Bloomberg Technology

Meta’s Sheryl Sandberg Steps Down as COO

Wired Editor at Large, Steven Levy, also the author of “Facebook: The Inside Story,” joins Emily Chang and Sarah Frier for a deep dive into the news that Meta’s Sheryl Sandberg, who became one of the most recognized figures in global business after helping Facebook transform from a startup into a multibillion-dollar advertising powerhouse, is…



Wired Editor at Large, Steven Levy, also the author of “Facebook: The Inside Story,” joins Emily Chang and Sarah Frier for a deep dive into the news that Meta’s Sheryl Sandberg, who became one of the most recognized figures in global business after helping Facebook transform from a startup into a multibillion-dollar advertising powerhouse, is stepping down as chief operating officer.


  1. Sir Derty ֎

    June 1, 2022 at 10:58 pm

    The company has been overvalued for years and she has literally contributed nada.

  2. Sir Derty ֎

    June 1, 2022 at 10:58 pm

    When you commit nada, you get the shaft. Ha… meta is a failed copy of an old idea

  3. Sir Derty ֎

    June 1, 2022 at 10:59 pm

    A big ‘what took so long’ is said by society on this one.. overvalued triple fold for what we got from it

  4. AD Tiamzon

    June 2, 2022 at 1:08 am

    Good news. Love to see new faces, new thinking, new direction for Facebook Mark Z!!!

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