Bloomberg Technology

Moderna’s Plan to Fight the Delta Variant

Aug.06 — Moderna Co-founder and Chairman Noubar Afeyan discusses the progress the vaccine developer has made in the battle against Covid-19 and the different variants that have been emerging. He also talks about whether booster shots will be necessary and vaccine supply shortages. He speaks with Emily Chang on “Bloomberg Technology.”



Aug.06 — Moderna Co-founder and Chairman Noubar Afeyan discusses the progress the vaccine developer has made in the battle against Covid-19 and the different variants that have been emerging. He also talks about whether booster shots will be necessary and vaccine supply shortages. He speaks with Emily Chang on “Bloomberg Technology.”


  1. 1Drummer

    August 6, 2021 at 10:33 pm

    45’s cult followers are killing us all; we need a vaccination against them.

  2. treatment of pneumonia and inflammation

    August 6, 2021 at 10:33 pm

    Covid 19 can affect you and you can face all types of symptoms of it, but it never be fatal for you if you follow some natural tips for some days after being getting affected. If you have a covid 19 positive test, control your eating habits for some days and take only all types of non – vegetarian foods( you can use mustard oil or pure butter clarified to cook them otherwise eat them grilled or boiled ) and all types of pure dairy products(which are made from pure animal milk ) , white sugar, sea salt, red chili powder,all types of green leaves like spinach and lettuce, coriander powder or leaves, , turmeric, products that made from pure wheat, masoor dal(pigeon food). Mustard oil. Avoid all types of fruits and vegetables . Either it is a green vegetable or a root (besides green leaves) and avoid cabbage and cauliflower and all types of vegetables oil also(except mustard oil) . It is a very strict diet plan but with this diet you can achieve zero inflammation within 10 to 15 days. To meet your daily needs of vitamin c you can take a half of lemon per day. If you follow this tip for some days, covid 19 or it’s variants never never be fatal for you in any circumstance.
    Note – A human body does take three weeks to produce antibodies to kill the virus and it is the natural way to avoid the over inflammation.
    To watch how inflammation kills the patient and how you can wash your nose with hot water to kill the virus from nose, click on the following link.


  3. Gabriel Washington

    August 6, 2021 at 10:38 pm

    The Cry pto market has been unstable, people ask themselves if this is the right time to buy the dip or sell their Hodlings. before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. BTC price fall means analyst remain divided over whether it is entering a bear market or is just suffering a brief correction on the road to more record highs.Investors who bought early are still in profit despite the recent price crash and they also earn by trading. i’m still an investor and still I’m winning by applying the same method in every trade you can also become a winner today. We should follow the way of earning more regardless of the current market (bulls or bears), which is trading. Buy the dip and trade…i have made over 5 btc profits not just buying the dip but implementing trades with s!gnals supplied by JONES PHILLIP. You can easily get to him on

  4. Christian Co

    August 6, 2021 at 10:39 pm

    Moderna’ s plan to overdose you with booster vaccines every 6 months until your body gives up

  5. Merle Patterson

    August 6, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    “Moderna’s Plan…”?? Moderna has a “Plan” alright, it’s called “profit”.

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