Bloomberg Technology

‘Bloomberg Technology’ Full Show (09/09/2020)

Sep.09 — The only daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business from San Francisco.



Sep.09 — The only daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business from San Francisco.


  1. Royce Jakob

    September 10, 2020 at 2:41 am

    Always appreciate the work guys!

    • Joe Smith

      September 10, 2020 at 6:57 am

      I would think like maybe two or three years, depending on the specific circumstances of the entire scope a plethora of possible scenarios, many of which are beyond our direct control.

  2. Wally Gillespie

    September 10, 2020 at 6:37 am

    How much longer are people going to keep doing amateur looking analyst reports from their laptops in a bedroom?

    • Joe Bloe

      September 10, 2020 at 6:40 am

      For exactly 49 years 3 months 6 days 4 minutes and 38 seconds.

  3. Joe Bloe

    September 10, 2020 at 6:43 am

    The highly incompetent Emily Chang relentlessly rattles on and on and on, spewing out irrelevant nonsense.

  4. Joe Smith

    September 10, 2020 at 6:47 am

    China Chang, when will you do the right thing and quit this ridiculous charade of pretending to be a journalist?

  5. Arturo A

    September 10, 2020 at 7:23 am

    Chang, we are watching you, we know you are working with the Chinese Party, don’t forget about that…

  6. Arturo A

    September 10, 2020 at 7:24 am

    Chang, we know you have a Chinese agenda and that’s the reason you were mean with Elon Musk….

  7. Arturo A

    September 10, 2020 at 7:25 am

    We want a competent host for Bloomberg technology, can we get that?

  8. BiketripsETC

    September 10, 2020 at 11:03 am

    Apple is a government welfare basket case. If Huawei had not been stopped by the US government, Apple would be in the bottomless pit of technological irrelevance where it rightfully belongs… Instead we have a technology dinosaur feeding off of innovators and holding back America’s tech advancement. Shameful.

    • Joe Bloe

      September 10, 2020 at 11:02 pm

      GOOD THEN!!!!

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