a part of it.

  29. Ahmad S

    June 25, 2022 at 9:33 pm

    Awesome solana

  30. Cacaonut

    June 25, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    This guy is sketchy af. Solana is a VCcoin scam.

  31. MATTER

    June 26, 2022 at 3:59 am

    Sketchy eye movement…

  32. Vlad

    June 26, 2022 at 5:04 am

    This new “system” of interchangeable, interwoven parts is beautiful. Can’t wait to contribute more to Web3.

  33. Buzz Media

    June 26, 2022 at 5:56 am

    We think a lot of these entrepreneurs are motivated by the fact that they seem to be the last person you would ever want to hang out with in the world. More than slightly autistic, and r*tarded in a social sense.

  34. Eric Watkins

    June 26, 2022 at 8:32 am

    I don’t care, I just want the SOL price back to $200 because I spent my USDT on it.

  35. Jilbert Mejia

    June 26, 2022 at 11:52 am

    that’s an expensive Ledger Wallet.

  36. Ayramz

    June 26, 2022 at 12:37 pm

    They need to put more efforts into their blockchain always breaking down before making a phone

    • Erick Jimenez

      June 26, 2022 at 10:02 pm

      cope harder

  37. M L

    June 26, 2022 at 2:02 pm

    Haha…marketing plot….Microsoft,Facebook,Sony,LG,Blackberry(all with deep pockets) tried and fail in the end…Even Google owner of Android is having a tough time with a selling smartphone…

  38. Said Ben Mouh

    June 26, 2022 at 2:23 pm

    They outta fix the blockchain blackouts issues first.

  39. Chris C

    June 26, 2022 at 4:31 pm

    Lol this will flop hard like their poor block chain has 🤣 1k for their phone without a recognised brand when you can get better phones for less and with a trusted brand 😅

  40. East End Mafia

    June 26, 2022 at 5:36 pm

    sell your sol

  41. john Smith

    June 26, 2022 at 6:08 pm

    Love this guy plz remember all these ppl now saying sol is next terra are exactly the same ppl who were saying sol next Ethereum last month they have sold and doing this in order to get veiws to spread fud as they don’t hold position anymore Sol has had outages yes but I compare it to space X and NASA space X blew up more rockets to learn the faults in return they fix faults that eliminates them from the future and learn more to move it into a rocket that lands on it’s own unlike NASA who doesn’t blow up rockets are spending billions and have done nothing sol is in beta it’s good this has happened to be fixed for the future Also the whale account being frooze is a good thing 1 because it shows that sol care and will not be the next terra Luna 2 hardly any1 holds 5.2 million sol this was to protect investors they would not do this to anyone else it was to help the whale and help you the investor sometimes in the future this will need to be done fully decentralised isent always great look at terra.Also the future users and delepoers on sol won’t care about decentralised it’s showing because they have the largest ecosystem other to Ethereum also no other block chain has had to deal with the shear grothnlike sol in 1 year and ppl invest in stocks stocks are fully centralised and they invest based on the trust of the company and investors that are investing it’s no different to solana it’s good it’s a little centralised in fact this will attract more stock investors also the government have basically gave sol the green light because sol is playing buy their rules don’t fight the fed because they have classed bitcoin Ethereum solana and ada as commoditys all the rest are surcuritys this is massive this basically means it will be around forever because the government favours it 98% of the other crypto will die or slowly crash it’s massive I believe most of Congress are investing in crypto and because of Sam bankman fried and Kevin O’Leary chamath who all know them and advise them behind close doors are investing in sol that’s why they have classed it like a stock a commodity think about the money that will flood into sol ppl say VC are bad because they can Manipulate what about coins that the owners own 25% they can dump anytime but VC yes can manipulate but in the long term they will want to see their investment success and as I say they know all of Congress not just this Facebook meta and instergram mark Zuckerberg owns both has teamed up with sol and all the nft advertised in Instagram and Facebook will be sold with solana blockchain Twitter has Ethereum but sol has meta and instergram can you imaging Facebook advertising the biggest social media platform in the world 5.6 billion ppl receiving ads from nft sellers selling rare baseball nft rights or metavers games swards and clothing nft or NFL games nft remember nft don’t have to be a cartoon it can be a photo of a rare baseball game or NFL game in an nft that you own forever all will sold on solana you will need solana to buy these also the phone as well listen guys if your planning to hold long term now is a great time to buy sol will hit 2k by 2025

  42. Ali Khan

    June 26, 2022 at 6:30 pm

    worst idea ever, new phone? the dumbest idea ever. why not build an app that can be used on an existing phone like iphone. now you want people to haul two phones? apple iphone is extremely secure and an app on that would be extremely secure .

  43. No Normal Productions

    June 26, 2022 at 11:17 pm

    Wish Monero can come out with a phone

  44. Nolan Hazard

    June 27, 2022 at 12:09 am

    I’m confused. How is this a decentralized blockchain when there’s a company using the blockchain’s tokens as a fundraising mechanicsm to build hardware

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