Bloomberg Technology

Pfizer’s 95% Efficacy Is Exciting, Says Ginkgo Bioworks CEO

Nov.20 — Jason Kelly, chief executive officer and co-founder at Ginkgo Bioworks Inc., discusses news of a potential vaccine to prevent Covid-19 on “Bloomberg Technology.”



Nov.20 — Jason Kelly, chief executive officer and co-founder at Ginkgo Bioworks Inc., discusses news of a potential vaccine to prevent Covid-19 on “Bloomberg Technology.”


  1. Edmund F. Kuell III, Spiritual Nutrition Master

    November 20, 2020 at 11:09 pm

    Hi Everybody!


    — and it’s Important !!!

    Latest COVID 1984 timeline . . . Our friend, Christian Iseli, 28, just got COVID 1984 in Miami!

    VERY interesting, telling and insightful inner-experience narrative about it from him! The unique protocol that dramatically reversed it was Received* directly from Indwelling Spirit*.
    Would like to hear this profound, TIMELY, inner-life story directly from him ??—>

    Who are the OTHERS you will invite, who are in need of exploring The Greater Truth, finding a practical solution and, as well, a simply and effective preventive method?? — and REAL Spiritual Guidance for living Life to the fullest, too??
    Let’s talk . . .

    In All The Power Of God,

    Edmund F. Kuell III
    Spiritual Nutrition Master
    TEXT/Call 1–5 pm EST | 7 Days

    SNi Mission Declaration

    “Learning to live Life in a state of accelerated evolutionary ascension, or perhaps completely anew, through this God-guided Way of Spiritual Nutrition, is unique on our planet —and yes, our particular Way can also be a bit provocative, as well as potentially becoming quite personally profound!

    It is indeed a very advanced, innovative and highly integrative Way to live life more and more fully and deeply and vitally, each and every day, and in every Way, that is not only optimally nutritious for the body but equally nurturing for the mind as it is stabilizing for the emotions, as well as of course in becoming fundamental to the development of your Spirituality.

    It is simply a specific Way that only spiritually guides us through a flow of freeing forms, a bit of a guiding structure, to deeply and surely immerse immerse us within our own precise and profoundly personal process of becoming more and more God-Guided*, i.e., increasingly Inner Voice* attuned. We are as grounded as we are uplifted and inspired, and it is all experienced as so rewarding and indeed highly beneficial.

    We advance through consciously Receiving* and applying more and more of these actual answers from our own Inner Voice* —in words we actually learn to hear, as we finely fuel modern and ancient Yoga practices with full, sequentially unfolding specifically personalized nutritional protocols utilizing all of the major world traditions of natural and herbal medicine and healing, both ancient and modern, that together act quickly to resuscitate and refresh us, and that gradually reboot us also, and yes, even rejuvenates us into recreating ourselves totally anew, in body as well as in mind, and of course most importantly, in and through, Spirit*.

    We offer more Knowledge* through this systemless system that is at the apex of what we call Evolutionary Medicine, which perfectly corresponds to and is very useful for, our current Correcting Time* challenges —and our ensuing total transmogrification!

    We incorporate Self-Activated Acu-Pressure, God-Guided Back Adjustments, and our unique God-Release Writing Technique for Emotional Healing and Psycho-Spiritual Growth as well, in this, our God-given and all-inclusive Way of Spiritual Nutrition.

    This Spiritual Nutrition is firmly grounded both in our daily God-Guided Meditations, etc., as well as in the essential and exotic nourishments of the more earthly entrees.
    We are always perfectly and individually inner Guided* to further develop a profoundly personal spiritual relationship with and through our own individual Indwelling Spirit*, and with the help of someone who has mastered The Way of Spiritual Nutrition, if needed, or for added benefit.

    Over time ever more increasing benefits are directly experienced more and more as they are truely never ending, and, as we also engage in both personally enlightening inner meditation as well as cosmic-community orientated service-guided meditation practices, we are also actually leading in our planet’s profoundly plenary progress as well!

    If you are so moved, or Prompted* to explore more, text or call us*, any afternoon, for a totally free and open discussion, to any depth that you are comfortable with, about our options for your possible health concerns, fitness goals, psychological challenges and/or to discuss your spiritual direction and aspirations. And hopefully you will also experience more of how we all actually Receive* the right answers for any of the many questions we may have in life!

    The Way of Spiritual Nutrition is a uniquely dynamic and totally innovative integral and highly effective and efficient spiritually-based wholly integrative mind-body-Spiritual approach which ever increasingly accelerates our direct and personal contribution in our collective community cooperation for beginning our co-creation of ‘Heaven On Earth’.

    Our personal inner life development is the key that directly evolves our social institutions and thus, our plenary planetary progress as well. Up-stepping our game of life is obviously obligatory to even begin to better, and ultimately to totally transmogrify, what now may seem to be only our phenomenal preoccupation with the seeming “great strain” on the current state of world affairs; but this must be recognized as actually only the exciting very first step within our very own personal purification in preparation for yet a far greater and deeper leap within The Correcting Time* that we now all find ourselves inextricably engaged in. So we really are at the leading edge of an entirely new reality in the making!

    And let’s all get ready for the Reset in January!
    Please join us MORE in whatever Way you can.

    The decision is yours.


    The God within: the Thought Adjuster

    (12-minute AUDIO intro)

    What is a Thought Adjuster

    CLICK on:
    What is a Thought Adjuster?

    God Within Man – The Thought Adjuster

    The Correcting Time

    Key Concepts: (a glossary) —–

  2. Frances Hicks

    November 20, 2020 at 11:16 pm


  3. Hopi Ng

    November 20, 2020 at 11:19 pm


  4. Smelson

    November 20, 2020 at 11:23 pm

    I’ll never take it

  5. Senzaltro Otravia

    November 20, 2020 at 11:53 pm

    Bet big on US Big Pharmas, rake it in big. You can never go wrong.

  6. S O

    November 21, 2020 at 12:07 am

    When Pfizer announced their vaccine they said it was 90 Percent effective, the next day Russia stated that their vaccine was 92 percent effective, than Moderna came out with their vaccine and stated that it was 94 percent effective, and now Pfizer is coming out and saying that their vaccine is actually 95 percent effective,,, How can people take them seriously …

  7. M Fultz

    November 21, 2020 at 2:07 am

    Why do you need to give it to 8 billion people?

  8. Midi

    November 21, 2020 at 4:54 am

    Redemisivir is the best , but all we need a cocktail of them.

  9. JewTube

    November 21, 2020 at 10:32 pm

    earth is flat

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