Bloomberg Technology

‘Bloomberg Technology’ 05/13/2022: Will Musk Buy Twitter?

The only daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business from San Francisco.



The only daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business from San Francisco.



    May 14, 2022 at 1:29 am

    A sword ⚔️ Unsoncreen has been left to the American people in two Vosos. On the one hand, the United States is very concerned about the internal affairs of countries that do not submit: but on the other side we are seeing them the rest of their lives under the great imminent crisis created by these terrorists commercially speaking so that the dollar 🇺🇸 has become da And it has undertook the United States 🇺🇸 in an abyss which no wealthy can solve this scareful and terrible crisis. Floods, massacres, shootings, fires 🔥 Natural disasters, increasing debts, the great defeat of the United States 🇺🇸 in Afghanistan 🇦🇫, the Great River of Immigrants, the crises of unemployment and Tor To the blame of who all this? No doubt that it is completely caused by Nazi republicanisms under global warming through Fraking. This must be reported to all people around the world 🌎.
    We understand very well because rivers of immigrants in the United States 🇺🇸 is because the United States does not cease to grow to the countries supposedly allied of them, they have them violated, restricted, friz, cloud And the world should be released from the coin that ulives the Wachington D.C elite. Which has blackmailed and has attacked the peoples of the world to make economic damage. However, as immigrants do not agree with their open internedist politicians have become against immigrants, and have trampled the vote of US citizens, their votes have been denied and invalid from Joe B They are the republicanisms who will impose presidents and leaders at their cravings. This issue is in the hands of Joe Biden if this finite human being precede the voton of the third world war will upload the price of oil which we have never seen from then. Gasoline, natural gas and electric light; These three main ones will be severely affected. The devil is at home and has tormented Washington DC, with earthquake and disgusting political storm. Each one devestant for his right according to the law. The most violent and rebellious nation on our planet Earth is without a doubt; The United States of North America. To understand this we have to return to investigate the emergence and stories of that nation. The committed and threats of the previous republicanisms.
    (Carter) and his threats; 1 El Salvador, Guatemala, Angola, Afghanistan. (Clinton) Iraq, Sudan, Rwanda, Balkans. (George H W Buch) Soviet Union, Somalia, Panama. (George W BUCH) Iraq, Afghanistan. (Obama) Libya Syrya Yemen Afghanistan Ukrania.
    Can the United States unite those who have divided? Oven not. Who is isolated to who? Who is dividing who? Who is tasting who? Can the United States remain standing at this crisis? Oviously no. What is the result of all this? The Great River of Immigrants who enter the United States No one can stop; Neither wall, or migration, nor military with all its elements, nor any other human being can stop this, besides the United States has become slaves of China and Russia. The current moment is of overwhelming interest for all republicanisms that occupy trusted posts, the republicanisms have chosen the most violent man that had never been since the foundation of the United States of North America. Thinkers of all classes and groupings as ( (Larouche Pac in Spanish.) They have a fixed attention in the events that they themselves have produced in our thing. They observe the relationships that exist between the nations, they observe the intention that seizes all earthly element and recognize that this crisis rapidly evil worse, one after another and never cease until the time of the end. I ask: How do we know? For its fruits we will know them. Republicanisms have violated the freedom of election and freedom of conscience and human rights: Joe Biden has never won since by his attitude we identify him and his spirit of hatred and war against all; He is a hypocrite and dual-morable dictator and has passed through this world’s judge and has tried to trample the OAS and all those who do not submit; Joe Biden is Adolf Hitler himself in our days called Nazi. Republicans never and never recognize their carriages as rebels and transgressors of all laws that are the fundamental basis of the nation. In the White House there is no democracy, I confirm it and denounced it. American democracy is completely erroneous and false, we have to be stupid and foolish to believe those leaders called “republicans” who are sitting within Washington DC. The United States represents ancient Babylonians, the nation of confusion. “Woe to the United States because it has a short time.” One asks: When did this crisis began? On September 11, 2001, will this crisis recover in any time to come? Nooo … !!! On the contrary, I will go from bad to worse, how do we know? For his attitude and the questions that make the candidates “there is no doubt”. The United States of North America are judged by the world itself. The world knows very well that the United States is the one that generates all kinds of criminal group and Protestants who oppose violating all laws should be understood that they are used as a shield and cannon meat for American republicanisms As well as Americans have violated, not only the amendments of the Constitution, but also, international laws. This is the typical US policy and its recipes. It comes the worst scary and terrible crisis; Increasing debts, shootings, fires, war, killings, unemployment, criminal groups, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, natural desatures, floods, droughts, diseases as a result of hydra fracture These must be denounced to every human being around the world, the guilty and transgressors must be denounced and judged by Haver contaminated to our planet Earth, and by their acts and crimes and violation of laws. Republicanisms are a shame to everyone which we call interventionists, double moral, protectionism, separatists, fackey, genocidal, racist and have unleashed an economical gerra everywhere and this is against themselves their own sanc I ask, will these go wells all over the world? According to the Law Joe Biden is sentenced to death for averting the laws and for award past average of the law. That says the law. Copy and paste.

  2. Jeremiah Johnston

    May 14, 2022 at 1:59 am

    Oh wow 😳, does anyone know what is going on?

    • Crypto Wire

      May 14, 2022 at 2:04 am

      He playing big boy games 😝

  3. Crypto Wire

    May 14, 2022 at 2:03 am

    Money 💰 Information & Technology 👍🏽

    • Crypto Wire

      May 14, 2022 at 2:09 am

      Dude, It is a huge problem on YouTube & Twitter. Who is this guy? 🤔

  4. bardia mousapour

    May 14, 2022 at 2:17 am

    Bloomberg is clearly anti Musk

  5. Da Al

    May 14, 2022 at 2:28 am

    “I don’t think Elon is a serious person” – Jason Goldman

    Elon: Rocket Scientists, Industrialist, International Business Magnate, BioEngineer, Electrical Engineer, Wharton Grad, Stanford Doctoral Candidate, Self-Made, Billionaire.

  6. Fans-Circle

    May 14, 2022 at 4:28 am

    It’s Microsoft which will end up with Twitter, perfect synergy with LinkedIn

  7. Arturo A

    May 14, 2022 at 6:33 am

    Emily Chang is not competent to run a technology show, please Bloomberg fire her

    • Paulo Gaeta

      May 14, 2022 at 4:53 pm

      Arturo, you are definitely smitten by Emily! Unfortunately she’s already married!

    • FONDA

      May 14, 2022 at 5:13 pm

      @Paulo Gaeta this guy is in every video haha

  8. Arturo A

    May 14, 2022 at 6:34 am

    Lets make America China-free, no more huawei, no more lenovo, no more dji, no more Chinese copycats…

  9. Arturo A

    May 14, 2022 at 6:35 am

    Go home Chang, Beijing is calling, we are tired of you and your moronic Chinese agenda….

  10. Samy El Ghoul

    May 14, 2022 at 9:10 am

    Elon Musk is waiting for the CEO to return from paternity leave to fire him.

  11. Brandon

    May 14, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    With all due respect, I think Jason is unduly dismissive of Elon and his seriousness. You don’t start throwing around that many billions, earned through radical execution in disruptive spaces, if you’re not serious. The rhetoric against Elon is a mix of “he’s not serious” and “he just wants to make money” but those two ideas aren’t very compatible.

  12. Cameron Monzon

    May 14, 2022 at 6:09 pm

    “The bot thing is not a thing.” FIRST OFF, lets get something right. BEFORE Elon’s interest, TWITTER was a trash app. Lets be honest. Its pure toxicity unlike substack, unlike patreon, unlike a bunch of other apps. TWITTER IS TRASH. So thinking Elon is not good for Twitter is laughable, because if Elon does anything he says he’ll do will only help this failing, toxic, anti-freedom, tyrannical app that is corrupt from the top down. – and twitter just ripped off reddit and made it a more user friendly app. Its not a pioneer.


    May 16, 2022 at 8:28 am


  14. Antonnio Rosas

    May 17, 2022 at 12:47 am

    GREAT episode w lots of info, THANKS Bloomberg Technology! 👍👍👍

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