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Reid Hoffman on Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg

CHUNK: Reid Hoffman on Facebook Transparency and Mark Zuckerberg ——– Like this video? Subscribe to Bloomberg Technology on YouTube: Watch the latest full episodes of “Bloomberg Technology” with Emily Chang here: Get the latest in tech from Silicon Valley and around the world here: Connect with us on… Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: [CC may contain inaccuracies]…



CHUNK: Reid Hoffman on Facebook Transparency and Mark Zuckerberg
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[CC may contain inaccuracies] A couple of weeks ago I asked you about Facebook. You’re an
early Facebook investor and you did something that I’ve never

heard you do before which is publicly criticize one of your
portfolio companies. And you said you’re disappointed. I’m

curious what the reaction has been to that. Have you heard from
Mark Zuckerberg.

I have although I’m not one of those people who who who reports
on private conversations. It’s part of the good relationships I

have with with a large number of people in the world. But to his
credit he reached out immediately after our broadcast. He said

look I’m I’m concerned. Why did you say the things that you
said. Let’s engage in it. Let me inform you more about what

we’re doing. I hear your call on transparency. And you know I
think we’re doing a good job but we maybe we need to do better.

And let me talk to you about it. So that was I thought like
again in the kind of thing of where I’d say look I’m supportive

you know very supportive of him as a learning person and CEO. He
didn’t go. He said something. I’m just gonna ignore him. I’m not

gonna talk to him. He reached out which is part of I think part
of the credit. I do think that we’re still as a body politic as

a as as public society saying all right. It’s great that you’ve
been doing this research about what are the negative impacts.

And that’s good responsible corporate hearing. Now given that
it’s unclear what you’re doing about it please be more

transparent about how you’re investing. Please be more
transparent about what your theory of this game is about how you

improve on these social impacts. Because you know now we’re
seeing you know there’s this credible whistleblower come

You need to tell us more. Right. And I’m looking forward to

that. Still expecting Facebook to potentially change its name
this week to convey this idea of the metaverse. Do you think the

companies should charge ahead with this new vision when it still
has these problems and still has a lot of issues to work out.

Potentially so I don’t have any inside information on the kind
of new metaverse vision. I’ve only been thinking but metaverse

for a long time one of my earliest jobs was that being a product
manager at Fujitsu on this protocol. Worlds away. So virtual

worlds and metal versus snow crash is something I’ve had a long
personal interest in. But it’s kind of a question of is that

transition a transition that will also help on these issues.
Like you say well here is the way that we are also thinking not

just of individual rights which are very important and freedom
of speech which is very important but also how we we we elevate

the fabric of society how we make discourse better how we make
information sharing better how we get our voices heard across

the thing in dialogue with respect. Right now if they say hey
that’s all part of what we’re doing then that’ll be great. If

it’s like we’re totally ignoring it you’re like well you
shouldn’t be writing it right now. Please tell us more about

that. Given this complex continuing complex very complex
dynamics do you think Mark Zuckerberg should still be in charge

at Facebook. Yes because I think he is smart and committed and a
learner. I look forward to what that path looks like.


  1. Caron Playz

    October 27, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    Me first

  2. Anikate Kaw

    October 27, 2021 at 3:55 pm

    I dont talk about private conversations…tells everything 2 seconds later

  3. mahesh muralidhar

    October 27, 2021 at 5:25 pm

    Reid he has too much power to be a “learning person”, he needs to be a “learned person”.

  4. Time is Zero

    October 27, 2021 at 5:25 pm

    if I’m subscribed to you and you post pictures or articles about Zuckerberg. I’m unsubbing

  5. Free Think

    October 27, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Fakebook will never learn because it can’t and won’t. Promotion of controversial, lies, hate, extremism and emotive subjects are at the core of its business model. It’s in their algorithm by design.

  6. Rowan Gontier

    October 27, 2021 at 6:49 pm

    Facebook is just bad at PR. They need to learn from people like Marc Benioff at salesforce, who uses words like “meaningful conversations” to describe thing like data collection and ad targeting.


    October 27, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Credits to Marc1

  8. David R. Stone

    October 28, 2021 at 1:04 am

    📌Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, in my opinion, is a criminal, for being allowed to spend over $400 million to change the course of a Presidential Election, and nothing happens to Bias liberal Facebook devil.
    Disgraced FBI Comey lied 🤥
    Democrat Adam Schiff 🤥 lied
    Crooked Hillary lied 🤥
    FBI McCabe 🤥 lied
    The two FBI morally bankrupt lovers, Peter and Lisa, lied 🤥
    They all lied 🤥 about everything having to do with Russia, Russia, Russia, because they knew it was a SCAM, and they all lied about everything having to do with Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine because they knew it was a SCAM.
    They made up fairy tales about me knowing how badly it would hurt the U.S.A.—and nothing happens to them. Is there no justice in our Country? God help us all.

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