Head in the Clouds NY: Tips to Beat Jet Lag 🛩️

There are many different ways people try to overcome and avoid jet lag. Here are a few tips from the artists at the Head in the Clouds music festival in New York. #headintheclouds #atarashiigakko #warrenhue #ohtnyc #hitcny #hitcny24 #88rising #traveltips #travel



There are many different ways people try to overcome and avoid jet lag. Here are a few tips from the artists at the Head in the Clouds music festival in New York. #headintheclouds #atarashiigakko #warrenhue #ohtnyc #hitcny #hitcny24 #88rising #traveltips #travel


  1. @boringusername792

    May 24, 2024 at 9:14 am

    In which direction?!

  2. @annsheridan12

    May 24, 2024 at 9:25 am

    From US to Europe , three days ahead of the flight get up one hour early two days ahead get up two hours early the day of the flight get up three hours early now you’re really tired on the flight and will sleep most of the way. From Europe to the US the day you arrive back keep real busy do not sit on the couch and keep busy the second day when I do that I have no jet lag. I’m just a little tired.

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