Boxabl’s dream for the future of housing involves foldable, stackable, modular housing units that come off the assembly line in just 90 minutes. Subscribe to CNET:...
PathGen Diagnostik Teknologi disrupts the molecular diagnostics market for cancer through inclusive, robust, and affordable platforms. With a strong ecosystem of academic-business-government-community partnership, PathGen seeks to...
Wasteless, a patented fully automated AI solution that applies optimal markdowns in real-time, based on products’ expiration dates and other factors – to reduce food waste...
Sustainability is the key to our planet’s future and our survival, but it’s also going to be incredibly lucrative and a major piece of our world...
You already know the name is wildly misleading, but now the price is hard to follow as well. Here’s what you’ll spend and what additional hardware...
Should you be able to fix the stuff you own without going to the original manufacturer? That’s one of the central points around the growing right-to-repair...
‘Old’ director M. Night Shyamalan takes the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answers the internet’s most searched questions about himself. What does the M. stand for in...
Several reports say that Apple is aiming to introduce a new iPad Mini with an updated design and a larger screen. Apple could also be working...
The latest video doorbell from Amazon’s Ring brand gets a lot right, but its narrow field of view and the company’s relationships with police hold it...
Emily Kuhn, a former gymnast and current physics PhD student at Yale University, explains all the math behind the amazing flips and turns we see during...